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purple and crimson, and yellow of all shades and hues, and the clear sky* varied from blue to a fine green at the hōrizon. But how large the sun appears just as it sets! I think it seems twice as big as when it is over head.

Tutor. It does so; and you may probably have obşĕrv'ed the same apparent enlargement of the moon at its rising. William. I have; but pray what is the reason of this? Tutor. It is an optical deception, depending upon principles which I cannot well explain to you, till you know more of that branch of science. But what a number of new ideas this afternoon's walk has afforded you! I do not wonder that you found it ămu'şing; it has been very instructive too. Did you see nothing of all these sights, Robert ?

Rob'ert. I saw some of them, but I did not take particular notice of them.

Tutor. Why not?

Robert. I do not know. I did not care about them, and I made the best of my way home.

Tutor. That would have been right, if you had been sent on a message; but as you only walked for ămüşe'ment, it would have been wiser to have sought out as many sources of it as possible. But so it is-one man walks through the world with his eyes open, and another with them shut; and upon this difference depends all the superiority of knowledge the one acquires above the other. I have known sail ors who had been in all the quârters of the world, and could tell you nothing but the signs of the tippling-houses they frequented in different ports, and the price and quality of the liquor. On the other hand, a Franklin could not cross the channel without making some observations useful to mankind. While many a vacant, thoughtless youth is whirl'ed throughout Eu'rōpe,† without gaining a single idea worth crossing a street for, the observ'ing eye and inquiring mind find matter of improvement and delight in every ramble in town and country. Do you then, William, continue to make use of your eyes; and you, Rob'ert, learn that eyes were given you to use. DR. AI KIN

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We destroy' pleasure by pursuing it too eagerly.

1. A BOY, smitten with the colours of a butterfly, pursued it from flower to flower with indefatigable pains. First, he aimed to surprise it ǎmóng the leaves of a rose; then to cover it with his hat, as it was feeding on a daisy. At one time, he hoped to secure it, as it revelled on a sprig of myr' tle ;* and at another, grew sure of his prize, perceiving i to loiter on a bed of viō-lēts. But the fickle fly still eluded his attempts.

2. At last, obşĕrv'ing it half buried in the cup of a tulip he rushed forward, and snatching it with violence, crushe it to pieces. Thus, by his eagerness to enjoy, he lost the object of his pursuit. From this instance, young persons may learn, that pleaş'ure is but a painted butterfly; which if temperately pursued, may serve to ămuşe'; but which when embraced with too much ardour, will perish in the grăsp.


On sisterly unity and love.


1. "OBSERVE those two hounds, that are coupled togeth er," said Eu-phrō'ni-us to Lu'cy and E-mil'i-ă, who were look ing through the window. How they torment each other by a disagreement in their pursuits! One is for moving slowly, and the other vainly urges onward. The large dog now sees some object that tempts him on this side; an mark how he drags his companion ǎlong', who is exerting al his efforts to pursue a different rôûte !t Thus they wil continue all day at variance, pulling each other in opposit direc'tións, when they might, by kind and mu'tu-ălț compli ances, pass on easily, merrily, and happily."

2. Lucy and E-mil'i-ă concurred in censuring the foll and ill nature of these dogs; and Eu-phro'ni-us expressed tender wish, that he might never see any thing similar i their behaviour to each other. "Nature," said he, "ha

common relation to the most indulgent parents; by the endearing ties of sisterhood; and by all those generous sympathies, which have been fostered in your bo'şóms from the ĕar'li-ěst infancy."

3. "Let these silken cords of mutual love continue to unite you, in the same pursuits. Suffer no allurements to draw you different ways; no contradictory passions to distract your friendship; nor any selfish views, or sordid jeal'oŭs-ĭes, to render those bonds uneasy and oppressive, which àre now your ornament, your strength, and your happiness." PERCIVAL.


The Su-preme' Ruler of the world.

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1. MANY kingdoms and countries, full of people, and islands, and large continents, and different climes, make up this whole world: God governs it. The people swarm upon the face of it, like ants upon a hillock. Some are black with the hot sun; some cover themselves with furs against' the sharp cold; some drink of the fruit of the vine; some the pleasant milk of the cocoa nut; and others quench their thirst with the running stream.

2. All àre God's family; he knows every one of them, as a shepherd knows his flock. They pray to him in different languages, but he understands them all; he hears them all; he takes care of all: Nóne àre so great that he cannot punish them; nóne àre so mean, that he will not protect them.

3. Negro woman, who sittest pining in captivity, and weepest over thy sick child; though no one sees thee, God sees thee; though no one pities thee, God pities thee. Raise thy voice, forlorn and abandoned one; call upon him from amidst thy bonds; for assuredly he will hear thee. Monarch, that rulest over a hundred states; whose frown is terrible as death, and whose armies cover the land, boast not thyself, as though there were none ǎbóve thee. God is above thee; his powerful arm is always over thee; and if thou doest ill, assuredly he will punish thee.

4. Nations of the earth, fear the Lord; families of men, call upon the name of your God. Is there any one whom God hath not made? let him not wor'ship him. Is there any one whom he hath not bless'ed? let him not praise him



Introduction, &c.


[Part 1

A'bra-hăm and Lot: a fine èxăm'ple of wisdom and conde


1. DOMESTICK ǎltercations began to perplex families in the very childhood of time; the blood even of a brother was shed, at an early period. But with how much tenderness and good sense dóeş A'bra-băm prevent the disagreement which had nearly arisen, as is but too frequently the case, from the quarrels of servants! He said unto Lot, "I pray thee, let there be no strife betwixt me and thee, nor between my herdmen and thine." And why? For the tenderest reason that can be; "because we are brethren."

2. The very image of the pa'triàrch, in the attitude of entreaty, the fraternal tear just starting from his eye, is this moment before me: A thus, methinks, I catch instruction from the lip of the venerable man, as he addresses Lot. “Ăwāy, my dear brother, away with strife; we were born to be the servants of God, and the companions of each other; as we sprang from the same pärents, so we naturally partake of the same affections. We are brethren, sons of the same father: We are friends; for surely kindredship should be the most exalted friendship. Let us not then disagree, because our herdmen have disagreed; since that were to encourage every idle pique* and senseless animosity.

3. "Great indeed has beent our success, since our migration into this fair country. We have much substance, and much cattle. But what shall brothers quarrel, because it hath pleased Heaven to prosper them? This would be ingratitude, impiety! But if, notwithstanding these persua sives, thy spirit is still troubled, let us separate. Rather than contend with a brother, I would, hard as it is, even part with him for a time.

4. "Perhaps the occasion of dispute, (which I have already forgotten,) will soon be no more remembered by thee. Is not the whole land before thee? Take then my blessing and my embrace, and separate thyself from me. To thee is submitted the advăn'tăge of choice. If thou wilt take the left hand, then, that I may not appear to thwart thee unbrotherly, I will take the right; or, if thou art more inclined to the country which lies upon the right, then will I go to the left. Be it as thou wilt, and whithersoever thou goest, happy mayst thou be."

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5. Lot listened to his brother, and departed. He căst his eyes on the 'well watered plains of Jôr'dăn. When he separated, it appears to have been with the hope of increas ing his wealth; whilst A'bra-hăm, ăc'tuated* by the kindest motives, often, no doubt, pressed his brother's hand, and often både him ădieū, and even followed him to repeat his farewell wishes, eref he could suffer him to depart.


A persecuting spirit reproved.

1. A'RAM was sitting at the door of his tent, under the shade of his fig-tree, when it came to pass that a man, stricken with years, bearing a staff in his hand, journeyed that way. And it was noon day. And A'răm said unto the stranger, "Pass not by, I pray thee, but come in, and wâsb thy feet, and tarry here until the evening; for thou art stricken with years, and the heat overcometh thee."

2. And the stranger left his staff at the door, and entered into the tent of A'răm. And he rested himself. And Ã'răm set before him bread, and cakes of fine meal, baked upon the hearth. And A'răm bless'ed the bread, calling upon the name of the Lord. But the stranger did cat, and refused to pray unto the Most High, saying, Thy Lord is not the God of my fathers; why there'fore should I present my vows unto him?"


3. And Ã'răm's wrath was kindled; and he called his ser vants, and they beat the stranger, and drove him into the wilderness. Now in the evening, A'răm lifted up his voice unto the Lord, and prayed unto him. And the Lord said, "A'răm, where is the stranger that so'journed this day with thee?" And A'răm ăn'swered and said, "Behold, O Lord! The ate of thy bread, and would not offer unto thee his prayers and thanksgivings. There'fōre did I chastise him, and drive him from before me into the wilderness.""

4. And the Lord said unto Ã'răm, "Who hath made thee a judge between me and him? Have not I borne with thine in-iq'ui-ties, and winked at thy backslidings; and shalt thou be severe with thy brother, to mark his errors, and to punish his pĕr-verse'ness? Arīşe, and follow the stranger, and carry with thee oil and wine, and ănôînt' his bruises,§ and speak kindly unto him. For I, the Lord thy God, am a *ak'tshi-a-ted. tāre. H bròò'zis.

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