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Alexeev, Gen. M. V., from March to June 1917 Commander in Chief of the Russian Army; in September 1917 Chief of Staff.

Armour, Norman, Second Secretary of the Embassy in Russia.

Avksentiev, N. D., a leader of the Socialist-Revolutionist Party and Minister of the Interior in the first cabinet of Kerensky; Chairman of the first AllRussian Congress of Peasants' Deputies.

Bailey, James G., Secretary of the Embassy in Russia.

Bakhmeteff, Boris A., head of the Extraordinary Embassy from Russia to the United States; July 5, 1917, Russian Ambassador at Washington.

Bakhméteff, George, from November 28, 1911, to April 20, 1917, Russian Ambassador at Washington.

Balfour, Arthur J., British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

Barclay, Colville A. de R., Counselor of the British Embassy at Washington. Brusilov, Gen. A. A., in 1916 Commander of the Russian offensive in Galicia ; from June to July 1917 Commander in Chief of the Russian Army. Buchanan, Sir George W., British Ambassador at Petrograd.

Bullard, Arthur, Director of the Russian Division, United States Committee on Public Information.

Caldwell, John K., Consul at Vladivostok.

Cecil, Robert, Lord, British Minister of Blockade and Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

Cheidze, N. S., a leader of the Social Democratic (Menshevik) Party; Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet of Workmen's and Soldiers' Deputies; Chairman of the first All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workmen's and Soldiers' Deputies.

Chernov, V. M., a leader of the Socialist-Revolutionist Party; from May to October 1917 Russian Minister of Agriculture.

Chicherin, George V., Acting Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, March 13, 1918; Commissar for Foreign Affairs, May 30, 1918.

Clemenceau, Georges E. B., from November 16, 1917, to January 20, 1920, French Premier and Minister for War.

Cole, Felix, Vice Consul (later Consul) at Archangel.

Creel, George, Chairman of the Committee on Public Information.

Crosley, Capt. Walter S., Naval Attaché in Russia.

Davison, Henry P., Chairman of the War Council of the American Red Cross. Denikin, Gen. A. I., from April to June 1917 Chief of Staff of the Russian Army.

Diamandi, Constantine J., Count, Rumanian Minister in Russia.

Dukhonin, Gen. N. N., from September to December 1917 Chief of Staff of the Russian Army.

Egan, Maurice Francis, Minister in Denmark.

Emerson, Col. George H., in charge of the Russian Railway Service Corps.
Francis, David R., Ambassador in Russia.

Garrett, John W., Minister in the Netherlands and Luxemburg.
Gompers, Samuel, President of the American Federation of Labor.


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