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Making Children Happy.


THE following is extracted from Chap. XXVIII. of a new work by the Editor, entitled The Mother in her Family, or Sayings and Doings at Rose Hill Cottage,' published by Weeks, Jordan & Co., of this city. The work is chiefly in the form of familiar dialogue between a mother and her children.

'I have heard many a school teacher-male and female-descant most learnedly on the importance of making our fellow creatures happy. I have heard them talk by the whole quarter hour with their pupils on the happiness it would give their parents and friends, if they behaved well, and made rapid progress in their studies. Sometimes I have thought these harangues did good, but at others, they have seemed wholly useless.

Much depends on the manner of teaching by precept. Example is always powerful, but precept seldom. The reason is not so much that precepts, if they are true, are in their nature inefficacious, for they are not so. Properly applied, they can scarcely fail to bring forth, like good seed properly sown, their appropriate fruits. But if seed is scattered where it should not be-on a rock, where there is not much earth, or where the earth is unbroken and pre-occupied-what can you expect? So it is with preceptive truth, when scattered among children, whether those children are great or small,-ten years old or fifty.

When the pupil at school has been confined for an hour or two, to a hard bench, with his feet dangling, with no resting place for his back, and without employment, save some five minutes or so of unmeaning repetition of what he does not understand; and when it is about to be announced that he may have a recess of five or ten minutes, or an intermission of one or two hours, a ray of hope, and a prospect of free motion and air, begins to break in upon the monotony; then, to hear a teacher, with airs of wisdom and importance, discoursing upon the propriety and necessity of behaving well, and making each other happy; who that has ever been a school boy himself, would not smile? Dost thou think, my good friend-for a friend thou art of humanity, notwithstanding thy ignorance of human naturedost thou think thy words, in these circumstances, make any impression? Admitting thy term " happiness" is well understood, dost thou think thine instructions reach the heart?

Above all, when thy pupils are marshalled to depart to their respective homes, at four or five o'clock in the afternoon-sick of books, and school room, and school, and it may be of school

Preceptive Instruction.


master-and panting, like "the hart" after "the water brooks," for one breath of freedom and free air--when they stand, I say, arranged in classes, with cloak and doublet, and in due form, with cap in hand, awaiting only the long delayed announcement, 'school's dismissed '-then to hear, what has been heard a thousand times before, about doing well, and behaving well on the road and at home, and making one another, and parents, and teachers, and friends, and the world-and, I was going to say, the world's Maker-happy, canst thou not read enough of the human heart to know that thy words fall as the sportsman's shot on the scales of the alligator, or the still more impenetrable rhinoceros?

There is a time, if the words of the wise man are true, for all things; for precepts and doctrines among the rest. There is a time-nay, there are times every day of every person's life, when the voice even of preceptive instruction will sink deep. Our wisdom is shown by selecting the proper time, nature's own season. Such a season is not to be found just at the breaking up the school, nor when the pupils' minds or hearts are preoccupied, either by the thought of their freedom, their sports, or their meals. Still less is it to be found immediately after a heavy or an improper dinner; or violent or protracted exercise. The teacher, who, in serving himself, would serve God and his country by making his pupils better, must watch for those sacred seasons, when body and soul are fitted for the reception of the truths he would utter. Often do these seasons arrive in connection with some extraordinary occurrence, of more or less importauce in itself, but which prepares the heart like soil for the reception of the appropriate seed. But let all teachers remember that words alone do not teach wisdom, even preceptive wisdom. The heart must be in unison with the sentiments inculcated; and the pupils must see we are sincere. The word happydefined or undefined-may dwell forever on your lips to no sort of purpose, unless your pupils see that you are in earnest, and mean what you say.

What I have said here, is scarcely less applicable to the parent than to the teacher. In truth, what is the parent-the mother especially-but a teacher? And must not the parent study times and seasons, and watch winds and weather, to sow his seed? Surely he must, if he expect to sow, in the beautiful language of inspiration, "to the spirit," and to reap accordingly.


Letter fro

istinguished Teacher.



It will be recollected by the readers of this work, that the subject of bathing and swimming, in connection with cleanliness, has been often urged; and sometimes at considerable length. Bathing is of more importance to the young, perhaps, whose habits are not yet formed, than to any other class; but it is important to all. The following case-from the Moral Reformer,' is that of a distinguished Principal of one of our Teachers' Seminaries.

'From early childhood I have been an invalid. True, I have not been so feeble as to prevent me from performing a moderate share of labor, physical and intellectual; but my studies were often interrupted, and I never was capable of severe and long continued effort. To perfect health I have been a stranger, at least nine tenths of a life of more than forty years.

For the last six years, I have suffered much from dyspepsia, inflammation of the lungs, severe and frequent colds, influenza, &c. During the winter of 1834 and '5, I was seldom free from cold, and I began to doubt whether I should be able to endure another northern winter.

In June, 1835, I commenced the habit of morning ablutions, immediately after rising. After washing every part of my body, I employed friction with a coarse towel, until I had caused a glow over the whole surface. This practice I have continued ever since, (a year) with the following results.*

1. I have not suffered from cold or influenza, during the whole time, though I have often exposed myself in a manner I had not before, for years.

2. I have scarcely felt uncomfortable at any time, from the cold of the past severe winter.

3. I can perform nearly double the labor which I could before.

4. Neglect of exercise affects me far less.

5. I sleep better, and suffer very little from fatigue, even when my labors are severe.

6. I am almost entirely free from dyspepsia, and have lost my sallow countenance, almost entirely. I am a healthy man.

Having derived such surprising benefits from the practice, I am bound by a sense of duty to others, to state them. Should any one be induced to try the experiment, and derive but a tenth part of the benefit I have done, I am certain he would not abandon the practice for any price.

*He has now continued it about three years.-ED.

A Common Parental Error.


A friend of mine has experienced equal or greater benefit; and I cannot doubt, Mr Editor, that many clergymen, and other professional men, who are, as I was, dragging out a miserable existence, would find morning ablutions of equal efficacy.

The practice should be commenced moderately, and in warm weather, with water not perfectly cold. After a few weeks, the coldest well water may be used with entire safety.'


[THE following remarks were made by the Editor, at the late annual meeting of the Physiological Society in this city, in support of a resolution which was offered and subsequently adopted, viz. That while a knowledge of the practical and organic laws would be of incalculable advantage to persons in every relation of life, it would be particularly so to parents, professional men, missionaries, teachers and legislators.']

GOD has given us our children, that we may train them up, not so much according to our own convenience, as with a reference to their usefulness and happiness, present and future. They are not to be educated for us and for our purposes, be the latter ever so laudable; but for themselves, for their country, for the world, for God. We are to receive them indeed, at the hands of God as a gift-a most valuable gift, too—but we are to receive them as gems which are to be brightened and polished and improved, under our direction, to be rendered back, thus adorned, and improved to the giver.

This fact, that they are given us to train up for God and their country and the world, presupposes a susceptibility of being thus trained. It presupposes the delegation of a power from the Creator to parents, to mould their character, in no small degree, as they please to make them more or less happy, and more or less useful. But the parent will be able to accomplish this task, in proportion as he understands the child's whole nature, physical and moral.

I am grieved to find parents, almost every where, training their children to that station of life which suits their own inclinations or their own inconvenience. Thus, if a farmer finds it more convenient or more agreeable to his own taste, to make farmers of his sons, he does so. If a minister thinks favorably of his own sphere for doing good, and finds it more convenient to him


Examples of the Error.

self to make ministers ofhis sons, he endeavors to do it. And so it is, generally speaking, with men of every profession. So also, to some extent, in the education even of daughters. If convenient to make housekeepers of them, they are made so; but if it is more convenient to make milliners, tailoresses, or teachers of them, they are trained accordingly. Or if they are in extreme poverty, perhaps they are content to let them become waiting maids, or go into factories. I do not mean to say there are no exceptions to the truth of these remarks, but only that this is, in general, the way in which children are disposed of-partly at haphazard, and partly at the convenience of the parents. God's convenience-in other words, his will, for I wish to speak with reverence and seriousness is seldom consulted; first, because we do not understand, in every instance, how to ascertain what his will is; and secondly, because we are determined to consult our own will and convenience, in preference.


Let me not be understood as saying that the wishes of the child-his tastes and preferences-are in every instance wholly overlooked. Sometimes these are taken into the account, and sometimes they are not. But when they are, it does not greatly mend the matter. The child's taste, uncontrolled, as things usually are in families, is no safe guide to us in selecting his occupation. No child is born in New England, with a taste for the business of rice grinding, or cotton picking, or palanquin bearing. His fondness for a particular occupation, is chiefly the result of circumstances. There is no great difficulty in directing a child's inclination towards any employment we think best for him, provided we begin early, and act with discretion; so that there will be no necessity of crossing his wishes or thwarting his inclinations.

Allow me to give one or two examples of the error in education which has led to these remarks. I have said that a farmer, if he is fond of farming and successful in it, usually wishes to have his sons farmers. If, however, there is one among them in whom the brain and nervous system preponderate, constituting what is called a nervous temperament, (whether hereditary or acquired, makes little difference as to my present purpose)and who is consequently rather feeble in body, but apt to learn, and exceedingly fond of study. one of the two following evils will ensue. The father will either fall into a habit of fretting at him perpetually, and saying that he is good for nothing,wanting perhaps in common sense,* and this, besides spoiling

*This matter, in some families, is carried very far. In many parts of New Eng land it is so common to un lerrate the natural capacities of children whose mental facu ties are precocious, as to give rise and currency to the maxin that if there is a fool in a family, he should by all means be sent to college.

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