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because. She paused, and a blush "Le Petit Jeannot." Mimette, 'twas her quickened on her cheek.


"Mr. De Merinhac, your father was a-a gay man; this is no time for vain hesitation -and my mother, who is gone-was attached -to the family-when you were at homethere at the castle near Pan

"And so you and he are the children of that good and excellent woman whom I recollect to have watched me when I was a heedless child-in our old park at Brégeac, climbing the highest trees, riding about on the wildest colts. "Tis a wretched unfounded calumny you speak of!-but the name is not the same-it was something like Bernotte-not Jeannotte-I think Bernadotte. Yes, Bernadotte,-I remember now,-all-my early days-and the fresh air of the hills-come, you are iny sister-in tie of kindness, at least, I mean.' I clasped her in my arms;-could I do less? and in turns half sobbed.

"You know the naine, and the man. He has since risen by his bravery and his talents to a height which every act of his proved him to have been well worthy of attaining-albeit only the son of a poor mechanic. 'Tis I who say it, despite of my principles, or if you will, prejudices, and those of my class. Certes, in the case he deserves no less,-nay, perhaps, more, as you will hear from me. A few words of explanation, and the rest of this old babbling of mine I shall endeavour to be brief inon some other evening I may tell you more detailed particulars

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name-an odd one-you may, however, have heard it often in these provinces,continued to follow his fortunes, and soon obtained considerable camp popularity for her attentive kindness to the wounded, and extreme promptness in affording them on every side what assistance she was capable of, hence too, the usual designation of Mere Labiche, she, generally, in troopers' language, went by. Such, with many others there is no need of repeating now, were the details I hurriedly and brokenly asked and listened to during the few moments that followed this sort of recognition."

"What was to be done? as she had said the giving ourselves up, which of course, there would not have been the least hesitation about, would not suffice to save him. I felt well convinced of it, knowing the cruel unmitigated severity with which, under the eye of the functionaries, referred to so often in the course of my story, the rules of discipline were enforced in the corps they had under immediate inspection.

"A thought struck me, you will soon seize it up. In telling hastily how she had succeeded in gaining our lines, she had mentioned a point of theirs, in extreme proximity to us- Is it there,' I asked eagerly, 'he-my friend-my deliverer is confined?'

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'Yes,' she answered with equal precipitation-ah! if you could be allowed-the guard is but small-I—- yes, I—though treachery it be, perhaps to save him-a brother-the dearest, best of brothers-would "It was the custom, you are aware, among guide you.' How quickly-but so the soldiers of the republican army, as always it is in extremities like this-we had among others, often to designate by a understood each other almost without a kind of pet nick-name, those of their com- word passing as to the definite object I had rades who distinguished themselves. Almost in view. 'Twas-have you guessed it all?— immediately on joining, the young Berna- no matter to see my excellent and humane dotte (forced as well as this elder sister-a Colonel, or the General himself, if he simple, uneducated, but as you have seen could not grant permission to state the high-minded creature, who loved him with case-my position, my obligations which the more undivided affection, because she they already knew that we both owed, looked upon him as the only stay and prop Juvigny and myself, to our noble enemy, left her, by family losses and misfortunes, to whom we were indebted for life and to seize on any means of getting wherewith liberty. Nay, more-since he was on to live) had made himself remarkable by the point of being sacrificed on our account several acts of equal daring and caution--to ask, and if I did not succeed in being promotion was was the quick consequence. Charles Jean Bernadotte seemed to the wits of the ranks, a somewhat too long and aristocratic looking name, so, with military familiarity, they took the liberty first, of contracting it to "Charles Jeannotte," and finally, as he became more talked of and known, to the diminutive of "Jeannot," or

put at the head of a skirmishing party, charged to attempt his rescue at once, under any circumstances or chances, to surrender myself up, and submit to every fate rather than not try the utmost in my power to save my friend and myself from the disgrace and remorse of not acting as we had been acted towards. Without again speak

ing I took her arm in mine-roused up Juvigny-and ran rather than walked to the Colonel's quarters.

"To my delight I found him up-(every time I think on it, I cannot help more and more blessing Providence that it should have graciously willed on this occasion that every thing should have occurred so fortunately)-reading orders he had a few minutes before received-he testified surprise and some displeasure at the interruption, which soon wore off, and rather changed to interest and sympathy as he listened to what I came to say-at mention of my determination (in which Juvigny declared his concurrence) to deliver myself up

"That you shall not do, he said-I put you both under arrest if you attempt it.' We made an expression aloud of expostulation.


man of the troop seemed to have the one spirit with us) unexpected, unforeseen, and ill-guarded against-completely succeeded, and we had the triumphantly delicious satisfaction of carrying away in safety our enemy-preserver and friend, and thus acquitting a part of the sacred debt we had incurred towards him. I shall add, to have done with the subject, that this feeling was increased long before the close of the war, which gradually lost its character of ferocity, by learning that the sentence which condemned him had been reversed;, and being enabled on an exchange of prisoners to include him in it. We parted as men part, or ought to part, who have known and been able to estimate one another, as we all three had-with eyes full and hearts fallen, and not a word on our lips. He was restored to his rank,--you are acquainted with the rest. Silence, gentlemen!' he interposed se- Years rolled on-I returned late to France, verely do you remember whom you and there found, what the most of us found, speak to but come, I must be indul--penury, or its nearest equivalent, for my gent-I see. Attend to what I say. I can do better for you, and am glad of it for the brave young fellow's sake (Mimette's eye lighted up) and yours. In the first place, one of these papers regards you both(showing it) a council of war has been held on your case at my request-the decree is given at length here. It wholly and completely (I merely mention the heads) in consideration of the extreme circumstances of an unnatural and sanguinary war carried on against all usual rules, &c. exonerates you and Mr. De Juvigny from the necessity of fulfilling the parole you have given-wait a moment, perhaps, in your mood of mind just now, I have still better news (taking up another despatch) I am ordered by this, to continue, in conjunction with the other corps stationed in the city, the system of skirmishing on the enemy's lines. I put your troop on duty,-to horse, -you know where to go."

I could have hugged the good man to stifling; Mimette had nearly fallen at his feet. Juvigny started and ran to seize his hand, stop, stop,' he said, wildly, but authoritatively this is nonsense-you lose time-off, and God prosper you.'

"Of what use making a long tale of the sequel, which passed so quickly. Our attack or irruption, for such it was (each

share; but. for the assistance of our kind friends of Montgardat, things had been still worse with me.

"Can you guess who came to relieve me wholly from a state, that I, with my tastes and habits could indifferently bear?-though I made effort to do so with what grace or grimace I could. Charles Jean Bernadotte, or, as I better like to call him, Charles Jeannotte, when he came to the throne, caused enquiries to be made after me through the Swedish Ambassador, and having succeeded in discovering where, and how I was situated, in a letter penned with his own hands, (I shall show it you one day) in the kindest and most delicate manner requested me as an old friend and brother soldier to confer an obligation on him by accepting a yearly pension which he knew I stood in great need of, and which he hoped I would not refuse from an old friend and brother in arms.' It has restored me to the enjoyment of the comforts I could ill spare in my old days. So my youngster,' added the veteran, tapping me on the shoulder- there are, and recollect it well as you pass through life-good people in all parties—."

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"And Mimette ?"

She became a great dame of the imperial court. I may tell you her adventures another time,—good night."


We have already given assurance to our readers, that we are not dead to this subject;* and in commencing our third volume, we publish three Irish airs. We have something to say about each of them.

No. I.

This is drawn from a MSS. book compiled years ago, which we shall call the "Farmer and O'Reilly collection." Edward Farmer was a country schoolmaster who had settled in Dublin, in an obscure lodging off Charlemont-street, and taught, (amongst other things) the Irish language. About the year 1817, he reckoned amongst his pupils, some, who, desirous to acquire a knowledge of the language, were no less anxious about the music of their country. Having introduced them to several works of merit upon the subject of their tasks, such as the grammars of O'Brien, Neilson, Haliday, &c. he did not neglect to stimulate them to purchase the "Sanas Gaoidhilge-Sagsbhearla," or, "IrishEnglish Dictionary, containing upwards of 20,000 words that had never appeared in any former Irish Lexicon," then recently published by Edward O'Reilly. O'Reilly was found in a small house at Harold's Cross: he, in addition to the copy of his dictionary, communicated a collection of native airs. From this, and from others handed by Farmer, the collection in question was made up, with the addition of several airs noted down at the time, as sung by people in the country. Both these men have long since paid the debt of nature. They lived and died in want and neglect; the pupils who attended them spent the utmost pennies of their then means, in discharging the debts which they incurred in procuring their literary assistance, and had nothing left, save their heart-felt but unavailing sympathies, to console the declining days of those men, who, had they lived to times when nationality has become more dear, would have been valued and prized no less than other precious relics of the times which have been.

This air is given in two parts, with precision, from the notation of the MSS. we have mentioned. They closely resemble each other, but with marked differences, and in this But their remarkrespect afford a specimen of a peculiar form of Irish Musie.

able characteristic is found in the structure of the phrase comprised in the emphatic beginning of the fifth bar, and the close of the fourth leading to it. In each case, these singular passages are preceded and followed by double phrases of four bars; that is,phrases, each composed of two bars, which, without this intervention, might have been a tune of an ordinary class; but with it, happily introduced as it is, produce an effect which surprizes no less than it satisfies.

The metre which becomes requisite for it as a song, becomes, likewise, peculiar. We give the following attempt to express it. We have had no access to any copy of original words, save the Irish title which is found in the MSS. The air is plainly a voice-tune.

* Art.-"National Music and Musicians," vol. i. pp. 192-196. Art.-"The Ancient Music of Ireland," vol. ii. pp. 207-213.

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How shall we introduce this incomparable air to the readers of The Citizen? It was sung by Sarah Curran! She-the idol of the poet's imagination in so many of his Melodies (6)-as she wandered, in her grief and melancholy, amid the wild furzebreaks of "The Priory," (c) sang this strain.-Ah! who shall ever hear such sounds again ?

In the years which followed '98, it was the solace of every peasant-of every heart, gentle or simple, which felt for the sorrows of this distracted country. It is still thought of and treasured amid the same classes. Shall it longer be buried? Are our tyrants stricken down, and shall we hesitate to circulate its numbers, far and wide, amongst the young generation which has sprung up in times, behind in date, but, praised be Heaven! not behind in the love and adoration of our darling MotherLand!

Many have sung-and still sing, this air-as of one part only. And so does the strain grow upon the ear, that its freshness is never faded-even by endless repetition. Others add a second part. For the perfect genuineness, therefore, of this, we do not answer, yet it has its claims. Of the principal (first) part, different versions prevail with different memories. We have selected and given those which appear to us most true, and we have done this in a form which may have been used, in a manner often used amongst the traditional singers of the peasantry themselves. An air, no doubt, borrowed from the national music, is found in Paer's Genevra di Scozia, and it is corroboratory that it bears a similar second part. We state this from an old recollection, it being many years since we saw a copy of that opera.

(b) Moore's Irish Melodies" She is far from the Land,"-" When he who adores thee," &c. &c. (c) Curran's retirement-between Rathfarnham and Ballinteer.

We cannot trace, from remembrance, the ballad which was sung with it. Scraps here and there we can recollect; but many "various readings" prevail; enough to furnish volumes for true-born Scholiasts. Some make "Buonaparte" the hero of the song-but 'tis oftener, and we think more truly "Napper Tandy"-for he was an Irishman,—and although he has not left behind him a pure reputation for patriotism, yet, doubtless, he was once, in his day, admired and trusted by the people. Here is one version of four of the lines:

I met with Buonaparte, he took me by the hand,

Saying "how is old Ireland, and how does she stand,"
""Tis the most distressed country that ever I have seen;

They are hanging men and WOMEN for the wearing of the green."

Others will have them thus :

I met with Napper Tandy, he took me by the hand,

Saying, "how is old Ireland, my own native land,"

""Tis the most distressed country that ever yet was seen;

They are hanging men and woMEN there for wearing of the green."

We do not recollect anything in the whole range of traditional poetry equal to these latter lines. Never was music fitter for poetry. Never were voice, music, and poetry so enchanting in combination as when Sarah Curran waked, with these accents, the echoes by the streams from her native mountains.

Here was a fragment of the second part

"There's green upon my cape,

Oh! there's green upon my cape,
And my native land

I cannot stand;

There's green upon my cape."

On these foundations, we have put together the following words :


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