THE ALTRUISTIC REVIEW. 50598 EDITED BY HAZLITT ALVA CUPPY. VOLUME III. JULY-DECEMBER. PUBLISHED BY THE ALTRUISTIC REVIEW COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. INDEX TO VOLUME III. OF THE ALTRUISTIC REVIEW. Ackermann, Miss Jessie, a Character Sketch, 267 Altruist's Corner, The, 47, 100, 151, 200, 256, 307 By Clifton M. Nichols. A School of the Kingdom, 54 By C. A. Kent and Archibald H. Bradshaw. A Story from Pullmantown, 300 Arranged by Paul Monroe. Book Reviews, 49, 153, 201, 308 By James L. Onderdonk. First American Treaty with Japan, The, 36 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 245 By Joseph Cook, LL.D., and James L. Onderdonk. How Rich Have I a Right to Be? 92 By Walter Rauschenbusch. Jew, The: Is It a Question of Religion? 16 Labor and the Popular Welfare, 148 Leavitt, Mary Clement, a Character Sketch, 163 By Hazlitt Alva Cuppy. Lincoln, John Larkin, a Character Sketch, 108 By Arthur B. Chaffee, M.A. Monthly Round-up: Abroad, 53, 158 Alexander III., 206 A New Departure, 206 Another Illustration, 3 Anti-lynching Movement, The, 105 Armenian Massacre, The, 263 Bravo! 104 New York's Mayor, 260 New York's Opportunity, 52 Our Later Development, 155 Party Failure, 104 Providing for the Rainy Day, 106 Reform in Philadelphia, 208 Review, The Altruistic, 53, 107, 209 The New Bond Issue, 261 Trial, Prof. Ely's, 106 Two Great Gatherings, 52 Union of The Altruistic Review and Our Day, 263 War in the East, The, 158, 207 War in the West, The, 103 What One Man Can Do, 2 INDEX TO VOLUME III. OF THE ALTRUISTIC REVIEW. 3 Health, 29 By Eugene Sandow. Heroine, The Evolution of, 181 By Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen. High Buildings in England and America, 78 Higher Evolution of Man, The, 85 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 291 By Edward Everett Hale. How to Purify National Legislation, 127 Indictable Art and Corrupt Classics, 241 Intemperance, Cure of, 79 In the Land of the Bread-fruits, 35, 131, 175 By F. M. Turner. In the Hospital, 230 By J. West Roosevelt, M.D. Labor War in the United States, The, 233 By Mr. J. S. Jeans. |