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of the great work of Education in all its departments; and to the necessity, in particular, of seeing that all our education is good education.

There is a great demand at the present time for teachers and other individuals, who will establish and sustain model schools, and publish clear and intelligible accounts of their experiments. We want, indeed, no exaggerated accounts of premature results; but only those which have been sufficiently tested.

We need intelligent and honest Editors of our periodicals; men who will carefully examine all books for children and schools, and speak of them as well as of men and measures as they ought, without fear of losing the favor or affection of authors, booksellers, or any other individuals. This would-be republican community is greatly suffering for want of a more independent editorial corps. We need Editors, too, who are not only warm hearted friends of Education, but truly enlightened ones.

Lastly, we need missionary efforts with the pen-we need those who will labor to scatter light and truth on the great subject of Education, through the columns of newspapers and other periodicals, wheresoever they can gain admittance.

[blocks in formation]

Published and for sale, wholesale and retail, on liberal terms, by GEO. W. LIGHT, Cornhill, (facing Washington Street,) Boston.

The general object of Dr. Alcott's works is to promote health and morals, by means of correct physical and moral management. Aware of the extent and power of female influence, he has, in this view, directed a large proportion of his labors to the instruction of mothers and house-keepers.

THE YOUNG WIFE, is designed to give early instruction to those who have entered the marriage relation, with respect both to the physical and moral management of themselves and their families. This is properly a work on Self-Education, both physical and moral. Fourth edi ion.

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THE YOUNG MOTHER, is intended as a guide to all who have the care of young children, but especially mothers, in regard to the physical management of children. It embraces, also, many moral reflections. Third edition.

THE HOUSE I LIVE IN, is an account of the Human Body, under the figure of a House, consisting of the frame, covering, apartments, &c., designed as a popular introduction to the study, by the young, of Anatomy and Physiology. Second edition enlarged. Just republished in London.

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WAYS OF LIVING ON SMALL MEANS, is a cheap manual for the middling and poorer classes of the community, intended to give instruction on matters of domestic economy. The fifth edition of this work has been enlarged and improved. Fifth edition.

THE MORAL REFORMER, in two volumes, is a collection of essays and facts on Health and Morals, arranged in a manner not unlike that of the former Journal of Health of Philadelphia. It is nearly the same, in character, with the Library of Health, its successor. THE LIBRARY OF HEALTH and Teacher on the Human Constitution. One volume of this work is completed and bound; and a second volume-that for 1838-is in progress. Its name will give an idea of its character. $1 a year, only. No family can afford to do without this work.


Applications will be received until the 10th of May next, by the School Committee of Nantucket, for the situation of principal Teacher, in each of the two Grammar Schools of this


The course of tuition in these schools combines all the branches taught in the several departments of the public Grammar and Writing Schools of the city of Boston. In each school three female assistants are employed; and the number of pupils of both sexes in each, averages

about 180.

Gentlemen duly qualified-by education, by character, and by competency to impart instruction, as prescribed by law-and who are disposed to perform the required duties-will please to transmit their proposals and testimonials to the undersigned, free of postage, prior to the date above specified, addressed to the School Committee. Per order,

Nantucket, April 7, 1838,





Supply the following works to persons forwarding the amount of one year's subscription:

NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. Quarterly. $5,00.

This is the oldest and most valuable of all periodical works published in this country. It has been estab lished for upwards of twenty years.


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BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. Edited by Professor WILSON. Monthly. $5,00. "Blackwood is one of the oldest, and decidedly the strongest and ablest magazine in the world: its char acter is too well known to be reckoned any where below the first and highest standard of Periodical Liserature."-New York State Gazette.


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"This is indeed a charming, a delightful periodical. The 'Original Papers' are racy, spirited, and eloquent, happy alike in style and sentiment; while the Literary Notices' are distinguished by just and discriminating criticism."-Charleston (S. C.) Courier.

ANNALS OF EDUCATION. Edited by WILLIAM A. ALCOTT. Monthly. $3.00. Few periodicals published in this country present higher claims to patronage than the "Annals." The present editor is abundantly qualified for the department he occupies. We have no hesitation in saying that it is the DUTY of every teacher to make himself acquainted with the contents of the "Annals of Education."



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American Medical Library and Intelligencer. Edited by Robley Dunglison, M. D. Semi-monthly. $10,00.

American Journal of Medical Science. Quarterly. $5,00.

British and Foreign Medical Review. Edited by Forbes and Conolly. Quarterly $5,00.

Johnson's Medico Chirurgical Review.

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American Monthly Magazine. $5,00.

Waldie's Select Circulating Library. Weekly. $5,00.

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Silliman's Journal of Science and Art. Quarterly. $6,00.

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Lady's Book. Edited by Mrs. S. J. HALE. Monthly. $3,00.

Ladies' Companion. Edited by Mrs. ANN S. STEPHENS. $3,00
Journal of the Franklin Institute. Monthly. $5,00.

Parley's Magazine, for Children. Monthly. $1,00.

Family Magazine. Monthly. $1,50.

New York Mirror. Weekly. $5,00.

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IMPROVEMENTS IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. Preparation of Schoolmasters-Their admission to the Schools-Methods of Training them-Duties of School Inspectors-Pension to Teachers and Inspectors-Normal Schools-Houses for Schoolmasters-How much Land to a School House, 241 THE NEW ENGLAND ACADEMY. Proposed Course of Instruction-Duties of the OfficersGovernor of the House-Keeping a Daily Journal,

INSTRUCTION IN FACTORIES. Experiments of Mr Owen and Mrs Fry-Other ExperimentsAppeal to the Friends of Education,




DISTRICT SCHOOL HOUSES. Interior of a School Room-Explanation of the Engraving-Warm-
ing Rooms by a Furnace-Thermometers in School Rooms-Size, &c. of School Rooms-Writ-
ing Desks, and Seats-Form of the Desks-Form of the Writers' Seats-Injuring the Physical
Frames of Children-The Older and Younger Children Separated,
RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION IN COMMON SCHOOLS.. Example of Foreign Nations-Teaching Con-
scientiousness-Reverence-A Regard for the Bible-Sincerity-Reading-Prayer-Moralizing, 268
INSTRUCTION BY HOUSEKEEPERS. Where Character is chiefly Formed-Moral Influence of the

PREPARATORY, OR FAMILY INSTRUCTION. Instruction at Home-Familiar Exercises, by a
Morher First Lessons in Arithmetic-An Exercise in Defining,
ENCOURAGEMENT FROM COUSIN. Letter to Mr Brooks-Model Normal Schools,
MISCELLANY. Proceedings of the American Lyceum-Duties of School Committees-Connecticut
Redeemed!-Common School Papers-The Periodical Press, generally-School Convention at
Marietta, Ohio,








It may not be uninteresting to some of our readers to see a brief statement of the views we entertain, and the principles we are laboring to inculcate in this work-to know, in few words, what it is which we desire, by our efforts, to accomplish.

OBJECT OF EDUCATION. This we believe should be to develope and form character-physical, social, intellectual, moral and religious-in short, to make man what he should be. We take the bible, hunan nature, and human experience as our basis or text books.

INSTRUMENTS OF EDUCATION. The parents, especially the mother. Other associates. The general temper of those around us. Physical and moral habits-stories- precepts. The objects we see, hear, taste, &c. Pictures. Books. The Family School in general. The Infant School. The Common or District School. The High School. The College or University. The Sabbath School. The Bible Class. The Church. The Library. The Lyceum, &c.

In order to bring these instruments to bear most favorably on the cause of Education and accomplish its objects, we are in favor of the following measures;

1. LEGISLATIVE ACTION. Enough of this to give an impulse. Each State should have a small fund which should be available to every School district, on condition of contributing or taxing themselves to a certain extent or amount. Thus it should serve as a mere condiment and not as a principal article of food. Legislatures should also appoint and pay a Superintendent of Schools, or else establish Boards of Education.

2. SOCIAL ACTION. We need intelligent School Committees, who should be paid for their services; Teachers' Seminaries; Teachers' Meetings or Asociations, and Interchanges of Visits among Teachers.

3. INDIVIDUAL ACTION. We need Authors who will make better School Books. We need parents who will furnish them, and furnish pupils duly prepared for the School, and sustain social and legislative efforts. We need Teachers who will be truly missionaries of education; who will not only visit each others' schools and labor assiduously to introduce improved methods of instruction, improved school books, apparatus, &c. but who will also educate as well as instruct; men of enlarged minds and warm hearts, who will labor to be moral teachers as well as intellectual ones; and who will not only look to parents and others to co-operate with thein and the pupils, but also look to themselves and the pupils to co-operate with parents; whose intention it will be, in short, to elevate their profession and advance the good of mankind by liv. ing and dying in their service. We need the co-operation of ministers, physicians and other professional men. We greatly need also a host of missionaries of education-men of experience and of enlarged minds and hearts, self-denying men-men willing to go forth in the true apostolic spirit-without money and without price, and labor to awaken parents and teachers, and philanthrophists, and legislators, but especially parents, to the nature and importance



JUNE, 1838.


We have recently become much interested in the evidence presented to the British House of Commons, on the examination of various members of the Irish Board of Education, before a select Committee for the purpose, to whose proceedings we have alluded in our February number. We do not, of course, suppose that measures adopted for the promotion of Elementary Education in Ireland, will be adapted to the promotion of the same object in the United States; but we believe it impossible for any friend of education to become acquainted with the proceedings of the Board alluded to, without gaining much information which would be valuable in any age or country. We have classed some of the more interesting topics of examination under their respective heads. Mr Carlile was the member of the Board, who gave the greatest part of the replies in regard to the Preparation of Schoolmasters, and Mr Blake in regard to School Inspectors, Normal Schools, and Methods of Instruc


1. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. What is the course of instruction pursued in the several schools under the Board?

It is generally elementary.

Is it left to the discretion of the teacher?

It is. I have here a paper, which I beg to put in, which will show what the general instruction is; and I will also deliver in a copy of a class roll of one of the national schools.

Are those rules placed in every school?

They are, or ought to be.

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