teachers being present. The Directors' Association held a meeting on Thursday which was interesting and profitable. But the great majority of the directors do not seem to feel the need of these meetings and discussions. The "hard times" affected the Institute in some degree, but on the whole it was a great success. The instructors were earnest men and did excellent work. FAYETTE-Supt. Porter: The' majority of school directors have complied with the law in regard to approaches to water-closets, but I am sorry to report negligence on the part of some Boards in this very important matter. Wherever I find the seven-foot tight fence unbuilt, I call the attention of the Board to the legal responsibility resting upon them. Where there is sufficient ground, I always recommend building two closets, on opposite corners of the lot. FOREST-Supt. Kerr: Our County Institute was a great success this year. The attendance of teachers and spectators was larger than at any previous Institute I have held. I think the Institute, in all its features, grows in interest each year. FULTON Supt. Chestnut: Our County Institute was well attended by the general public as well as by the teachers, of whom all but two were present. The teachers did a great amount of the work. To my mind the work done by teachers is the most practical for our schools. The attendance of the directors at the Association was more than twice as large as at any similar meeting heretofore. A second meeting will be held on the third Tuesday of March. It will be composed of one or more delegates from each Board in the county. All pronounce the Institute a working success. Local institutes are held each week in one or other of the districts, and are of great practical value. Few of the schools give what they should for the cost. We hope to better this condition by imparting some enthusiasm to our teachers. GREENE-Supt. Stewart: In illustrating the progress made by our schools, a citizen, at a recent local institute, said that thirtyfive years ago, in that township, there were but six school-houses, and a blackboard was a thing unheard of. Now there are thirteen schools, with fairly good blackboards in all. It is to be noted that in the township referred to the population was almost as great thirty-five years ago as now, and the schools now are as large as they should be to be well taught. INDIANA-Supt. Hammers: The County Institute, according to the unanimous verdict of teachers, press and people, was a decided success. Among the instructors were State Supt. N. C. Schaeffer, Dr. D. J. Waller, Dr. Albert E. Maltby, Supt. Jas. M. Coughlin, Prof. E. O. Excell and Prof. J. W. Van de Venter. Library Hall, the place of meeting, was crowded at every session; and on Thursday afternoon many failed to gain admission. It is estimated that nearly 1,800 persons were in attendance on the afternoon in question. The second annual session of the Directors' Association was held in the court house, on Wednesday of Institute week. This, too, was largely attended, and the exercises were very interesting. The Institute lecture course included the Boston Ideal Mandolin and Guitar Club, Will Carleton, Col. Geo. W. Bain, and the New York Stars. JUNIATA-Supt. Marshall: Pursuant to arrangements made at the County Institute, a Local Institute was held at Thompsontown, December 29 and 30. During the month I visited the schools of Beale, Turbett, Milford and Walker townships. These schools have made marked progress since my first visit. I have also visited those of Port Royal and Patterson, the teachers of which are experienced and know how to teach. It has been my aim to spend a half day in each school, that I may note the kind of work done. I have tried to impress upon the pupils the two requisites-individual effort and thoroughness. New and suitable book-cases have been placed in the school-rooms of Beale township; also in two of the rooms of Milford township. LAWRENCE-Supt. Watson: Our County Institute was one of the best, both in attendance and interest, ever held in the county. Dr. Schaeffer visited us on Friday, and talked to our teachers in the afternoon and lectured to a crowded house in the evening. work. year. Our schools are doing excellent LEBANON-Supt. Snoke: I have visited all the schools once, and those of Cornwall, West Lebanon, Independent, North Cornwall, North Annville and Union districts the second time. Visiting the schools more than once enables the Superintendent to note their progress. I am glad to say that, with few exceptions, the schools twice visited have made perceptible progress. Up to date our attendance has not been better during the last five years. Successful institutes have been held during the month in Millcreek, Londonderry, Union, and South Lebanon, and the two Annville districts. There are yet a few teachers, who either do not believe in these gatherings, or are indif ferent to the best interests of our schools. Let no teacher, unless he has a reasonable excuse, absent himself from the Local Institute. LEHIGH-Supt. Rupp: During the month I held three Local Institutes-one at Centre Valley, one at Macungie, and one at Egypt. At Centre Valley and Macungie I was assisted by Dr. S. A. Baer, and at Egypt, by Prof. A. C. Rothermel and Dr. Little. They were all well attended except the one at Egypt, which happened to be held on a very disagreeable day. With a few exceptions the teachers manifest much interest in these meetings; some make themselves very prominent by their absence. They are usually the ones that ought to derive the benefit of these Institutes. Free text-books have increased the attendance in some of the districts. Many of our young teachers have already made arrangements to take a course at a Normal School after the close of the present term. West Fountain Hill, formerly a part of Salisbury township, was recently, by a decree of Court, formed into a borough, making the twenty-fifth school district for Lehigh county. It will have to maintain at least four schools. A School Board has been elected and qualified, but the schools will remain under the control of the Salisbury directors to the end of the present school year. LUZERNE Supt. Harrison: Lehman has remodeled two of its houses, making them as good as new. I have found the attendance good in nearly all the districts. Preparations are being made to hold a number of Local Institutes in the near future. MIFFLIN Supt. Cooper: I have now visited all the schools in the county except two in Decatur, which were closed on account of sickness when I was in the township. Logan and Derry districts will hold their first Local Institute in January. I find that a number of our directors read The Pennsylvania School Journal with interest, and speak of its merits. I believe that a copy for every Director in the county would be public money well invested. The Journal contains the very things that we all need to know. MONROE - Supt. Serfass: The annual Teachers' Institute was held in Stroudsburg. Of the 140 teachers employed, 134 were in attendance. The following were the instructors: Prof. E. L. Kemp, Prin. Geo. P. Bible, Ex-Supt. J. W. Paul, Mrs. H. E. Monroe, Dr. A. R. Horne, Deputy Supt. Houck, Revs. S. F. Laury and A. C. Wachter, Judge Storm, and Director Mirey; also six of the teachers occupied each one period on the programme. The instruction was sound and practical, the attention on the part of the teachers undivided, the popular interest marked, the general attendance beyond the capacity of the court house, the order perfect, and the Institute of '93 a success. I prepared and supplied the teachers with blank monthly reports. Those returned for the first month revealed the fact that in this county language, or elementary grammar, and history, have been and are too much neglected. I have been strongly urging the study of these branches, and later reports make a better showing. The cause of this neglect is mainly due to parental indifference. There are still some who think that the whole problem of man's education can be solved by the "three R's." NORTHAMPTON-Supt. Hoch: Two Local Institutes were held during this month-one at Bath and one at Nazareth. The programmes were good and the discussions profitable. Owing to sickness among the children, the attendance was not very good in several districts; several schools had to be closed for a week or two. NORTHUMBERLAND-Supt. Shipman: The County Institute was held this month. There were more teachers enrolled than at any previous meeting. We endeavored to make it a real Teachers' Institute, and in addition to the regular instructors, a number of our own teachers did valuable and acceptable work. For a part of each day the Institute did section work. This was the first attempt in this line in Northumberland county, and we believe that this method reaches the needs of the teachers better than any other. Wednesday was Directors' day, and nearly every district in the county was represented, some districts having every director present. Among the topics discussed were the following: "What changes to make in country school-houses to improve ventilation?" "Necessity of window shades or blinds and other features, with a view to beautify the room and render it home-like;" "Arbor Day, and what action shall we take to make the work uniform?" All the boroughs in the county having borough Superintendents were well represented in the Institute. PERRY-Supt. Arnold: Our County Institute was quite successful, and created much enthusiasm among the teachers. Public interest was aroused and the sessions were well attended by visitors. Our instructors were: Dr. G. M. Philips, Dr. G. W. Hull, Miss Anna Buckbee, Prof. Geo. B. Hynson, Prof. W. W. Deatrick, Prof. C. J. Swift, Prof. Henry Busse and Prof. G. W. Wagenseller. Evening entertainments were: Dr. E. D. Warfield, "What's in a Name?" Dr. L. I. Handy, "The Road to Victory;" the New York Ideal Concert Company; Hon. R. G. Horr, "The Labor Problem.' day was Directors' day; about thirty-five directors were present. They were addressed by Drs. Hull and Philips, and addresses were also made by several of the directors. The teachers took an active part in the Institute. About thirty papers or discussions were prepared by the teachers. Local Institutes will be held during January and February at Ickesburg, Liverpool, Blain, Millerstown, Newport, Duncannon and Landisburg. Thurs PIKE-Supt. Sawyer: Two lyceums have been organized in Westfall township, each with a fair membership. One is connected with the graded school in Matamoras, and the other with the Mill Rift school. They are doing good work. SCHUYLKILL-Supt. Weiss: Our recent County Institute was very satisfactory in the interest and attendance of teachers, and in the character of work done by instructors. Seven hundred and one teachers were in attendance. The day instructors were Dr. N. C. Schaeffer, Hon. Henry Houck, Drs. G. B. Hancher, E. O. Lyte, G. M. Philips, A. R. Horne, Geo. W. Hull, Mrs. H. E. Monroe, Miss Carrie E. Myers, Profs. C. C. Boyer and F. H. Green. Evening lectures by Hon. A. M. Hammers and Hon. W. H. J. Ham; musical entertainments by Miss Emma C. Thursby, New York Male Quartette and Franz Wilzeek Concert Company. Resolutions were adopted endorsing local institutes, approving free text-books, and urging upon the directors the policy of using the increased State appropriation in buying school apparatus, lengthening the school term, and increasing the teachers' salaries. SNYDER-Supt. Bowersox: W. C. No. 515, P. O. S. A., of Middleburgh, raised flags on the Paxtonville and Moyer's school-houses. Prof. Herman and Prothonotary Schock made the presentation speeches, which were attentively listened to by a large and appreciative audience. The addresses of acceptance were made by the County Superintendent. The County Institute was a grand success in every particular. All the teachers were in attendance except three, one of whom was sick. Many districts are encouraging their teachers to hold evening lyceums; and I am glad to note that much interest is taken in these meetings by patrons, directors, and teachers. La grippe has caused much loss to our schools-a number of which had to be closed for want of pupils. It is gradually disappearing. SOMERSET Supt. Berkey: The County Institute was attended by all but six teachers, and by about seventy-five directors. So popular have our Institutes become that hundreds of people were unable to gain admittance to the hall because of the crowds. The best of order was maintained and much good, we think, was accomplished. WARREN-Supt. Putnam: The Glade Directors have just completed an addition to their central school building. They now have ten rooms and an assembly hall. The building is heated and ventilated by the Smead system, aud is one of the best appointed in the county. The school has doubled in six years, and the work done is excellent. The County Institute was held at Warren. The attendance was very satisfactory. All but six teachers were present; of these all but two had satisfactory excuses. The exercises were calculated to aid teachers in the direction in which they need help. The lecturers and instructors were well liked, both by the teachers and the people of the town. The court house was crowded at each session, and the evening lectures were well attended. The value of these meetings seems to lie in their tendency to "wake up" sleepy teachers as well as to impart instruction. The directors' session was well attended and much interest was manifested. The new school laws were discussed, and the sentiment seemed to be to carry them out, in spirit as well as letter. More prospective teachers were enrolled than ever before. YORK-Supt. Gardner: Our County Institute had an enrollment of 525 out of the 530 teachers in service. The instruction was practical as well as progressive, and we trust "good seed has been sown on good ground." One of the encouraging features of the Institute was the very large attendance of citizens at the day sessions. On Wednesday seventy-three directors met and organized by electing Hon. Harvey Haines, President, and Allen Seitz, Secretary. The session was a very interesting one. The questions that elicited the liveliest discussion were: "How and to what extent can country schools be graded?" "Proper use and care of free textbooks and supplies?" " How to prevent the spread of contagious disease in our schools?" In the afternoon an able address was delivered by Deputy Supt. John Q. Stewart. ASHLAND Supt. Estler: New material was added to the school history of Ashland, November 30, Thanksgiving Day. The J. O. of A. M. raised a seventy-foot liberty pole near a new school building about being completed. After a parade, participated in by a large number of organizations, a handsome fifteen-foot flag was presented to the district in the name of Carpenter Council, J. O. of A. M. by the Hon. Chas. N. Brumm, and accepted for the school district by the Rev. Chas. N. Barnard, a member of the School Board. Our new four-room building was occupied January 2d. Dimensions of each room, 33x32 feet; windows on three sides; ceilings paneled; four-foot slate blackboards on all available space; water, towel-racks, umbrella stands, cloak closets, book and apparatus desks in each room; single and double furniture for the pupils. The building is heated and ventilated by the Fuller & Warren system. Cellars are cemented and contain Dr. Ross' sanitary closets. The building is a model of neatness, and cost complete $10,000. BRADDOCK-Supt. Keefer: The attendance during the month was very good. During the week ending November 10, we had an attendance of 1003 out of an enrollment of 1044. We had 863 pupils that were neither absent nor tardy during the week. I think free text-books have greatly increased the enrollment. CHESTER-Supt. Foster: Friday, December 22d, was donation day in all our schools. The children brought large supplies of provisions, which were turned over to the Union Benevolent Society of this city and distributed among the poor. COLUMBIA-Supt. Hoffman: The Superintendent and 36 teachers attended the County Institute held in Lancaster. It is the unanimous opinion of our teachers that it was the most profitable session held for some years. Prof. Wm. B. Hall has been elected supervisor of vocal music in our schools. CORRY Supt. Colegrove: Appropriate exercises were held in the several buildings on the day preceding Thanksgiving, and offerings, consisting of groceries, provisions, clothing, etc., were brought by the pupils, aggregating several wagon loads, which HAZLETON were turned over to the King's Daughters to be distributed among the deserving poor. Supt. Harman: The new High School building, recently dedicated, is modern in all its appointments. SmeadWills system of heating and ventilation, single desks, electric bells and speaking tubes, gas and electric lights, light rooms, wide halls, auditorium with adjoining classrooms, plenty of blackboard surface, commodious cloak-rooms and teachers' closets, directors' room and superintendent's office, fire-proof vault, library, store-room, etc. The entire basement is laid in solid cement and contains a large, well lighted room, that can be used for an industrial school, while the third story is now an immense playroom, but can be utilized for a gymnasium. The exterior is finished with pressed brick and Hummelstown brown-stone. The entire cost will be $50,000. Hazleton turned out en masse to the dedicatory exercises. On Thanksgiving Day the addresses of Dr. Buehrle and Mr. Troutman were full of the. best educational thought and of congratulations to the progressive Board of Controllers who planned and executed such liberal things for our boys and girls. We have now most delightful, comfortable and convenient quarters for our High School, and we ought to do better work than ever before. The entire system feels the stimulus given to it by the completion and dedication of this handsome building, and the citizens are giving the heartiest encouragement to every effort that is being made for the advancement of the public schools of the city. MAHANOY CITY.-Supt. Miller: Eleven evening schools are in operation in this district. The total enrollment has reached 504, the average attendance more than 400. Most of the teachers employed show excellent judgment in the management of their schools, and we have every reason to hope for good results from these schools. All pupils are supplied with books and other necessary materials. Our HAZLE Twp., (Luzerne Co.)-Supt. Mulhall: A new two-room building was completed at Hazleton Mines this month. night schools are now in operation throughout the district. I am sorry I cannot add that they are in successful operation. They do not receive that support and encouragement which they deserve. Evening schools are expensive, both in the way of extra supplies of books and teachers' salaries, and it is but fair that this additional expense should be met by hearty co-operation on the part of those whom they are designed to benefit. NEW CASTLE-Supt. Shearer: The teachers of the city petitioned the School Board that they be allowed to teach one week longer, and be excused from attending the County Institute at New Wilmington. The Board granted the petition. The City Superintendent informed the Board that he was not willing to have the teachers lose all the benefit to be derived from the Institute, and consequently would hold a Local City Institute on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the week before Christmas. Supt. Harpel : NEWPORT TWP., (Luzerne Co.)-Supt. Dewey Three evening schools were opened in November, and so large was the attendance that it became necessary to increase the number of teachers. There are now seven of these schools in operation, with a good attendance. The average daily attendance has been considerably lowered on account of sickness. SHAMOKIN Sickness among the children affected the attendance in our primary grades very much. The County Institute was held at Sunbury. Most of our teachers were in attendance. The programme was one of the best ever enjoyed by the teachers of this county. The division of the Institute into sections was a new feature, and proved very interesting and profitable. Supt. Shipman is to be congratulated upon the successful work of the week's convention. TAMAQUA-Supt. Ditchburn: Our teachers all attended the County Institute. The exercises were interesting and instructive, and I believe they came away more determined than ever to do good work in the schoolroom. Our County Institute is improving every year. WILLIAMSPORT-Supt. Transeau: It has been customary for years for our pupils to remember charitable institutions and the poor on the day preceding Thanksgiving Day. This year contributions were made by all the schools of the city to the Williamsport Hospital, Home for the Friendless, and the City Mission. The pupils of one building contributed more than forty dollars' worth of provisions in the form of groceries, vegetables, fruit, etc., besides four or five dollars in cash. At several of the buildings these donations amounted to two or three wagon loads, and it was a pleasure to see the joy and good-will depicted on the countenances of our boys and girls as they brought their gifts and laid them on the table or in the boxes. Many of our poor had reason to rejoice on account of the generosity of the pupils of our public schools. 'It is more blessed to give than to receive." The event of the month was the annual Institute, held in the High School building. Our teachers attended all the sessions; the instruction was of a practical character, in that respect excelling, I believe, all the six preceding Institutes. It is a difficult matter in a city where so many different entertainments are going on, to get the people, or rather patrons of the schools, to attend the sessions of the Institute. On this account, the number of spectators was small. It is to be regretted that the public does not take more interest in the proceedings of these meetings, for very often the addresses and lectures are instructive to parents as well as to teachers. |