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sized farm. Forty-four acres of floors are loaded and adorned with the most beautiful specimens of human handiwork, from all over the world. Shall I enable the boys for whom I write to gain a better idea of this immense structure, when I say that six full games of base-ball, each on a regulation "field," might be played at once on the main floor, with space for batting so unrestricted that a home run" might be made on each field, simultaneously? Three Coliseums like that of ancient Rome might be set down side by side on this interior space, with room for St. Peter's church in addition! Or if you think that the vast crowds that are to congregate here this year will leave you no room to move about, you may be reassured when you are told that the entire standing army of imperial Germany might be assembled beneath this vast roof! All this great area is full of the most elegant and costly articles in the world. Truly, the visitor needs to be here as early as the gates are opened, on this day, if he is to see a hundredth part of this varied wealth! To specify here even the nature of the exhibits is impossible. No one could see them all in a month, much less in a day. Each visitor may best give attention to the things that have special interest for him, and the Official Guide-Book will direct him to their location. This day in the Building of Manufactures and Liberal Arts will tire the eyes often, and time and again it will be advisable to withdraw to the colonnade on the lake-side to rest and take the breeze. When food is needed it may be found across the great canal, at the Dairy café southward of La Rabida; or at the "Clam-Bake" across the northern canal, near the Fisheries Building.

Third Day: Modern Inventions.-The plan for this day will be much more extended than that of yesterday. It should include Machinery Hall, the Mines, Electricity and Transportation Buildings-to each one of which an entire day might well be devoted by visitors able to spend three or four weeks instead of one at the Fair. There will be time for no more than a leisurely walk amidst the thousands of clattering machines which cover the seventeen acres of floor space in Machinery Hall. Do not forget the powerhouse, in the rear, where are located the immense battery of boilers and the twenty-four thousand horse-power engines that set all these machines in motion.

Leaving Machinery Hall, we may next enter the lofty portal of the building devoted to Electricity, less noisy than the one we have left, but not less complex. Here are nearly ten acres of Electric Dynamos, Batteries, Telegraphs, Signals, Heaters, Forges, Telephones, Mo ors and Lights, and other subtle devices of which our fathers knew nothing, but which enter into the every-day life of this generation.

Parallel and abreast of the Electrical Building stands the Mining Building, to which we may next take our way. Here are displayed all those varied devices by which men pierce the rugged mountain lodes, and wrench the metals from the iron grasp of Nature. Here are ores, gems, crystals, coal, coke, petroleum, natural gas, gold, silver, tin, nickel, minerals in general. Here are stamps or crushers, assay and mining apparatus, boring and drilling machinery.

It is a display which one might profitably visit for study every day for a week. But we must cross over to the Golden Door of the Transportation Building, where for two hours more we shall find our attention absorbed by palace cars, locomotives, road engines, steam craft, yachts, naval construction, flying-machines, pneumatic tubes,-in short, all the devices of modern travel at high speed.

Fourth Day: The Produce of the Fields. -Go first to the Building of Agriculture, one of the most beautiful structures on the grounds. Beneath its ample roofs lie spread out eighteen acres of exhibits, of interest to all, and of especial interest to the farmer, ranchman and gardener. Here, amidst a calm suggestive of green fields and pastures, we find cereals, grasses and forage plants, sugars and confections, dairy products and foods, farming tools and farm buildings, pure and mineral waters-innumerable articles suggestive of country life and country quiet. Two or three hours will be occupied in gaining even the most general conception of them.

Next, we may well go to see the exhibit of live stock beneath the forty acres of sheds in the rear, to the southward. Here are horses, cattle, sheep, camels, goats, swine, dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits and many wild animals. A hurried view

of them will occupy two or three hours more of our day; and we shall have to hasten past the Stock Pavilion, for per

forming animals, with no more than a glance inside of it.

Finally, pass up through the grounds, northward, to the Horticultural Building, amidst whose lovely flowers, palms, grottoes and fountains the last two hours of the afternoon may be appropriately spent.

Fifth Day.-Some particularly pleasing spectacles have been purposely reserved for the last two days of the week. Two hours of the morning of the fifth day may be spent at the Women's and Children's buildings, neighboring one another, to the north of Horticultural Hall. The exhibit in the Women's Building is designed to represent the progress of woman from the earlier, darker ages of humanity to the present era, and to illustrate some of what may be called the public services of the sex. There is a model hospital and model kindergarten, as well as parlors fitted to illustrate the comforts of home. Another department is devoted to those organizations of reform and charity of which women have ever been the champions. In another wing there is a model kitchen; and in the open air on the roof, whence a grand view of the grounds is obtained, are the "hanging gardens," with pleasant cafés attached.

At the Children's Building near by may be seen all manner of famous toys, including the "talking doll." Here also are model nurseries, kindergartens, children's kitchens, creches, etc. It is place to which the little ones will beg to return time and again.

The chief interest of this morning's excursion, however, will be centred at the Fine Arts Building, with its spacious Annexes, where are to be seen five acres of the master-pieces of the world's great, est painters, sculptors, etchers, carvers and other artists. Never before has so varied and extensive an art display been collected under one roof. Hours will pass like moments here.

Yet time must be economized, this afternoon, to visit the Fisheries Building, where all the boys, at least, will be captivated by the illustrations of sea-fishing and angling, fresh-water fishing, and fish culture. Living fish, large and small, of almost every known kind, fill the great tanks of the aquaria, some of which have a capacity of forty thousand gallons.

If possible, an hour more of the afternoon must be given to the interior of the stately United States Government Build

ing, located across the canal immediately south of the Fisheries. Here are cannon, Gatling guns, shells and projectiles of every sort; a mint, showing specimens of every coin made by the United States; and also exhibits from every other department of the general government.

Sixth Day: A Tour of the Midway Plaisance.-Most visitors will feel the need of a little recreation, after five full days of conscientious sight-seeing. We propose, therefore, to spend the forenoon. in having a royal good time in the Midway Plaisance. This portion of the Fair, somewhat apart from the main grounds, is a comparatively narrow strip of land, seven-eighths of a mile in length, between the Fifty-ninth and Sixtieth Street entrances. It is part and portion of the Exposition, and admittance to the latter entitles the visitor to general admittance to the Plaisance, but not to its special attractions, or "shows." These are “concessions;" that is to say, the enterprising proprietors pay for the privilege of being there, and therefore charge admission fees. We may regard our visit here as of the nature of a recreation, and not to be taken too seriously.

We can think of it as the "Brother Yagger" part of the Fair. Here are the Tower of Babel, the Captive Balloon, the Sliding Railway, the Turkish Village, the Moorish Palace, the Street in Cairo, the Ferris Wheel, the Dahomey Village, the Hagenbeck Animal Show, and many other "attractions," about which, doubtless, other writers will give information to the readers of The Companion. The proprietors are so extremely willing to sell you tickets of admission, that your pocket-book will suffer here if you do not guard it rigidly. It may perhaps be well to set aside a fixed sum for "fun" before making this excursion.

There will now remain of our week but one afternoon in which to take a farewell walk through the main grounds, and a parting glance at the grand buildings. One may spend an hour at Music Hall, another visiting the Columbian Caravels, the old war-ship Niagara, and the Convent of La Rabida, and the rest of the afternoon in the Buildings of Archæology and Forestry.-Youth's Companion.

BRYN MAWR makes the most complete exhibit of all the Women's Colleges. She stands out brilliantly at Chicago through her views, models, and publications.


THE point that I wish to impress, says

Mr. Robert Groves, is that this fair is worth seeing at any cost within the command of the people. As World's Fairs go it will probably be thirty or forty years before this country witnesses another like it. That will mean the next generation, and not this. Nor is it true that one must spend a small fortune in order to behold the glories of the White City. It is not true that one must submit to extortion or robbery in Chicago. Just after the opening of the Fair a cry went up in the columns of eastern papers that Chicago was trying to rob the people. The Chicago papers were compelled to take the matter up and make investigations. They found that in many instances these charges were well based. But it must be said to their credit that they condemned extortion wherever they found it and exposed the guilty parties. Already we find conditions settling down here. We are now able to ascertain approximately what it will cost a man or a party or a family to come to Chicago and see the Fair for five or six days or more time. By good management, and suppression of the great American weakness of pride, one may make his expenses just what he can afford to pay. For instance, he may go to one of the first-class hotels, either those of the city proper or of the World's Fair district, and live at the rate of from $8 to $20 per day per person. Or he may go to the more moderate houses and obtain rooms at prices ranging from $1 to $3 per day per person, and take meals wherever he likes at a cost varying from $1.50 to $3 per person. Between these limits one should be able to satisfy himself.

It stands to reason that living at the hotels will be more expensive than in private houses. The hotel keepers represent large investments and large expectations. They want big profits. But in thousands upon thousands of private houses there are rooms to rent, with or without meals, at prices with which every visitor will be able to please himself. In looking about I have seen plenty of good, comfortable

rooms within a short distance of the Fair gates, which may be had at a cost of $1 to $1.50 per person per day. By exercising economy these visitors may get their meals at $1.50 more per day. Of course they will have to keep away from the high-priced restaurants, and should take

as few meals as possible within the grounds, where everything is more expensive than it is on the outside.

A friend of mine in Ohio, a man who has but a moderate income and who is a prudent financier, wrote me a few days ago as follows: "We want to see the Fair, but we can't afford to go to Chicago to be robbed. Won't you look about for me and see what you can do in the way of accommodations for myself, wife and two grown children? I am willing to pay reasonable prices for comfortable, cleanly accommodations, but economy is a consideration with a poor man such as I am. We might leave the children at home, but rather than do that I shall stay at home myself.”

I was glad to go out and see what I could find for my friend. could find for my friend. I applauded his practical spirit, and also his determination to bring the children along. If a man can afford to come to the Fair at all, he should bring all of his children who are old enough to appreciate the show and to profit by it as one of the grandest educational institutions ever organized in the world. After a day's search I reported to him as follows:

"Have found you two nice rooms in a new house, well kept by a woman of good character, about half a mile from the gates of the Exposition. There are two beds, and you may have a cot or small bed also if you like. There is running water in the rooms, and a bath and other conveniences are in the hall adjoining. The house has a porch and a pretty yard. For these two rooms you will pay during the ten days of your stay $4 a day. You may have breakfast in the house-and I am sure from what I saw of the woman that the breakfasts will be satisfactoryat $2 per day for your family. A light luncheon at the Exposition and dinner at a restaurant near your rooms will cost you for the four persons about $1.25 for the luncheon and $2.50 for the dinner. Your admission to the Fair will be $2 a day. If you add to this about $2 a day for incidentals, admission to the specialties in the Plaisance, catalogues, rides on the intramural railway, etc., you will find your expenses footing up about $14 a day during your stay here. By economy you will be able to cut this down $2 or $3, or if you feel disposed you may make it two or more dollars more."

This is for a party of four, and it will be observed that the expense is a little

more than $3 per day per person. As a result of this inquiry I unhesitatingly say to inquirers that if they will be careful of their expenditures they may come here. and stay at an expense of $3 a day each, though in order to do this there should be two or more in the party.

As to the time required for a satisfactory view of the Fair, a month is better than a fortnight, but even so short a time as a week will do fairly well. In six days and evenings-for the grounds are open till near midnight-one may see all the principal objects of interest without, of course, stopping to examine everything in detail.

If I could come for only four or five days, and thought it necessary to reduce my expenses to $2 or $2.50 a day while here, I should still come. It is the World spread out here for one's inspection, and it is worth seeing at any cost or sacrifice within reason.


But, if a lady, be sure where you are going before you leave home, or at least be in correspondence with throughly reliable parties. From The Friends' Intelligencer we take the following:

"Earnest words of caution have been sent out from Chicago to young women intending to visit that city. The substance of them is to beware of strange places and strange people; to place confidence only in those already known to be trustworthy. Enclosing one of these cautions, issued by the Protective Association for Women and Children (whose office is Room 828, Opera House Building, Chicago), a correspondent in that city sends us the following letter: The above words of warning are already needed. We were asked to inquire into the reliability of a hotel. offering fifteen dollars a month, board, and one day off each week,' for a nominal service. If this was as it appears to the inexperienced mind, it would be equivalent to a vacation on full pay to the thousands of clerks, typewriters, and office-girls who are forced to aid in the support of a family, or have but little left after board and car-fare are paid, and be content with a few hours occasionally to visit the Fair. A complete list of hotels and boarding-houses failed to record the existence of such a hotel. We believe that no hotel would depend upon help so transient as that would necessarily prove. We do not wonder that so many wish to attend the World's Fair, where so much is to be learned. That there is a doubt

as to the ability of some to attend makes them more apt to be deceived by such advertisements. There are reliable families who need the services of girls for a short time, and give moderate wages; but such places should be sought for through a friend, or some one of whom there is no doubt as to their reliability. We know of no other way for girls to earn money while attending the Fair. The Rolling Chair Company has a force of eight hundred students now, and a reserve of six hundred to be called upon at the end of the school year. There are many applications besides, The pay is thirty dollars. a month, and ten per cent. of gross earnings. Many take this opportunity to see the Fair, and will resign after a few weeks' service. The new applicants have but little chance, as each student has pledged himself to furnish a substitute. This he can readily do among his acquaintances, and in this way dispose of his uniform. The advertising columns of the daily papers show that the supply of those wishing a situation at the Fair or in the city far exceeds the demand. Chicago has been sustaining for months a great army of unemployed workmen, and we believe the supply will exceed the demand without an influx from the outside."

Persons desiring to engage quarters by mail, before leaving home, may address with confidence Orville Brewer, Teachers' Columbian Hall, 70 Dearborn Street, Chicago; S. R. Wenchell, 262 Wabashi Avenue Chicago; or Carleton N. Gary, Hotel Epworth, Room 813, No. Washington Street, Chicago.



A regular post-office-the World's Fair Postal Station, Chicago, Illinoishas been established inside the Fair grounds, in the United States Government Building. Here every one can post letters, buy stamps and receive mail, as at any other post-office. There is also a quick and accurate general delivery. Many of the State Buildings have also arranged to have mail, addressed to their care, brought to them by special messenger for distribution to visitors. There are telegraph offices in all the principal buildings, also numerous telephone stations and a messenger boy service. itors from Pennsylvania may have their mail addressed to the Pennsylvania State Building, unless they prefer to receive it at the street and number where they may be domiciled while in Chicago.


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'O set at rest all doubts and misrepre

viewing the World's Fair and its various side attractions, Director General Davis has submitted the following report to the National Commission, showing what buildings and departments at Jackson park the entrance fee of 50 cents entitles a visitor to see, and at what places an extra charge is made, together with the amount of such charge:

HON. THOMAS W. PALMER, PRESIDENT WORLD'S COLUMBIAN COMMISSION.-Sir: In compliance with the resolution of the World's Fair Columbian Commission, adopted Tuesday, May 2, 1893, calling for a statement of concession exhibits and the special attractions, admission to which is not included in the admission fee of 50 cents; said statement to also include, as far as practicable, a list of the great attractions of the expositions proper for which the admission fee of 50 cents is charged, I have the honor to report:

The fee of 50 cents charged for admission to the World's Columbian Exposition covers entrance to all parts of the exposition grounds, including the Midway Plaisance, a total area of about 670 acres. It covers also admission to all the buildings of the World's Columbian Exposition, including all the special exhibition buildings allied with the several great departments, the floors, galleries, and dome of the administration building, the monastery of La Rabida, containing all the most valuable and authentic relics of Columbus now extant, the woman's building, and the United States government building, the battle ship, and all the State buildings and the pavilions of foreign nations.

In Jackson Park are the great departments and their allied outdoor exhibits and annexes, as follows:

The buildings of the department of Agriculture, with outside exhibits, including the windmill exhibits and the agriculture exhibits of France and her colonies.

The buildings of the department of Horticulture, with extensive greenhouse annexes, nurseries, plantations, flower gardens, and lawns under the care of American and foreign exhibitors.

The department of Live Stock includes the stock pavilion, or show ring, and also additional structures for the sheltering of


In the department of Fisheries will be shown the methods and products of fishing industries throughout the world, which will occupy the central portion of the structure,

while of the two annexes to the building, one will be filled with a magnificent aquarial exhibit under the auspices of the United States fish commission, and the other with a complete exhibit of angling appliances and material gathered from all over the world.

In the building of the Mines and Mining department will be illustrated ancient and modern systems of mining and metallurgy in use throughout the world, with specimens of native minerals of our own and other countries, and refined products and metallurgical processes.

The buildings of the department of Machinery include, besides the American exhibits and the steam and electric power plant, extensive and interesting displays from Germany, France, Belgium and other foreign countries. A portion of the great exhibit of Frederick Krupp, of Germany, which is installed in a special pavilion on the lake shore south of the monastery of La Rabida, is also included in the classification of the department of Machinery.

The Transportation exhibits department will display a most extensive collection of vehicles used on land and water from the most ancient time down to the present day.

The great building of Manufactures and Liberal Arts covers more than thirty acres of ground floor. In this area are included the manufactured products of over eighty nations aud colonies, as well as the educational exhibits included in the department of liberal arts.

The Shoe and Leather building, on the lake shore, east of the South pond, contains the great collection representing the leather industry in all parts of the world.

The building of the Electrical department is occupied by exhibits alone, and the electrical plant of the Exhibition, which will be one of the most conspicuous features of the electric display, exceeds in extent and power any installation heretofore attempted.

The Fine Art galleries, with their annexes, are occupied by the choicest examples of modern art from foreign countries and the best collection ever yet made of the productions of American artists.

The department of Ethnology and Archæology occupies the Anthropological building at the southeast corner of the grounds, and its exhibits illustrate the development of the human race from the earliest times to the present.

The Forest product of our own and other countries will be shown in the Forestry pavilion, lying directly east of the anthropological building.

In the Woman's Building will be shown the best productions of woman's work from all quarters of the globe.

The great building erected by the United States government at an expense of nearly $500,000 is filled with the most complete and best arranged collection which it is possible to secure from all the government depart

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