parent, guardian or other person resides, upon the presentation to said board of satisfactory evidence showing that such child or children are prevented from attendance at school or application to study by mental or physical or other urgent reasons. Provided, That in case there be no public school in session within two miles of the nearest traveled road of any person within the school district, he or she shall not be liable to the provisions of this act. Provided, That this act shall not apply to any child that has been or is being otherwise instructed in the common English branches of learning for a like period of time. And provided further, That the certificate of any principal of any school or educational institution or of any teacher that any child has been or is being so instructed, issued to such child or its parents or guardian, shall be sufficient and satisfactory evidence thereof. SEC. 2. For every neglect of duty imposed by the first section of this act the person offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof before a justice of the peace or alderman, forfeit a fine not exceeding two dollars on the first conviction, and a fine not exceeding five dollars for each subsequent conviction. Provided, Upon condition the defendant or defendants may appeal to the court of quarter sessions of the peace of the proper county within thirty days upon entering into recognizance with one surety for the amount of fine and costs. Provided, however, That before such penalty shall be incurred the parent, guardian or other person liable therefor shall be notified in writing of such liability, and shall have opportunity by compliance with the requirements of this act then and thereafter to avoid the imposition of such penalty. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the assessor of every district at the same time that the annual assessment is made to make in a substantial book, provided by the State for that purpose, a caretul and correct list of all children between the ages of eight and twelve years within his district, giving the name, age and residence of each and whether in charge of a parent, guardian or other person, together with such other information as may be deemed necessary, which enumeration shall be returned by said assessor to the county commissioners of the county in which the enumeration is made, whose duty it will be to certify it to the secretary of the proper school district, who shall immediately furnish the principal or teacher of each school with a correct list of all children in his or her district who are subject to the provi sions of this act. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of each teacher in the school district to report to the secretary of the board of directors or controllers at the close of each school month the names of all children on the list previously furnished by the secretary who were absent, without satisfactory cause, for five successive days during the month for which the report shall be made, when, if it shall appear that any parent, guardian or other person having control of any child or children shall have failed to comply with the provisions of this act after due notification in writing, as provided in section two, the secretary, in the name of the school district, shall proceed against the offending party or parties, in accordance with law, by complaint before any alderman or justice of the peace. Provided, however, The aforesaid penalty shall not be imposed if it shall be satisfactorily proven upon the trial of the case that the parent, guardian or other person so neglecting was unable, by reason of poverty or other satisfactory excuse, to comply with the requirements of this act. Provided further, That if sufficient cause be shown for the neglect of the requirements of this act, the cost of said proceedings shall be paid out of the district funds upon a proper voucher approved by the board of directors or controllers. SEC. 5. In order that the provisions of this act may be promptly, uniformily and effectively enforced, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Internal Affairs, as a supervisory board of education, are charged with the duty of formulating from time to time all necessary rules and regulations and furnishing the same to all boards of directors or controllers now or hereafter created. Provided, That such rules and regulations shall apply only to the schools created and supported by the Commonwealth. SEC. 6. All laws or parts of laws inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. THE NEW DOG TAX LAW. THE new dog tax law which repeals the Act of 1889, will be a great relief to School Boards all over the State, but it will put more work on the County Commissioners' office and also on Councilmen in all cities. Under the new law the dog tax will be levied for the year 1894, and thereafter, by the County Commissioners, and not by School Directors as heretofore, in all townships and boroughs, and in cities Councilmen will have this duty to perform. The tax upon all dogs over four months old, which is not to exceed four dollars for a female dog and two dollars for a male dog, will be collected by the county and city tax collectors and paid into the county and city treasuries. The fund must be kept separate from all other county funds, and is to be used, as heretofore, for the payment of sheep killed by dogs. The owners of such sheep must first make complaint to a Justice of the Peace who issues authority to the township or borough auditors, or city authorities, as the case may be, to make an investigation. The auditors have power to summon witnesses and swear them. They then report the facts to the County Commissioners, or City Councilmen, as the case may be, and if the claim is approved, a warrant is then drawn for payment. The law also provides that if the owner of the offending dog refuses to kill him he must pay all the damages, and the County Commissioners may authorize the constable to dispatch him. All local laws inconsistent herewith have been repealed. The fee of the Justice is $1 for each case; and for the Auditors $1 for each day necessarily occupied. ITEMS FROM REPORTS. Handsome diplomas were presented by the LEBANON-Supt. Snoke: We have closed an abundantly successful year. May 4th, the first commencement was held at Annville, with a class of eighteen. Dr. E. O. on 'Education out of School." The third annual commencement of the Cornwall schools was held May 20th. The class contained five members. Dr. Hull, of Millersville, delivered an address on The Success of To-morrow." ADAMS Supt. Thoman: The school year has ended with considerable interest in the work of the schools. The graded course of study is becoming popular, not only among the teachers and pupils, but people gener-Lyte, of Millersville, was present and spoke ally. Nine central examinations were held on March 11, as follows: Abbottstown, East Berlin, York Springs, Bendersville, Arendtsville, Fairfield, Gettysburg, Hunterstown and Littlestown. 154 pupils were examined at these examinations. The final examination was held on March 25, at Gettysburg; 61 diplomas and 7 certificates of scholarship were issued. The following is from the School News, by the editor, Prof. C. M. Parker: "During the twelve years that we have been connected with the work of grading country schools, we do not know of a single county where as much has been accomplished during the first year as in Adams county, Pa." On May 2d the executive committee of the Directors' Association met in the court-house at Gettysburg. Work preparatory for the annual meeting in November, Institute week, was the object of the meeting. This organization will, it is hoped, be a means of great good in the county. BLAIR Supt. Wertz: The closing of the schools shows in many instances creditable results. The number of graduates from some of our High Schools is as follows: Tyrone 22, Hollidaysburg 10, Bellwood 6, and Roaring Spring 2. Some of our teachers are attending different Normal Schools of the State, and others are taking advantage of the training schools within the county, to fit themselves better for the work of their profession. CAMBRIA-Supt. Leech: Four final examinations were held in the county, namely, at Conemaugh, at Ebensburg, at Morrellville, and at Gallitzin. Thirty-seven pupils presented themselves for examination, of whom 35 passed the prescribed course. Normal classes are being conducted at Ebensburg, Loretto, Hastings, Mountaindale, and Chest Springs. CUMBERLAND-Supt. Beitzel: All but a few of the rural districts ended their schoolyear in April. The attendance has been good, except where diphtheria and scarlet tever prevailed. The work of the teachers has been generally very satisfactory. The seven and eight months terms have proved satisfactory experiments. HUNTINGDON Supt. Rudy: The graduating exercises of the Mt. Union High School were held May 19. There were six graduates; each rendered his part well. The auditorium of the Presbyterian Church was crowded with an appreciative audience. The class had previously been examined by a committee consisting of Supt. L. S. Shimmell, Profs. Lehman and Silverthorn, and the County Superintendent. The address to the class was made by Prof. Lehman. MONROE Supt. Paul: Arbor Day was generally observed by the schools in session. Not many trees were planted on school-grounds, but appropriate exercises were held. Many trees were planted by the people of the villages and by the farmers, showing that public sentiment in favor of tree-planting is growing. The Trustees of the New Normal School at E. Stroudsburg have elected Prof. Geo. P. Bible, of Indiana, Principal. The fall session will open Sept. 4th. The High School of Stroudsburg will graduate a class of seven; and that of E. Stroudsburg a class of two. NORTHAMPTON-Supt. Hoch: The spring meeting of the School Directors' Association was held in the court house at Easton, May 2d. The following subjects were discussed: "Should the number of Provisional Certificates be limited by law?" "A Course of Study for Ungraded Schools," etc, Hon. D. J. Waller was present and addressed the directors. PERRY-Supt. Aumiller: Classes were graduated from the Duncannon, Liverpool, and Millerstown High Schools. Only twenty-two schools were open during the month of May. PIKE-Supt. Sawyer: An effort was made at the Directors' Convention, held May 2d, to adopt uniform text-books for the county. No decision was reached. SNYDER-Supt. Hermann: There are three Spring Normal terms held in the county. I assisted Prof. W. W. Walborn several weeks at Freeburg. The class numbers about 50. At Selinsgrove and Adamsburg the classes are about the usual number. SOMERSET Supt. Berkey: Ninety-nine applicants for graduation were examined, and sixty-nine were granted diplomas. UNION Supt. Johnson: Nine pupils graduated from the New Columbia and Buffalo grammar schools, These schools were under the management of Messrs. E, E. Reeder and Calvin M. Sanders. The exercises throughout were interesting aud elevating. VENANGO Supt. Lord: We have just closed one of the very best school years in the history of the county. There has been no serious trouble, and but little dissatisfaction in any of the schools. Our teachers are becoming every year more thoroughly imbued with professional zeal and enthusiasm, and our directors, with but few exceptions, more liberal in their views regarding school work. The announcement that hereafter only a continuous school-term will be recognized as legal is heartily welcomed by at least nine-tenths of our directors and citizens. In closing this my last report I desire to tender to the officers of the State Department my sincere thanks for the uniform courtesy and kindness I have experienced at their hands during my nine years of official life. WYOMING-Supt. Keeler: Tunkhannock borough will build an addition to its schoolhouse during the summer. Nicholson will build a new school-house. Monroe township will consolidate three schools and build one at Beaumont. The new law requiring Independent School Districts to elect auditors was put into operation in the Northmoreland Independent District on the 27th of May, when they elected three auditors in compliance with the terms of the law. ASHLAND Supt. Estler: At a special meeting held April 11th, the Board of Directors awarded the contract for the erection of a four-room building. Committees are visiting some of the larger places for the purpose of procuring data as to the best system of heating and ventilating. The most modern is to be introduced. COLUMBIA-Supt. Hoffman: Our school term closed June 2d. All promotions were made on that day and pupils enrolled in the departments to which they were transferred, so that we are practically organized for the next term. Commencement exercises of an interesting character were held in the Columbia Opera House, June 8th. There were eleven graduates, all of whom acquitted themselves creditably. After conferring the diplomas, a very interesting and instructive address was made by Hon. H. M. North, President of the Board of Directors. HUNTINGDON-Supt. Shimmell: Two of our teachers, Miss Annie Campbell and Miss Gertrude Kauffman, had an impressive and attractive "Lincoln Exercise" on the anniversary of the death of Mr. Lincoln. Trees were planted on Arbor Day by Mr. Bruce Steele's school in the 4th ward. He had a very elaborate literary programme, and a crowded house to enjoy it. Misses Heffner and Hertzler, of the first primary schools in the 2d ward, each planted a tree in behalf of their schools. Altogether the Huntingdon schools have planted 30 trees during the year. MAHANOY CITY-Supt. Miller: Our School Board will erect a fine eight-room schoolhouse this summer, and will put new heating apparatus into an old building. Reports of teachers made to me April 1st show that nearly all classes in our schools are farther advanced than they were at the end of the school term last year, and three months of the term yet remain to be added to this gain. Certainly this is a showing of which all may be proud. NEWPORT (Luzerne Co.)-Supt. Dewey: Our ten months' term will close June 23. The enrollment usually falls off during the ninth and tenth months. The percentage of attendance remains about the same. One hundred and eighty-five pupils were not absent during the month. Thirty trees were planted in the school grounds on Arbor Day. This makes 100 trees planted during the present school year. The Superintendent was reelected, May 2d, at the same salary, viz., $1,200. The fifth month of evening school closed April 18th. There were enrolled 207 pupils, average enrollment 111, average attendance 63, per cent. of attendance 62. NORRISTOWN-Supt. Gotwals: Appropriate exercises were held in all the schools on Friday afternoon preceding Arbor Day. Trees were planted in the yard of one of the school buildings. SCRANTON Supt. Phillips: The Board of Education, through a committee, is making preparations for a high school building to cost, complete, upwards of $200,000. The committee appointed some weeks ago made, in conjunction with the Superintendent, a tour through the New England States for the purpose of examining high schools. Competition is to be open to all architects wishing to compete. Construction of building is to begin at the earliest possible time. Two new twelve-room buildings are nearly ready for acceptance by the Board. SHAMOKIN Supt. Harpel: Our Board has entered into negotiations for the purchase of a new school property in the 2d Ward. The ground selected is one of the finest sites for a school in our city. If purchased, a first-class building will be erected in the near future. Several of our school grounds have been improved and beautified by sodding. Our high school will occupy the third floor of the Washington building next season, and will have very pleasant and commodious rooms, well fitted up for the special work of this grade. SOUTH EASTON-Supt. Shull: Arbor day was generally observed by the town schools. Trees were planted wherever there was available room. At Porter building a very elaborate programme was carried out in the presence of the pupils and a large number of parents. WILLIAMSPORT-Supt. Transeau: Principal events of the month were the examinations and closing exercises of our schools. The graduating exercises were held in the Opera House, June 1st. The graduates, fifteen in number, acquitted themselves well, and the School Board and audience were well satisfied that the High School had lost none of its former influence and prestige. I believe that it would add greatly to the High Schools of the State, if the course of study of these schools were more uniform and arranged, at least to some extent, with reference to the requirements for admission to higher institutions of learning. More students of the High School would enter College, if the step could be taken with less effort at the close of the High Scohol course. 4 THE OLD COTTAGE CLOCK. Arr. by W. B. HALL. From "First Steps in Music." I. That old, old clock of the house-hold stock, Was the bright-est thing and friendly voice was that old, old clock, As it stood in the cor-ner 2. A altered, And its voice, still strong, warned the old and young, When the voice of friendship faltered. boldly, When the dawn looked gray, o'er the misty way, And the air blew ver- y cold- ly. CHICAGO EXPOSITION BUILDINGS, GROUPING, EXTENT, ETC. BUILT OF "SUCH STUFF AS DREAMS ARE MADE OF." ing and extent of the Exposition buildings and perhaps the only one that is likely to last-is that of a dream of overwhelming magnitude, compass, and depth, relieved again and again by central points of real and intrinsic beauty; and when the mind, still fresh from the first dazzling view, turns inward and recalls the vision, the impression that the well-remembered images are but pictures out of dreamland is stronger than ever. Mankind has assuredly not often had the good fortune to invoke from nothingness a beautiful phantom city, fixing it for a few short months in such form and by such material as shall give the memory of it a reality greater than its own. From time to time, in the world's history, in the record of arts and architecture, some one man has conceived a building of surpassing grandeur; once in a hundred of those few times some man or body of men, in love with art, or with country, or with self, may have given shape and permanence to the conception. The Parthenon, the great temple of Pæstum, the Pantheon, the Church at St. Sophia, Westminster Abbey, the Cathedral of Cologne-strangest, rashest, greatest, worst and best, the Basilica of St. Peter-all these stand as records of such individuals or such bodies; monuments, some perfect, some gigantic, some fantastic, but all great, and all representing the strongest expression of human genius, feeling, and power. These buildings are scattered at great: distances over the face of the earth-rareinstances of man's noble success or superb. failure in comparing himself in skill and device and strength with universal na-ture. The contemplation of each of them separately leaves something behind.. The study of each of them, with all to which that study leads, would be in it-self an education; the longing to see them side by side in positive comparison has visited many lovers of the beautiful; this. longing is, I think, even stronger than the desire to see their makers assembled in one grand symposium of artistic worth. That, indeed, would be a "World's. Fair." That, indeed, would show men what men have felt and thought and. done upon the lines of beauty, under the greatest impulses which human endeavor and earthly power can lend to accom-plishment. But that, alas, would be a dreamland" beyond the possibilities of an even transitory realization. 64 I will venture to say, however, without much fear of contradiction, that what has been done here in Chicago approachesmore nearly to the presentation of such a vision than any former attempt, modern, mediæval, or ancient; and also what has been done here is to be credited more |