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Isis, the beloved of Osiris, on receiving the dreadful news, sheared off one of her tresses, put on a robe of mourning, and, as she wandered about everywhere, not knowing what to do, she met no one without speaking to him. Nay, even when she fell in with little children, she inquired of them about the coffer. These last chanced to have seen it, and told her the branch of the river through which Typhon's accomplices had let the chest drift into the sea. From this circumstance the Egyptians believe that little children possess the faculty of prophecy, and that especially the future is foreshadowed by their cries when they are playing in the temple courts and calling out whatever it may be. Proceeding thence she learned by inquiry that the chest had been washed up by the sea at place called Byblus, and that the surf had gently laid it under an Erica tree. This Erica, a most lovely plant, growing up very large in a short time, had enfolded, embraced and concealed the coffer within

itself. The king of the place, being astonished at the size of the plant, having cut away the clump in which the coffer was concealed, set this up as a pillar to support his roof.

"Isis having learnt all this by the divine breath of fame, came to Byblus, and sitting down by the side of a spring, all dejected and weeping, spoke not a word to any other person, but saluted and made friends of the maid-servants of the queen by dressing their hair for them and infusing into their bodies a wonderful perfume. When the queen saw her maids again she felt a longing to see the stranger whose hair and body breathed of ambrosial perfume, and so she was sent for and, becoming intimate with the queen, was made nurse of her infant. She now turned herself into a swallow and flew around the pillar, and thus she continued to live for a long time, in the near presence of her beloved, unceasingly fluttering around the imprisoned coffin, moaning the misfortune of Osiris and her own sad fate."

Before the father had an opportunity to explain the significance of this story, the mother entered with a copy of the New York Independent, and as her stories are always the most enchanting, the children were soon listening with undivided attention as she read to them a Circassian tale, telling how the swallow's tail came to be forked, and why men never kill her.


A long, long time ago Solomon,* the son of David, reigned over all created things: This wise and powerful monarch understood all the languages of men, the cries of beasts, the hiss of reptiles, the notes of birds, the speech of the lofty trees, and the soft murmur of the flowers. Solomon had assigned to each creature his proper food. To some he had given the flesh of the weaker animals; to others the herbs of the field or the fruits which ripen on tree or shrub. To the Serpent the son of David had said: "Thou shalt be nourished with the blood of man." And so the Serpent, hidden in the grass, watched for the approach of Man, and sprang upon him in order to drain his blood. The unhappy mortals murmured so loudly at this that the sound reached the ears of Solomon, who said to Man:

"Why dost thou complain?" "Sire, the Serpent lives on our blood; our race will soon disappear."

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'Go, I will bear in mind thy prayer," replied the son of David.

Solomon reflected long, and finally he summoned all living creatures to assemble in the midst of a great plain. The Lion, the Tiger, the Wolf, the Horse, the Elephant, the Eagle, the Vulture, and thousands and thousands of other animals, came at his bidding. Solomon sat on his throne and said: "I have called you here together to hear your complaints. Speak.

Man approached the throne, made his obeisance, and said:

"Sire, I ask that the Serpent may be assigned some other animal for his food." "And why?"

"Because I am the first of beings."

At this the other animals began to protest; some roared, others growled, yelped, screamed, or howled.

"Be silent!" commanded Solomon. "Let the Mosquito, the smallest of all creatures, find out which animal in all creation has the most delicate blood. Whosoever it may be, even to that of man, I swear to give it to the Serpent. A year from to-day we will meet again in this place, to hear the decision of the Mosquito.'

*David and Solomon, who figure so largely in Eastern mythical stories, are respectively reminiscences not of the second and third kings of the Israelites, but of the Babylonian deities, Dodo or Dod, and the king of the gods, the Wise Ea, one of whose names was Sallimann.

The animals dispersed, and during the twelve months the little insect visited them all and tasted their blood. As the Mosquito was on his way to join the assembly of King Solomon, he met the Swallow.

"Good-day, Swallow," said he. "Thou art well met, friend Mosquito; whither fliest thou so swiftly?"

"To the assembly of the animals." "Of course; I had forgotten the mission with which our King charged you. Well, now, whose blood is most delicate."

"That of man. That of" the Mosquito was about to repeat the word, when the Swallow, as soon as he opened his mouth, tore out his tongue. The Mosquito, furious with pain, continued his flight, closely followed by the Swallow; and they arrived together before King Solomon.

Well," said the son of David, “hast thou tasted the blood of every animal." The insect made a sign in the affirmative. "Which then is the most delicate?" Great was the embarrassment of the Mosquito, who, now that the Swallow had torn out his tongue, could not reply.

"Ksss-Ksssss-Ksssssss !" he buzzed. "What sayest thou?"

"Ksss-Kssss-Kssssss!"' again buzzed the Mosquito in a frenzy.

Solomon was much puzzled until the Swallow presented herself before the throne.

"Sire," said she, "the Mosquito appears to have become suddenly dumb; but on the road hither he confided to me the result of the year's investigations." "Speak, Swallow," commanded the King.

"The Frog is the animal whose blood has the most exquisite flavor. So the Mosquito said. Is it not so, friend Mosquito?" continued the Swallow.

"Ksss-Kssss-Kssssss !" buzzed the


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"It is well," said Solomon. 'Henceforward the Serpent will feed on the blood of the Frog; man can now live in peace." And the King dismissed the assembly.

But the Serpent was not at all pleased with this decision; and as the Swallow passed him, chuckling at the success of her ruse, he darted upon her. She, however, gave him a smart blow with her wings, and he succeeded only in seizing her by the middle of the tail, which he tore asunder. Since that time the Swallow's tail has been forked, and the Ser

pent has had to content himself with the blood of the Frog.

And this is why man never kills the Swallow, but gives her a shelter under the eaves of his house, and looks upon her presence at his hearth as a happy presage.


HE recent letter of Pope Leo XIII. to


the bishops and clergy of the Catholic Church in America, says the Educational Review, is epoch-making in its effect on the attitude of that Church toward edu

cation. The supreme authority of the Church sustains the position assumed by Archbishop Satolli. Stated briefly the Pope's declaration is: The public school system is definitely recognized and endorsed; preference is expressed for parochial schools, and, wherever it is feasible, their establishment is recommended; wherever the parochial schools can be merged in the public schools, on conditions fair to both parties, the union should be effected. What the ultimate effects of this letter, which must be regarded as expressing the settled policy of the Catholic Church, may be, it is impossible to predict. One matter, however, it settles immediately and beyond peradventure; no priest or dignitary of the Church has the right to denounce spiritual pains and penalties against Catholic parents who refuse to send their children to a parochial school. This means of filling the parochial schools is no longer effective; it is contrary to the expressed will of the head of the Church. However repugnant it may be to Americans that a foreign power should undertake to decide the attitude of any American citizen toward an American institution, it is at least satisfactory to reflect that the vast power of the Pope, used as it is with dictatorial authority over the dignitaries of the Catholic Church, is yet employed to promote the liberty and well-being of the Catholic laity, and to restrain clerical zeal that often transcended the bounds not only of discretion but, as now appears, of authority.

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"Ye may be aye stickin' in a tree, Jock; it will be growin' when ye're sleepin'." Scotch Farmer.





HE statistical statements relating to the public schools of Pennsylvania, for the school year ending June 5th, 1893, as compiled for the annual report of the Department of Public Instruction now in the hands of the printer, show steady growth, and in some directions extraordinary figures: The number of school districts is 2,386, an increase of 29. number of schools, 24,012, an increase of 576; the number of graded schools, 12,304, an increase of 816. The number of superintendents, 128; of male teachers, 8,245, increase of 29; number of female teachers, 17,718, increase 541; whole number of teachers, 25,963. The average salary of male teachers per month, $43.94, increase of $1.79; average salary of female teachers per month, $33.04, increase of $1.63. The average length of school term in months is 8.10. The number of pupils is 994,407, an increase of 16,879; average number of pupils, 503,858.. The cost of tuition was $8,468,436.99, an increase of $701,779.83; cost of building, purchasing and renting $3,569, 103. 12, increase of $777,596.73; cost of fuel, contingencies, debt and interest paid $4,373,436.88, increase of $1,072,277.37; total cost of tuition, building, fuel and contingencies, $16,410,976.99.

In Philadelphia there are 2,878 schools, with 126 male and 2,752 female teachers, and a registered attendance of 118,269 pupils. These figures swell the number of pupils in all the schools of the State to 1,112,676. The total cost of the free school system of Pennsylvania last year, including Philadelphia, was $19,624,863.55, toward the payment of which large sum there was appropriated from the State Treasury the sum of Five Million Dollars.

ERIE is now a city of 50,000 inhabitants. Its school buildings are the pride of all the citizens. All creeds and nationalities unite in support of the High

School. The Superintendent has achieved a thorough organization of the schools in all the grades. A visit to the room of Prof. Burns almost tempts one to believe that the genius of Socrates must have settled on the shores of Lake Erie. His skilful questioning elicited the most thoughtful answers and these were spoken with a naturalness and self-possession indicative of the most correct training. In the room in which German is taught by Mr. Benze the pupils think and answer in that tongue. Children of other nationalities acquire a faultless accent, and the course in this language is really superior in extent and thoroughness to that of many colleges. A glimpse at the bright faces of the boys and girls and the pleasure of hearing them sing was a compensation for the long hours spent in waiting one's turn as a witness in the criminal court. The High School seeks to be a fitting school for those who desire to go to college, and a finishing school for those who can not go to higher institutions of learning.

On Friday, September 15th, the School Board of Titusville opened a new building for the use of the High School, costing upwards of $30,000. The fame of this school, which is greatly indebted to the wise and scholarly direction of Supt. R. M. Streeter, has attracted pupils from other parts of the State, and the preparation given by its efficient faculty has secured for its graduates admission into institutions like Cornell University. The course in German under Prof. Faber is very thorough and extensive. All the other teachers are ladies, and the results reflect great credit upon the skill and scholarship of the gentler sex. Supt. R. D. Crawford, who achieved brilliant results in manual training at Tidioute, hopes to introduce the same branch into the schools of Titusville. The new High School building contains an assembly room large enough to seat 500 persons, six recitation rooms, two drawing rooms, and an apartment specially adapted for the town library. By a vote of the citizens, bonds were issued to cover $25,000 payable in installments extending over ten years. The bonds were all accepted by the Commercial Bank at 31⁄2 per cent.

interest. Great credit is due to Samuel Grumbine, Esq., President of the Board, and to Hon. J. J. McCrum, for the completeness of the arrangements in detail. The School Board consists of eight members, two from each ward. The most gratifying feature of the opening exercises at Titusville was the gift of $1000 from the McKinney Bros. for physical and chemical apparatus. They expressed the hope that it would become the nucleus for further and more liberal donations.

WE are pleased to acknowledge receipt of a list of thirty or more subscribers from the County Institute of Bucks county. Thanks to the friends of The Journal at this and other Institutes who think so well of it as to subscribe for it.

A VISIT to the State Normal School at Edinboro revealed an attendance of over 160 students. Of these 110 are preparing to teach, and the rest are in the Model School. The students are earnest and exceedingly well-behaved. The professors are enthusiastic and harmonious. Among them is Miss Anna Buckbee, whose fame as a teacher has reached all parts of the Commonwealth. The Superintendent of the Model School reports that pupils from the town schools are seeking admission into his department. Edinboro is a beautiful town, free from the temptations of large cities, and well adapted to be the seat of a flourishing school. The buildings and the discipline have been much improved in recent years.



EE to it that outhouses are provided such as the new law requires, and that they are kept clean in every sense. This is a matter of the utmost importance. County, City and Borough Superintendents should always make careful inspection of outhouses, and should see that the law is enforced which was enacted by the last Legislature requiring Boards of School Directors and Controllers to make provision for keeping the water-closets for each of the schools under their official jurisdiction in a clean, comfortable and healthful condition. This law authorizes Courts of Common Pleas to appoint a competent person to inspect school houses, on the formal complaint of taxable citizens of any school district in which the

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'An article from the edilorial columns of The Pennsylvania School Journal is elsewhere printed. It is a strong endorsement of a paper written by County Superintendent Walton, of Chester county, on the subject of decency and good morals on the school-house grounds. It deals fairly and without equivocation with the matter of clean, well-constructed, wellkept outhouses, and points out the responsibility of School Directors in this respect. This article ought to be read and laid to heart by every School Director in Bucks county.


"The truth of the matter is that it is high time for a general and sweeping reform in this branch of school-house architecture. The usual outhouse in Bucks county is a wooden structure, poorly contrived, poorly kept, lacking in cleanliness and disfigured with knife cuttings and pencil marks. Mr. Walton calls them sin-scratched, hell-sodden sheds.' phrase is strong, but the occasion demands strong language. Directors as a rule are sinfully, shamefully oblivious to the bad morality taught on the schoolhouse grounds. Here and there a township has done better, and here and there a director has raised his voice in favor of reform, but the old rule is still unbroken. As Mr. Walton says, 'If man planned the school house, surely Satan must have planned the outhouse.'

"The State provides for the education of her children, and votes liberal sums of money, and houses, teachers, books, apparatus, etc. The idea is the proper education of the child for future citizenship. And yet an education which develops the intellect while it weakens the moral nature is as bad as no education at all. Children attend school at an impressible age-at a time of life when all impressions make lasting effects, and it is of vital importance to the betterment of our public schools that the heart, the brain and the body be all educated along proper and wholesome lines.

"The thing to do is obvious: Replace all the wooden outhouses with the structures described by Superintendent Walton, and then take care of them. As to the method of taking better care of the buildings and grounds several plans have been suggested, but all agree that; frequent inspection is necessary. One of our townships (Plumstead) requires the same member of the board to visit every school-house every month during the school year, and to make monthly report to the board. The appointment of janitors or care-takers for rural districts, the same as in large graded schools in towns, has also been suggested. But the means is not the important matter. It is the end -the better morality and cleanlinessthat is to be kept most prominently in view."

In order to keep the digestive organs in health it is necessary to attend promptly to the calls of nature. But when closets are in a filthy condition, or the seats are covered with snow and ice, many children are impelled to postpone and avoid going out when they should. Joined to these reasons are the moral considerations before mentioned, which make it imperative that we should execute this law both in letter and in spirit, correcting the evils before spoken of wherever they may exist.

Hoping that you will act promptly in this matter, I am


Very respectfully yours,

J. C. TAYLOR, County Superintendent.


T was our good fortune to meet at the Columbian Exposition Supt. W. S. Monroe, formerly of Nanticoke, Penna., later of Pasadena, California, and now of the Leland Stanford University. He was giving nearly all of his time at the World's Fair to a very patient and careful study of the entire educational exhibit. The result of his work is presented in a series of articles published

This grave matter has had prompt attention in many parts of the State since the passage of the new law, and much improvement is noted. But in other directions nothing has yet been done. It is still with them "the abomination of desolation" in way of decency, health, good manners and good morals. The following circular addressed by County Supt. J. C. Taylor, of Lackawanna, to the Presi-weekly in the New England Journal of

dent and Members of each Board of Directors in his large county, is deserving of special mention. We take pleasure in giving it place in these columns:

Gentlemen: Inclosed you will find a copy of the new law relating to water-closets, which was signed by Gov. Pattison, June 6, 1893. This is a most excellent law. It has been needed for a long time. I know from personal observation that there are many schools in this county where the water-closets have been continually in an improper condition-latches or locks broken, doors off hinges, holes in roofs and walls, underpinning removed, floor and seats heaped with filth, walls defaced and covered with obscene writings and carvings, making the place utterly unfit for any child to enter.


When we consider the deep and lasting influence of the surroundings of young children upon their characters, is it not shameful that such a condition of things should be allowed to exist anywhere? Simple decency requires that we should provide closets entirely separate for the two sexes. promote the health of the pupils they should be comfortable and clean. Delicate children should not be obliged to expose themselves in stormy winter weather in closets lacking proper doors, walls, roofs, or underpinning. Many colds have been taken in this way, some of which, no doubt, have resulted fatally.

Education, from which we take what he has to say of Pennsylvania and New Jersey:

"Pennsylvania is represented chiefly by Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Reading, Harrisburg, Allegheny, and the colleges of the state. The department of public instruction has a full set of the State reports and of The Pennsylvania School Journal, as well as a very complete m showing the educational institutions, both elementary and higher, in the Keystone State. In the Philadelphia exhibit one finds some ingenious papers and drawings illustrating historically the development of the nation, and some good pen and ink drawings from the girls of the normal school. The one feature of the Philadelphia exhibit which stands out strongest is the manual training schools-the work in wood and iron and the sewing, The possibilities of this work seem very great when one notes the various forms of expression which the teachers in these schools call to their aid. One finds, for instance, the electric plant which the pupils have made for themselves, applications of drawing in Greek architecture and historical art, graphic illustrations in ancient history and litera

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