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H.R. 3580


Detailed Analysis

"(E) maintain and protect the environment and
natural resources of the United States.

"(3) Requires the Working Group to conduct a systematic
review of Federal programs affecting rural areas, to
determine whether they are benefiting in a proportion that
is equitable compared to benefits received in urban areas,
and to identify any factors which may restrict accessibility
to or limit participation in such programs in rural areas,
and to make recommendation for appropriate corrective action
if required.

"(4) Provides that the first strategy be transmitted to Congress not later than January 31, 1981, the second by January 31, 1982, and all others by January 31 of the year in which they begin. Each strategy must include an analysis of the President's budget recommendations and projections that are relevant or essential to it.

"(5) Authorizes the Working Group to hold open public hearings during preparation of the strategies, and requires consideration of recommendations received.

"(6) Requires a Working Group effort to maximize coordination
and effectiveness of the various Federal programs affecting
rural areas through initiation of a systematic effort to--

"(A) improve communication and encourage coop-
eration among Federal departments and
agencies in the administration of such

"(B) eliminate conflicts between such programs
as well as duplication and gaps in program
coverage, resolve contradictions and in-
consistencies in the objectives, adminis-
tration, and effects of such programs, and
transmit to the President such recommenda-
tions as the Group considers necessary to
carry out the provisions of this subpara-
"(C) facilitate sharing or common location of
field offices of agencies administering
similar or complementary programs and
unification of delivery systems, where
feasible, to maximize convenience and

accessibility of such agencies and programs
to rural residents;

"(D) facilitate and expedite joint funding of rural projects through such programs;

"(E) correct administrative problems in such programs that hinder the effective delivery of Federal services, assistance, and benefits to rural areas;

H.R. 3580

Detailed Analysis

"(F) reduce the administrative and paperwork requirements of rural applicants under such programs;

(G) simplify, standardize, and reduce the complexity of applications, reports, and other forms required under such programs; and "(H) expedite processing of such applications, reports, and other forms.

"(7) Requires the Working Group to hold public hearings on
any matter which the Chairman or a majority of the Working
Group believe may have a significant impact on rural develop-
ment or the economic development of rural communities, in
order to determine such impact and to make recommendations for
appropriate action. Requires the Working Group to invite
public comment, and requires consideration of recommendations

"(8) Requires the Working Group to assist the Chairman in developing a systematic method or process through which rural development needs, goals, objectives and plans at all levels can be ascertained, recommendations can be received, and data on development needs and conditions affecting the quality of life in rural areas can be obtained and assessed on a continuing basis.

"(9) Requires the Working Group to review rules or regulations proposed by any Federal agency which have an effect on rural areas, and authorizes submission of comments or written data in regard to the impact of such rules and regulations.

"(c) Provides that the Working Group shall include representatives holding the position of Assistant Secretary or equivalent from the following departments and agencies: Agriculture




Health, Education & Welfare
Housing and Urban Development



Community Services Administration
Environmental Protection Agency
Small Business Administration

Also provides that the Chairman may invite the participation of other Federal officials of comparable responsibility, with programs and policies that impact on rural development.

"(d) Provides that the Chairman shall issue such regulations as are deemed necessary to govern the functioning of the Working Group.

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Detailed Analysis

"(e) (1) Authorizes the Working Group to secure necessary information directly from any Federal department or agency, and requires heads of such agencies to furnish such information on request.

"(2) (A) Authorizes the Secretary to detail such personnel
and administrative support services of the Farmers Home
and Rural Development Administration, and other USDA agencies
as necessary to assist the Working Group.

"(B) Authorizes the Secretary to assist any member of the Working Group in establishing and maintaining an office of rural development in the department or agency which such member represents. Provides that the Secretary may reimburse any such department or agency for a portion of the cost incurred in setting up and maintaining such an office, if the office, when established, is-

"(i) directly responsible to the head of such Federal department or agency;

"(ii) primarily engaged in activities related to the work of the Working Group; and

"(iii) directly involved in coordination of the rural development efforts of such Federal department or agency.

"(f) Authorizes the Secretary to undertake cooperative efforts with any Federal department or agency represented on the Working Group to improve the coordination and effectiveness of Federal programs, services, and actions affecting rural areas. Authorizes the Secretary to reimburse them for a portion of the cost incurred in such cooperative efforts.

"(g) Requires the Working Group to transmit an annual report
to Congress by January 31, beginning in 1981. Each report
must contain a detailed statement of the findings and con-
clusions of the Working Group regarding the implementation
of the current strategy, any recommendations for revision of
the strategy or for necessary rural development legislation.
Each report must also contain an analysis of the President's
budget recommendations and projections relevant or essential
to the current strategy.

"(h) Authorizes appropriations necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

"SECTION 608 Amends the Organic Act of the Department of Agriculture to require the Secretary to initiate or expand research and development efforts related to solution of problems of technology appropriate to small and moderate sized family farming operations and any other problem which

H.R. 3580

Detailed Analysis

the Secretary may determine has an effect upon economic
development or the quality of life in rural areas.

"SECTION 609 Amends section 306 (a) (11) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act to increase from $10 million to $20 million the annual authorization for rural development planning grants, and broaden this program to include rural development technical assistance, rural community leadership development, and community and areawide rural development planning.

"SECTION 610 Amends section 901 of the Agricultural Act of 1970 by deleting a portion of subsection (b) and all of subsections (c), (d) and (e). The deleted provisions require submission of four separate annual reports with respect to federal rural development efforts, the function of which would be superseded by other provisions of this bill.

"SECTION 611 Amends section 331 of the Consolidated Farm, and Rural Development Act by changing the name of the Farmers Home Administration to the Farmers Home and Rural Development Administration.

SECTION 3 Amends section 503 of the Rural Development Act of 1972 to extend the Small Farm Research and Extension programs through September 30, 1981 at the existing annual authorization level of $20,000,000. (TITLE V)

SECTION 4 Amends Section 507 (b) of the Rural Development Act of 1972 to add Guam and the Virgin Islands to the definition of the term "State" as it applies to Rural Development and Small Farm Research and Education programs.

SECTION 5 Amends Section 603 of the Rural Development Act of 1972 to delete the requirement that the Secretary include in his annual report under that section, information on his efforts to most efficiently utilize USDA field offices and field personnel to promote rural development.

SECTION 6 Provides that the provisions of this Act shall become effective on October 1, 1979.


MAJOR DIFFERENCES BETWEEN H.R. 10885 (95th) and H.R. 3580 (96th)

The Rural Development Policy Act of 1978, H.R. 10885 in the 95th Congress has undergone revision and has become the Rural Development Policy Act of 1979, H.R. 3580 in the 96th Congress.

2. A new Section 1 has been added, outlining Congressional findings as to the need and purpose of the bill.


The Federal Rural Development Council called for in H.R. 10885 has been replaced by the Assistant Secretaries Working Group for Rural Development. This Group is in being now, and would be upgraded by this legislation. The responsibilities and duties assigned to the Council in H.R. 10885 would be assigned instead to the Working Group. This change would improve an existing body, rather than create a new one.

4. The Secretary of Agriculture would serve as Chairman of the Working Group under H. R. 3580, and would be authorized to "issue such regulations as the Chairman deems necessary to govern the functioning of the Working Group. This clearly establishes the Chairman's control of the functions of this group and clarifies the role of the Working Group in relation to the rural development policy responsibilities of the Secretary of Agriculture.

5. The duties of the Working Group would be similar to those assigned to the Council under H.R. 10885:


to recommend comprehensive rural development strategies based on the needs, goals, objectives, plans and recommendations of local communities, sub-State areas, States, and multi-State regions;

to develop a process for grassroots input on rural development policy and programs, including open hearings;

to review federal programs affecting rural areas to determine whether such areas are benefiting from such programs in a proportion that is equitable in comparison to the benefits received in urban areas; and

to maximize coordination and effectiveness of federal programs affecting rural areas, and to review the impact of federal rules and regulations on rural areas.

6. The Sections of H.R. 10885 changing the name of USDA and creating a new Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development are eliminated. The name of the Farmers Home Administration would be changed to the Farmers Home and Rural Development Administration.

7. The provision in the Rural Development Grants section of H.R. 10885 that "Not more than 10 per centum of the funds awarded under this paragraph may be awarded to support the activities of the Federal Rural Development Council" is eliminated. Funding for this program would be increased from $10 million to $20 million instead of to $50 million as in H. R. 10885. In addition, the program would be broadened to allow use of the funds for rural development technical assistance, rural community leadership development, and community and areawide rural development planning.

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