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ers had been employed during the year, 30 of whom were also teachers of schools. 5,279 Testaments and 20,661 Bibles, had also been distributed, making a total of 445,449 since the commencement of the Society. The Receipts for the year were £11,702 8s. 8 1-2d.


In the House of Lords on the night of July 5th, the Archbishop of Canterbury brought forward his resolutions on the subject of the Government Education Bill, which resulted in a majority of 229 to 118 against the establishment of 'Her Majesty's Cabinet Education Board.' The next day 100 Peers proceeded in state to Buckingham Palace, in court dresses, with an address to the Queen.

Several of the Bishops did not receive the most flattering reception from the mob outside.


The thirtyfifth anniversary meeting was held in Exeter Hall, May 6th, Viscount Morpeth in the chair. The receipts were 5,2541. and the payments 5,2051.


ADDRESSES delivered at the Inauguration of the Professors of Middlebury College, March 18, 1839, pp. 56.

THIS Volume contains four addresses. The first by Professo Stoddard, of the classical department, is a discussion of "what is implied in a thorough and complete education; how it may be acquired, and what are some of its valuable results." The second, by Mr C. B. Adams, Professor of Chemistry and Natural History, is a statement of some of the "benefits which will accrue" from the pursuits of those sciences. The third, by Mr A. C. Twining, Professor of Natural Philosophy and Mathematics, is an inquiry, what in this country a college ought to be, in its religious influences, discipline, and relation to science in general. The last is by Professor Hough, on English Literature.

These Addresses are full of good sense, and judicious observations. The views they give are remarkably practical, uttered by men who seem thoroughly to understand their business. Middlebury College

will deserve well of the country, if the scheme of education offered in these pages, is, as we doubt not, it will be, thoroughly acted upon there. We copy a passage from the very able address of Professor Twining.

"It was proposed to speak next respecting internal regulations. A system of studies must obviously be carried out by means of a system of measures. On this topic little can be attempted here, except to gather into one view the principles which seem to have prevailed with the wise and venerable founders of our literary institutions,— but which their successors have not always thoroughly practised upon.

In every institution there must be a standard. That standard will have respect to the end of the institution, as being military, civil, literary, or of some other definition. To decide what the standard for a college ought to be, we have only to observe the end of that institution; which is, to prepare the collegian for useful life. If then any young man is in a course of preparation for useful living, he compares well with the standard, otherwise not. Here, for example, is a young man of high talents and acquirements; but he is vicious, profane and disorderly. Mental power he is fast gaining, but is preparing to use it for the worst of purposes: he is below the standard.

Here is another of orderly habits and of dispositions excellent in the main, who by reason of indolence and imperfect application accomplishes little: he also is, at present, below the standard. Here is a third of correct character, and not wanting in application, who notwithstanding makes no considerable advances, but is losing the time that might be usefully spent in some occupation better adapted to his capacity he also is beneath the standard.

What, in each of these cases, shall be the first step taken? The obvious reply is, bring the delinquent individual up to the standard. Do this first by personal influence, by the pressure of motives, by the use of persuasion and exhortation, and by private assistance if needed. Let no means be left untried. Again, without delay, but not by way of censure,- -on the contrary, as an act of friendly forbearance and of duty,-let parents and guardians be informed of the exact truth. Ordinarily you will have, added to your own, the whole strength, be it less or more, of parental influence. It is already taken for granted that moral and religious influence is not neglected. By these means, singly or combined, it will result, in perhaps a majority of instances, that the delinquent will amend his defects, and thus ascend to the level of the standard. But if not,― if the point becomes settled, upon full trial, that these measures are unavailing, let the consequence be immediate and uniform. Let the delinquent's bond of membership be silently dissolved, and he depart, not by violent removal, but by a process as gentle and natural as when the decayed limb or the unsound fruit drops of itself from the tree. No matter how soon it is understood that your college has an atmosphere which neither vice, nor sluggishness, nor dulness can breathe in long and survive."

SAUNDERS' SPELLING BOOK: containing a minute and comprehensive system of Introductory Orthography; designed to teach a system of Orthography and Orthoepy, in accordance with that of Dr Webster. For the use of Schools. By Charles W. Saunders. New York published by Gould, Newman, & Saxton. 1839. pp. 166.

AN INAUGURAL ADDRESS, delivered August 21, 1838, by Elias Loomis, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Western Reserve College. pp. 38.

The doctrine of this Address is, that it is essential to the best interests of society, that there should be a certain class of men devoted exclusively to the cultivation of abstract science, without any regard whatever to its practical applications, and that such men, instead of being a dead weight upon society, are to be ranked among the greatest benefactors of their race. This position is maintained by sound argument and with much ability. The discourse is well written, and indicates in the author an enthusiam which gives promise of ripe and better fruits.


A female friend to whom we handed this volume, says it is "a nice book well written, and full of judicious and excellent thoughts." Our own perusal confirms this judgment. The author feels the poetry of Courtship and Marriage, and fully appreciates the sentiments which are connected with those states, while he has learned too, the prose of human life, and has given hints of great practical wisdom, which yet fools will be none the wiser for, for this choice of a partner, and the conduct of wedded life.

CRITICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS. By Thomas Carlyle, Vols. III, and IV. Boston: James Monroe & Co. 1839.

These volumes are made up of articles contributed by Mr Carlyle to the Edinburgh and other reviews. They have all his peculiarities of style and thought. It is difficult to give a brief opinion of them. The style is involved, yet clear, quaint, English, sometimes a little Germanized, and a very dangerous model for imitation. The point of view from which Carlyle looks, is singular, inasmuch as it gives chiefly the spiritual aspects of man. He is a fearless thinker, and bold in the expression of his views. The volumes contain many passages of great splendor and beauty.






"The first chapter is designed to indicate the sphere in which Christianily instructs Woman to move and act; the second to show what Christianity has done for her, and to exhibit the reasons why more women than men become pious; the third, to illustrate what is implied in the true Christian education of Woman.

"It is well known, that as the savage and pagan state is to women one of peculiar depression, so to them the civilized and refined state is attended with some peculiar liabilities to enervation and degeneracy, and that through their degeneracy, in no small degree, comes the downfall of states and nations. There is an insatiate yawning gulf, into which indolence, luxury, extravagance, and dissipation have plunged many a nation of high hopes and attain ments; and these have had their origin and countenance, in a great measure, in the false education and habits of the better sex. I have endeavored to set forth the dangers to our rising country from this source, and to show how they may be avoided; to present to the minds of "our daughters" an object worthy of their loftiest and most benevolent ambition, and to show them how they may obtain it; to convince them that the right cultivation and troest excellence of the female character lie at a much higher point than has been usually supposed, and to set before them the means and motives to become (in that elevated and holy state of society called the kingdom or reign of Christ, to which we aspire, and which we confidently expect) "as corner stones polished after the similitude of a palace." If the design is effectual to its object in any degree, the author's humble efforts will be well rewarded. H. W."



ABERCROMBIE'S INQUIRIES CONCERNING THE INTELLECTUAL POWERS AND THE INVESTIGATION OF TRUTH, with additions and explanations to adapt the work to the use of Schools and Academies. By Rev. Jacob Abbott, author of "The Young Christian," &c.

ABERCROMBIE'S PHILOSOPHY OF THE MORAL FEELINGS, with an Introductory Chapter, Additions and Explanations, to adapt the work to the use of Schools and Academies; and also, Analytical Questions for the Examination of Classes. By Rev Jacob Abbott, author of "The Young Christian," &c.

THE MOUNT VERNON READER, a course of Reading Lessons, selected with reference to their moral influence on the Hearts and Lives of the Young; Designed for middle classes, by the Messrs Abbott.

THE MOUNT VERNON READER FOR JUNIOR CLASSES on, the same plan as above; by the Messrs Abbott.

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