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The aim of these lessons is to help teachers. It is presumed that the need of observation work in Grammar School grades is recognized, that the value of experimental science for this work has been appreciated, and that the method of doing the work has been studied. The purpose is to elucidate the preparation of simple apparatus and the manipulation in a course of fifty easy experiments. The topics are common but important.

Should this attempt prove fairly successful, it will be followed by a continuation of the work on topics from the science of sound, light, heat, steam engine, force and motion.


May, 1887.


Lessons on the Candle Flame.

There are three parts in a candle flame, as follows:

[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small]

1. LESSON.-There is gas inside of the flame.

[graphic][merged small]

EXPERIMENT.-Take a piece of

glass tubing, 10 inches long, 1-4 inch in diameter inside. Put one end, holding the tube vertical, into the upper part of the place in the flame, marked 1. The gas will rise through the tubing and can be ignited at the upper end. The tubing can be held by wrapping a narrow strip paper around it. Repeated trial may be necessary in order to hold the tubing steadily enough. Brace the arm against the body.


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