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tronage, that we think the Irish Art-union have made their first mistake. They have, too, adopted and combined the evils of both the Scottish and English systems; they have a committee of selection, which can only be advisable where the selections are to be from native works; and they have thrown upon the market to all countries, a system which might find its best corrective, in the increased chance of the operation of patriotic feeling, from a diffused right of selection amongst prizeholders. Let us not, for a moment, be supposed to impugn the motives or underrate the judgment of the noblemen and gentlemen who formed the committee of this year. We can only suppose them, in the discharge of their very difficult task, actuated by the most anxious zeal to decide justly. Our main objection to them is based on the principles and arguments, which we have elsewhere advanced against all similar committees; any errors, which in our opinion they may seem to have made, are more fairly attributable to the erroneous principles in the constitution of the society, and to the want of more defined regulations and bye-laws. The committee are indeed chargeable with what we conceive to be a great error, in allotting so large a sum as they have to the engraving. It is undoubtedly desirable, when there is an engraving, that it should be a good one. There is, perhaps, no more efficient mode of enlisting subscribers, than the prospect of each receiving an equivalent for his subscription, with the added chance of a handsome prize; but it is opposed to all the objects and principles of the society, that the sum expended for engraving, £650, should so much exceed that expended in the original purposes of the society-the purchase of works of art, viz: £440. In no case has the sum expended by the Scottish society, as may be seen by reference to the table given, amounted to one fourth of the whole receipts-in this, our first year, it exceeds one-half. Consequently, many meritorious works have returned on the artist's hands, and the number of the prizes was so small and so little varied, as to cause much disappointment to the members.

But the society is young; it has taken strong possession of the public mind; this is the time to amend any error in its constitution to put it on such a footing as will point out its proper objects and ensure its success. We should most strenuously support the adoption of the principles of

the London Art-union; which dividing its funds into proportionate sums, allows each prize-holder to choose for himself a work or works to the amount of his prize. This system, under proper regulations, seems to us most calculated to give general satisfaction, whilst it must advance the cause of taste, by the required exercise of the discriminative and critical powers of the prizeholders. Even if the market be left open, as we have before said, we think the Irish resident artist has thereby increased chance of a sympathizing estimate for his labours. If the committee of selection be continued, at least let the evils and difficulties, which are inevitably attendant on the system, be in some degree atoned for by a fixed principle of encouragement to native talent. Let the funds be devoted in the first place to the purchase of all meritorious works by artists resident at home. In the second place, let the works of Irish artists resident anywhere, be the objects of the committee's selection; if there be any surplus, let it be expended in the purchase of works by British or other artists. This we look upon as an indispensable arrangement to obtain the great object in viewthe establishment of a national school.

We think these are subjects well worthy of the serious deliberation of the society, and we conjure them, in the spirit that seeketh "truth rather than triumph"-to ponder over the simple facts which we have here sought to lay before them, with a view to amending their constitution, and to the adoption of a true, wholesome system. Previous to the commencement of operations for the present year, let them remember the magnitude, the importance of the objects, which, as their means increase, they will have increased power of obtaining; let them recollect that an Irish art-union has not the same purposes as the original kunstverein of Germany; that it is not to gratify public taste by enabling them to possess themselves, by a combinative system, of the overflowing produce of the artist's studio; but to establish a taste-to work out the talent of the country. Let them remember how long the arts have suffered under apathy and neglect in Ireland; that with the establishment of an art-union the day has seemed to dawn; that upon them must now mainly depend, whether the aspiring student or more matured artist shall cling to his home, or wander to other countries to seek that encouragement denied him in his own. Let them acknowledge a claim in residence, rather than as at present an almost

merit in absenteeism; and then when increased national prosperity shall result from the developed resources of the country-both agricultural and mercantile-we may hope to see Ireland stand as high in the esteem

of enlightened Europe, for her reputation in the fine arts, as she is now pro tanto, a bye-word amongst men-a cypher amongst nations!

Believing that the subject requires discussion, and that all parties should be heard, we have much pleasure in presenting the foregoing paper to our readers. At the same time we wish it to be distinctly understood, that we are not editorially responsible for it. While we agree with our esteemed correspondent as to the evils of which he complains, we cannot think that the remedies which he has proposed are, in all their details, the best calculated to effect the object which he in common with ourselves, has so much at heart. How far we agree with him, and in what respects we differ, will be fully seen when we return to the subject, which we hope to do at an early opportunity. For the present we must content ourselves with stating, that it is, above all, in his hostility to a committee of selection, that we cannot agree with the able writer of the preceding article. We acknowledge that the present system requires some modification; but we can imagine nothing so likely to mar the utility, and impede the progress of our Irish Art union, as the adoption, in all its pitchand-toss stupidity, of the English lottery system. It ought to be remembered that the only society of the kind that has as yet really prospered in Great Britain, is the Scottish Art-union, which has adhered throughout to the plan of selecting the prizes by a committee of fifteen, ten of whom go out annually. This committee has already included among its members a large proportion of the most eminent men in Scotland, and we must be allowed to think that the united suffrage of such a body, confers more honour on the artist, and is better calculated to advance his interests, than the capricious and uncertain patronage of individual prize holders.-ED.

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"Let in the Tories. No indeed, our skill in Eastern lore warns us against "new lamps for old." "Qui hostem feriet, mihi Carthaginiensis."-HANNIBAL.

BURTON, in his anatomy, compares a young man to a fair new house; the carpenter leaves it well built, in good repairs of solid stuff; but a bad tenant-meaning thereby bad habits and bad passions-gets possession, lets it rain in, and for want of reparation, through recklessness, lets it fall to ruins; and by and bye thistles grow and brambles flourish there.

Ireland is a fair and a pleasant land,-"a most sweet country as any is under heaven." The Creator fashioned it surpassingly beautiful, and saw that it was good; we dare not say that he blessed it. He defended it by an angry sea, as a wall on every side. He gave it a soil fertile and teeming with all good things with resources and capabilities immense-with harbours where the fleets of Europe might ride in safety. All things productive of peace and plenty-all things that could minister to the happiness of the inhabitants-that could make a people great and flourishing, were lavishly bestowed. But bad tenants obtained possession. The original occupants were ousted. The fertile soil was left untilled. Famine instead of plenty stalked over the land. Happiness departed, and the misrule of the stranger occupied her place. Its resources were unemployed-its capabilities unheeded—its harbours flagless. Rapine, riot, and utter heartlessness guided the conduct of these new tenants. The poor people, the owners of the soil, were driven to the wilds and fastnesses, or were used as so many footstools for these proud foreigners to tread upon-blocks to get on horseback, or, as walls, to be used as Launce's dog used the lady's farthingale.* Their sword was their right, their title, and their deed of possession. By it the Plantagenets and the

Pauper paries factus, quem caniculæ commingant.

Tudors ruled; by it the Stuarts and the
Huntingdon brewer ruled; by it the
phlegmatic Dutchman ruled; the Hanove-
rian Guelphs succeeded him of Nassau, and
still the sword was the sceptre. Neverthe-
less the original inhabitants could not be
destroyed. Some generations later, still few
in numbers and in strength, they found that
union was power, and they acted upon it
The Volunteers arose
throughout the land as if by the command
of a god. Their haughty masters were
bearded to their teeth; partial rights were
acknowledged, partial equality obtained, and
Ireland's independence as a nation was pro-

Effects similar

This state of things lasted not long. The sword was abandoned; the time for its use had passed. Craft and political swindling, known by the name of Toryism, were assumed in its place, and were almost equally successful. By them, and by the cominand of boundless wealth, through the instrumentality of Castlereagh, Ireland was once more laid prostrate, and her name blotted out from amongst the nations. to, though not so extensive, as those which resulted from the agency of the sword, followed. The growing pride of the people and the increasing prosperity of the country were rudely checked; the princely mansions that had grown up in our capital suffered from abandonment, as Burton's metaphysical building, from a bad tenant: they became hotels, schools, and warehouses. Our Custom House, once the evidence of our prosperity, and still a noble proof of our taste, became a nursery for the rising generation of rats; and that structure in College Green, that looks like some Grecian temple, called into existence by the wonderworking minds of a Pericles and Aspasia, to look on which now, invariably puts us in a passion, Northern though we be, became the

costly mausoleum of a nation's liberties. Wealth fled the land with liberty,

"Potiore metallis Libertate."

and once again Ireland was apparently helpless and hopeless at the feet of her masters. But there is a buoyancy in Irishmen, -there is a facility inherent in them which will not let them utterly despair. Time, with his influences, was at work-increasing intelligence was busy; people collected their energies for the good fight, and, in a memorable struggle, the most galling of their bonds were burst-they became emancipated -energetic and hopeful for the future. Their chosen advocates fought hand to hand and shoulder to shoulder unflinchingly in the cause of Reform, against Toryism, its opponent, and all its deep-forged prejudices. The battle was won, and Toryism fell, to all appearance mortally wounded. Not so, however; it possessed the vitality of some reptiles, which, cut and hack as you please, will either unite their several parts again, or each atom will in time become a perfect and full-grown snake or worm, as the case may be. Thus Toryism withdrew itself for a time from the public gaze, till its wounds gradually healed, and its several parts became once more firmly united. Then the work of vengeance commenced, under the influence of the most deadly hate, against its former slave and present overthrow. The sword could no longer be used, but there is an old and a true saying, that a blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword," on this hint business was commenced, and railings, scurrilities, libels, and lies were the weapons used, until the Genius of our land might take up the words of the Psalmist, and complain,-that "she was full of the mockery of the wealthy, and of the despitefulness of the proud; for the voice of the wicked and their hate, her heart troubleth


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This mode of warfare is an old one. There were always creatures to be found, whose natural business it was to calumniate their superiors. Thus Homer had his Zoilus, Achilles his Thersites, and Philip his Demades. Why then should not Ireland have the Times, the Herald, and the Standard? It is unavoidable and must be borne as we best may. The work was pursued with a gusto which shewed that these agents were working in their proper element. The effects which invariably follow perseverance in any course soon shewed themselves, and people who knew not those calumniated,

began presently to account these calumnies for truths. For this Toryism was waitingthis was the required που στω. This Stanley instantly seized upon, and following his former stringent measures,

"Mox daturus progeniem vitiosiorem." with consummate skill,'great ability, and untiring energy, he set himself to work to destroy the entire franchise of the Irish people, and thinks to push from their stools our present rulers, and seat his own party in their places.


Will Irishmen suffer this? With them rests the brunt of the battle. Let them contrast those who must succeed them with the present Ministry, who, however they may have failed to do an impossibility, namely, to please the various sections of the various parties into which reformers and liberals are split, are nevertheless the only men who ever showed a particle of kindness or consideration for the mass of the Irish nation. Let them contrast with those the Wellingtons, the Philpots, the Lyndhursts, and the Stanleys. What a bill of fare to set before Irishmen! Men who would, if possible, reduce them to a state approximating as closely as the spirit of the age would allow, to the condition which we have been describing in the commencement of this article. The Soldier would treat us as perjurers. Did he ever find an Irishman proclaim himself such by deserting his colours in the field? The Priest, the spiritual adviser of Sir Robert, is rampant for a monopoly of our souls, our minds, and monies; the reviver of the old maxim,-" Parcere subjectis et debellare superbos," forgetting that" preces et lachryma sunt arma ecclesiæ, and that "Vincit qui patitur." The Lawyer in possession of Sir Robert's other ear, whispers him," Crush me those upstartsthose aliens in blood, language, and religion.'" And the Aristocrat, in the Home Office, forging new chains for " the lost land -the commonwealth of wo,"-but 'tis needless to

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"Suggest the people, in what hate He still hath held them; that to his power He would have made them mules, silenced their pleaders, and

Disproperty'd their freedoms.”

Are we then to have these people, without a struggle, for our rulers? Oh yes,

result of the bill, it having been already so fre * We decline showing that this would be the quently and so powerfully shewn, that those that run may read.

"Trouble not yourselves, children of discontent,
I will take no hurt I warrant you.
The state is but a little drunk,

And when it has spued up that that made it so,
It will be well again-there's my opinion in

And what is the remedy of these faultfinders ? How would they set all these things to rights? By a very simple process

say the grumblers by nature, whom nothing pleases. Oh yes, say the carpers at foreign affairs-those who find fault with ministers for want of energy. Things are come to a pretty pass, say the former, and cannot remain as they are; there's O'Connell, with his freize coat and repeal button, running over the land like a will-o'-the-wisp; and there's Father Mathew going about with the by removing Lords Melbourne and Rustreasonable intent of persuading Irishmen to sell, and placing in their chair the Duke "live quietly, soberly, and chastely in that and Sir Robert. Alas! poor simple souls, state of life unto which it has pleased God to they know not what they do; in their incall them." There are the Whigs and Tories, tense "cogibundity of cogitation" over what snarling at each other over the Downing- they are pleased to call the manifold evils of street marrow-bones, the ferocity of the lat- whiggery, they forget a very celebrated paster, from their long fast, promising a worrying by and bye; there is the radical bull-relate it for their edification:-It is written, sage in the history of Froggism. We will dog biding his time, grim, sullen, and de- that, once upon a time, those amphibious termined: and the chartist mongrel-a cross gentry sent up to Jupiter's foot-stool inbetween the bloodhound and the curcessant complaints against their liege, king may, heaven knows how soon, again annoy Log, to wit, that his government was a respectable people, in obedience to the set- weak, mild, and somewhat sluggish gotled habits and propensities of mongrel curs; vernment, that they, being high-spirited although he has but lately, after shewing his frogs, preferred a king like unto themselves, teeth and perpetrating two or three threaten- who would rule over them with a strong ing barks, skulked away, with his tail be- hand, and who would uphold the majesty of tween his legs. The grumblers about things the laws with all the terrors of the executive. abroad, vent their displeasure in this wise: In an evil hour Jupiter listened to their the Russian bear, say they, is "coming complaints, dethroned king Log, and set it rather too strong," he seems as if he over them king Stork. Dire was the commotion raised in frog-land by the strong government of the new king; and dire was the repentance of all the denizens thereof, whən they found, as they very soon did, that, as it suited his pleasure or his appetite, his called it "upholding the majesty of the laws." majesty gobbled them up by dozens, and

would make the universe his den. The

Linnæan system of diplomacy practised under the auspices of the Brother of the Sun and Uncle of the Moon, has played the deuce with the opium merchants, and plunged us into a war of which nobody can foresee the end. France has tried hard to bamboozle us on the Mehemet question. The Canadas having, like froward children, made two or three attempts to cut themselves loose from the apron-strings of the mother country, have been forced, in order to sober them down and keep them quiet, into the bonds of matrimony, although the banns were forbidden by some high and mighty personages; and, like every thing else in this


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Ponder well, messieurs grumblers at Whiggery, upon the historical passage from the Chronicles of Froggism, which we have just related; for

"Mutato nomine, de te fabula narratur." But wherefore should we, in obedience to the wishes of these people, exchange our "old lamps for new?" Are there sufficient grounds for the change? What so great faults have we in verity to find with the old ones? Let us see. In Ireland Whiggery paralyzed and struck terror into the hearts to be forgotten? By Whiggery the Educa of orangemen and purplemen; ought that tion Board was established; it is not the fault Whiggery the Tory Corporations were knockof the Whigs if its operations are limited. By ed on the head; that they were not utterly

* We do not wish to to be understood as typifying the Ministers under the image of "King Log,' it is the grumbling gentry who do so.

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