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ON the following day, but late in the afternoon, Mr Percy entered the library at Sleyton Court with a clouded brow, and invited Sir Algernon to a private and whispered conference in one of the bay windows.

Frederick and Antonia exchanged glances of alarm; but their suspense was soon ended, when Sir Algernon, turning round suddenly, asked his son how he came to be in the village of Sleyton the night before at so late an hour. Frederick was crimson in a moment, while Antonia grew pale, and looked as if she was going to faint. Sir Algernon looked from one to the other, and said, "I must request, Frederick, that you give me a direct answer, and also who was the person by whom you were accompanied?" Still Frederick returned no answer, and Sir Algernon, perceiving there was some mystery in which both his niece and his son were concerned,

became more peremptory, but could not extract a word of reply from either of them.

At this moment a servant entered the room and delivered a packet to Mr Percy, saying that it had come by an express. Mr Percy untied the silken cord, opened the packet and read it in a hurried manner, then threw it open on the table, exclaiming, “There, Sir Algernon, that may answer your question, which neither your son nor Miss Lyndsey seem disposed to do;" and turning to the servant, he desired his horses might immediately be made ready, and abruptly left the room.

Sir Algernon took up the letter, and read aloud as follows:

“HONOURED SIR,-We have reason to suppose, from certain intelligence which has just reached us, that the young Lord Berenger is concealed in your neighbourhood, or will shortly arrive there. He is not in the south, as was falsely reported. You are therefore requested to lose no time in setting on foot every inquiry, and to use all possible means to discover and take prisoner the person of the said Lord Berenger.

“Given at the Head Quarters,” &c., &c.

It is almost surprising that on this dreadful confirmation of her worst fears Antonia's senses did not forsake her. Her faculties indeed seemed benumbed, for she sat quite still, her eyes fixed on her uncle, and unable to articulate a single word. Sir Algernon became also painfully disturbed. It was immediately evident to him, from their excessive fear and confusion, that they had assisted Mr Berenger's escape; and the circumstance that Frederick had been seen the night before walking through the village with a stranger established the fact in his own mind without a dispute. Mr Percy had felt it right to inform Sir Algernon of that circumstance, but without any suspicion of the real facts of the case, which now broke suddenly on both of them. Sir Algernon, therefore, desisted both from questions or reproofs, plainly perceiving that it was not the intention of either of the culprits to make any admission at present; and it was indeed true that they had mutually agreed, should any discovery be made, that it would be easier altogether to refrain from any explanation which might involve them in a false or indirect statement.

"And unless the torture is applied," said Antonia, "we cannot be forced to speak."

"And I hope we are safe from that extremity," said Frederick, laughing.

"I don't know, I believe Mr Percy would willingly torture us both if he should discover what we have done, or even suspect it."

It would doubtless have given the young conspirators great satisfaction could they have known how sincerely thankful Sir Algernon was that Mr Berenger had in any way effected his escape, but it was a matter of necessity his not shewing his feelings. He was careful even towards Mr Percy, who, in his turn, notwithstanding his harsh language, felt much the same in his heart. But it is one of the many miseries created by civil war and rebellion, that men equally just, honourable, and upright, fear to trust each other, and miserable thoughts of mistrust and suspicion infect the very air they breathe, and invade the security of the domestic hearth.

Mr Percy hastened his departure; and Sir Algernon, after a brief conference with his lady, announced his intention of joining the military

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