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fourth, Mr G. de Felice, occupies the chair of christian morals and sacred eloquence.

The course of study lasts five years; two years in philosophy, and three years in theology. But young men who offer themselves with sufficient preliminary knowledge, can enter immediately into the class of theology. The students undergo two examinations a year; the first in Easter week, the second at the end of July, before the vacation. They must compose and deliver six sermons during their three years of study; and also compose a thesis and sustain it in public. When they have gone through satisfactorily all these trials, they receive a diploma of bachelor in theology, and can ask for consecration to the sacred ministry.


A correspondent of the London Record, computes the number of children receiving instruction in Athens, at 2200; of these between 500 and 600 are under the charge of Mr Hill and his associates. The system of national education in Greece is nearly similar to that of Prussia; schools have been organized in all the chief towns and some of the villages, and the eager desire manifested for knowledge far exceeds the power of government to gratify it. Female schools are especially wanted. The University established in January 1838 is divided into the faculties of Law, Theology, Medicine and Philosophy, and the Chairs are said to be very respectably filled by twenty-seven professors, the great majority of whom are Greeks. The Gymnasium established on the German plan, has eight professors, and 650 students; who receive religious instruction according to the Greek Catechism, and are taught also Greek, French, English, Arithmatic, Geometry and History. Some of the professors are highly cultivated men, and it is said of all, that they are deeply interested in the cause of education. The schools at Syra, in connection with the Church Missionary Society, contain near 600 pupils.


The Archdeacon of Derry presided at the annual meeting, which was held on the 10th of April. The Report stated that there were 3006 schools in connection with the Society, attended by 226,650 scholars, and 21,823 gratuitous Teachers. The income during the last year amounted to £3149; of which sum £1576 were received from England, and £29 14s. 8d. from Scotland.

The twentyfirst annual meeting of the Soclety for promoting the Education of the native Irish through the medium of their own language, was held on the 18th of March. It is said that there were upwards of 2000 persons present on the occasion. The Society has now under its care, 683 schools, containing 17,355 pupils. Of this number, 13,575 are adults, 452 of whom are upwards of fifty years of age, and 2,434 are females. The Receipts during the past year were £5,082; and the expenditures £4,875.


It has often been remarked that some good result has followed every public meeting of this association; and it is encouraging to find that its influence appears to have become stronger and more extensive with its age. The last or 8th Annual Meeting, was held in May, 1838, in Hartford; and, from the first hour of assembling, it was evident that good impressions were made. About thirty lyceums and kindred societies, in different parts of Connecticut, sent in reports, most of which had been before unknown to us; and a large circle of delegates from different parts of that State and the neighboring ones, gave interest and animation to the occasion.

The several large Societies in this city and vicinity, whose condition and progress have been stated on preceding anniversaries, are flourishing and useful; especially the Mercantile Library Association, and the Apprentices' Library Company. The former now embraces about 4,000 members, and having enlarged its reading room, and established evening classes for scientific instruction, the study of living languages, &c., in addition to the customary winter courses of lectures, begins to realize the benefits of a plan more than once recommended in the American Lyceum for more general adoption. There is perhaps but one subject that properly excites regret in contemplating that highly interesting Society, the Mercantile Library Association :—the vast supplies of useless and pernicious works of fiction which are constantly furnished to the young from the shelves of the Library; 12, or 15 or more duplicates, it is believed, being sometimes purchased of new works of this description; while there reigns a comparative dearth in some departments of real value and interest. This remark is thus frankly made, with the hope that other societies may carefully guard against the dangerous example. Multitudes of young men, in different occupations in this city, being not furnished with desirable facilities for improvement, the City Lyceum has been founded, one of whose objects is to circulate only works of truth and real merit.

The Lyceum of Natural History and the Stuyvesandt Institute, in whose prosperity and usefulness we feel a deep interest, it is hoped, will more and more succeed in diffusing taste and knowledge among the vast population, in the midst of which they are placed; for nothing seems to be needed except a due estimation of them, on the part of the public, to make them the channels of most extensive and lasting benefits to the city. The Brooklyn Lyceum continues its labors with success, as its reports will probably display to this meeting. Communications have been received from different quarters, to be presented at this meeting.

The task of taking a general annual survey of the movements made in favor of common education in our country, which, until lately, was one of great brevity, and indeed so light as to produce painful regrets in one who would undertake it, would now prove too extensive to form a mere department in a report like the present. In truth, in many of the States of the Union, the new and remote, as well as the neighboring and the old, annually deliberate on plans for the organization of common school systems, or direct their operation. Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois, have either boards of education, with Secretaries or agents actively engaged in the promotion of Common Schools through the year, Superintendents appointed directly by the Legislatures; while in those and other States numerous publications of different kinds are continually pressing upon the people their interest and duty with respect to these truly democratic institutions.

Among the gratifying movements around us, we have noticed the formation of new lyceums at Morristown and Rahway, N. Jersey, and the resuscitation of the Young Men's Institute of Newark. Council and co-operation have been solicited in several enterprises of this kind, as well in the city as the country, and as far distant as Virginia; and, it is almost superfluous to say, they have been afforded to the extent of the Committee's ability.

While the Executive Committee have reason to be gratified by the frequent notices published, of meetings of Teachers' Conventions, and other public movements in favor of education, they find room to regret that so many of them are unconnected, and that an organization like that so partially effected under the plan of the American Lyceum, has not been more extensively accomplished nor more generally appreciated. An annual conference of the leading friends of common education would be productive of public benefit, in proportion to the extent to which it might be attended, and the extent of organization formed. It therefore seems desirable that

measures should be taken to form more State Lyceums, that they might form county, and they, in turn, town lyceums, with an active correspondence among themselves, and with the central Society.

The education of teachers has now become one of the principal objects of desire among the friends of intellectual improvement; and hundreds and thousands of our countrymen feel that decided appreciation of this great desideratum, which, but a few years ago, was scarcely talked of out of meetings like ours, and that pioneer journal, the Annals of Education. At Easton, Penn., a model school has been recently formed, and arrangements are making to assemble and instruct teachers, under the direction of a gentleman acquainted with many of those European methods which it is most desirable to to have introduced into the United States, aided by a journal, in English and German, conducted by himself. Liberal provision has been made in Massachusetts, for the foundation of a central semina ry for that State; in Connecticut the Wesleyan University has determined to appoint a professor of normal instruction, with the hope of receiving legislative and private encouragement; while enlightened measures are in prosecution by citizens to second the public spirited design. These are specimens of what is planned or sought for in many other States; and, while the desired accomplishment is delayed, something important is done for the encouragement, improvement and elevation of that most important class of our fellowcitizens, by the numerous societies, publications, legislators and institutions which contemplate, recommend or adopt laws and regulations expressly designed to facilitate their labors, to render them more honored in the public view, and more extensively availing. Numerous academies, colleges and schools now offer courses of instruction, more or less extended and complete, to teachers of both sexes, and thus many hundreds of intelligent and active men are already enlisted in the active promotion of what is most of all requisite for the reformation of Common Schools throughout the country.

Gratifying intelligence has been received from abroad through the foreign correspondence of the past year. The plans proposed and operations in England, testify the zeal felt by different classes; while the extensive range embraced by the French official journals of education proves that the successor of Guizot, in the ministry, possesses no less zeal than himself. The labors of the few enlightened friends of improved public and infant schools in the south of Europe appear to be continued, in spite of the numerous discouragements they have to encounter among a most ignorant population, and under the dead weight of a system which is their open and irreconcileable enemy.

The official reports de to the Congress of New Granada, present their common s ools as still multiplying and extending their good influence, farther than might be expected from the fanatical character still so far remaining among the common people, and the imperfect views of some of their statesmen concerning the true principles and chief source of national intelligence and prosperity; for where the Bible is kept from the hands of the children, through an influence exerted by a portion of the parents from abroad, improvement must necessarily be slow and uncertain.

From the testimony of Gen. Lopez, of Popayan, who has recently visited this city on his way to Rome, as an ainbassador to the Pope, we have learnt that the public school system of New Granada has reached even many of the poor Indian villages, and that the children of different races in those extensive regions generally exhibit the greatest zeal in the little schools which are novelties to most of them.


SELECTIONS FROM GERMAN LITERATURE. By B. B. Edwards and E. A. Park, Professors, Theological Seminary, Andover, 8vo. pp. 472. Andover: published by Gould, Newman, & Saxton, 1839.

THE articles in this volume are partly literary and partly theological. I. The Life, Character, and Style of the apostle Paul. By Professor Tholuck. II. The Tragical Quality in the Friendship of David and Jonathan. By Professor Frederick Koster. III. The Gifts of Prophecy and of Speaking with Tongues in the Primitive Church. By Dr. L. J. Ruckert. IV. Sermons by Professor Tholuck, with a Sketch of Tholuck's Life and Character. V. The Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Dead, a Commentary on the Fifteenth Chapter of the First Epistle to the Corinthians. By Dr. L. J. Ruckert. The Resurrection of the Body. By J. P. Lange. VI. Life of Plato. By W. G. Tenneman. With a Sketch of his Biographers and Commentators. VII. The Sinless Character of Jesus. By Dr. C. Ullmann. The translations are preceded by an Introduction of some thirty pages, which is an excellent specimen of good taste, wit, and clear, handsome composition. The articles are all of great interest and value, both for the intrinsic worth of the thoughts they contain, and for the effect they are likely, as works of

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