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ial messages.

onvened in extra session by presi-
only twelve times in all. The
vened in extra session at the close
to consider appointments. This
› accession of a new president.
r arisen for the exercise of this

s, diplomatic intercourse with arried on through the executive es 347 and 349.)

ambassador, the country from cognized" as an independent sovAmbassadors may be rejected or y objectionable to this country, if ich they come are not recognized isterhood of nations, or if the ir country and this become un

war with each other do not -; each recalls its representative ing war. Our ambassadors or may be rejected by other nations bove.

en that this power or duty may lent at times grave responsibility. esponsibility may be understood

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wisdom or not. He acts through the executive previously referred to.


"The commission bears the signature of the and the great seal of the United States, the latter by the secretary of state.


The president, vicepresident, and all civil off the United States, shall be removed from office peachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribe other high crimes and misdemeanors.

The word "civil" in the provision is used distinction from military and naval. It is ge understood that members of congress are not officers" within the meaning of this provision. M and naval officers are tried by courts-martial, and bers of congress are subject to trial by the ho which they belong.

The definition of "high crimes and misdem rests with the senate. Treason is defined in t stitution, and bribery has a meaning understood

There have been seven cases of impeachment bef United States Senate. (See pages 131, 138 and 3

on before trial? What cases can he me one pardoned by the president. rs confined for breach of state law? government confine its prisoners? umber of senators that could confirm t is meant by the executive session of you witness the proceedings at such a ote is necessary to confirm a nomina

r? A minister? A consul? What is ers? By "civil service reform?"

ich seems to cover the matter of

sident's last annual message? What e to congress? What "recommendaw was the message delivered to conions" of congress do you remember? 1 about in books? When were the alled?

Is vetoed by each president.

had to adjourn congress? For how is the British parliament prorogued? s originate? By whom are they tried? What for? Can persons who have impeached? What is the extent of nt Johnson impeached? How is an ucted? What persons have been im

president (general statement only)

nal provision; law.

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The judicial power of the United States shall l in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior co the congress may from time to time ordain and es The judges both of the Supreme and inferior cour hold their offices during good behavior, and shall times receive for their services a compensation1 whi not be diminished during their continuance in of 1The creation of the Supreme Court, a disti ordinate branch for the final interpretation of la the master-stroke of the constitution. "The S Court has no prototype in history."

While the existence of the Supreme Court provided for in the constitution, the number of ju constitute it was wisely left with congress. T organization may be changed as circumstances The Supreme Court at first consisted of six just they are called; but owing to the growth of th try and the consequent increase of labor to be perf the number of justices has been increased to nin

2Under this provision congress has establishe grades of "inferior" United States courts, the Courts of Appeal, Circuit Courts, and the 1 Courts.

The United States is divided into nine judic

icts. In each of these districts, the circuit court and one of the each year. (See pages 210 and court bench consists of a supreme judge, and a district judge; but any one or two of them. f the district judge.


s during life. The purpose of the judges above temptation, on where they may feel safe in unawed by any outside power. ty they prove unjust, they may o far, almost without exception, onored with a place on a United ed worthy of their high calling. s also is to remove temptation e salary of the chief justice is that of each associate justice, like a generous amount. n the supreme bench has been hat the nominee could not afford attached.


he other two branches from occuitude toward the judiciary. But reased. And the salary may be with appointments made after the

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