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[blocks in formation]

Halifax, Lord, anecdote of, 256.
Harmonites, account of that sect
in America, 328.

Japanese, account of, in 1611,
40. Farther particulars, 41
-55. Their own view of
their policy, 55.
Jutshmiasin, Armenian convent,
visit to, 353.

Idol, Parisnath-Gowricha, on the
worship of, 23.
Jeffries, Lord Chancellor, anec-
dotes of, 271.

Jerusalem, description of a visit
to, 285. 342.

Jewess, about to be burned alive
by the Knights Templars,
story of, 86.
Ignorance, deplored and depre-
cated in a discourse from the
pulpit, 308.

Harvest-morning poetically de- India, on a vocabulary of lan-

scribed, 298.


Charles I., ruled by her French
priests, 33.

Hill-fort, in Guzerat, account

of, 23.
Hindus, obs. on their religion
compared with the Egyptian,
161. On the mythology of,
385. On their philosophy and
theology, 386. On their as-
tronomy, 389.
Hindustan, foundation of the Mu-

hammedan dynasties in, 202.
History, obs. on its great utility,
Horner, Mr., on solving nume-

rical equations, 373.

guages of, 24.

Antient and

modern researches concern-
ing, 383.
Infancy, ode to the scenes of, 63.
Innate depravity of man, obs.
on, 170.

Inquisition, in Spain, origin and

progress of, 536. Its dread-
ful ravages. 543.
Inquisitor, Grand, assassinated,

Insects, century of, 261. From
New Holland, described, ib.

- properly so called, de-
finition of, 515, 516.
Johnson, Dr., his great excel-
lence as a writer, and dexter-
ity in verbal argument, 249.

Hospital-rot, obs. on that dis- Jomini, General, some account

[blocks in formation]

of, and of his great military
work, 449.

Jordan, river, new and authentic
particulars respecting, 348.
Irvine, Lieut., on the Gipsey and

Hindustanee languages, 20.
Isaure, Clementia, her institu-

tion of the floral games of
Toulouse, 480.

Ischia, manners of the clergy
there, 499.
Italy, transactions in the Re-
publics of,, during the 15th
century, &c. 485. Reflec-


tions on the modern condition
of, compared with her former
greatness, 496.
Juncus, obs. on that genus of
plants, 257.


Kater, Capt., excellence of his
compass, 192.

on the variation of
the pendulum, 376.
Kattiwar, remarks on that pro-
vince, 23.

Kentucky, anecdote of the wi-
dow of a farmer in that state,

Keylas, a Hindu temple, de-
scribed, 155.
Kirby, Mr., his century of in-
sects, 261. On insects from
New Holland, ib.
Knight, Mr. T. A., on different
strawberries, 260.
Kotzebue, M. obs. on, and ac-
count of, his assassination,

Latreille, M., on remarkable
crabs, 528.
Lava, volcanic, distinguished
from rock, 527.
Laws of Japan, remarks on, 54.
Levrat, Dr., on a succedaneum

for coffee, 524.
Leyden, Dr., particulars and
anecdotes respecting, 65-68.
Light, new examples of its in-
fluence on natural phænome-
na, 527. See Brewster.
Lion's den, curious visit to, 281.
Ludovico Sforza, his usurpation,
character, &c., 487.
Lycoperdon, obs. on that vege-
table, 260.
Lycopodium denticulatum, on the
germination of, 260.
Lyellia, a new moss, described,


[blocks in formation]

Mackintosh, Sir James, his dis-
course to the Literary Society
at Bombay, 16. On a vocabu-
lary of Indian languages, 24.
Mackmurdo, Lieut., on the wor-
ship of an Indian idol, 23.
On the province of Kattiwar,


Magendie, M., on azote, 531.
Mahomedansects and mysticism,
See Malcolm, See Graham.
Mainotes, anecdote of their de-
tention of a Russian man of
rank, 287.

Malcolm, Sir John, on some sects
of Mahomedans, 21.
Malthus, Mr., his tenets at-

tacked and defended, 469.
Malus, M., obs. on his theory
of double refraction, 180.
Manna, remarks on, 23.
Mariana, Juan de, his statement
respecting the Inquisition,
Marlborough, the great Duke of,
anecdotes of his meanness as
to pecuniary affairs, 255.
Marryat, Capt., on two new
shells, 258.

Mary, Queen of Scots, her verses
on quitting France, 210.

consort of William III.,
her indifference to the fate of
her father, James II., 273.
Mathematics, obs. on a perverted
study of that science, 182.
Mavalipuram, near Madras, ac-

count of the ruins at, 392.
Medici, obs. on the despotic de-
signs of that family while in
power, 489.
Medicine, schools of, at Mont-
pelier, oath there taken by
every physician on receiving
his degree, 482.
Memory, methods of assisting,

[blocks in formation]

Missions of the Moravians to
Greenland poetically describ-
ed, 57.

Mollusca, definitions of, 520.
Montagu, Mr., on some species

of the genus Terebella, 258.
Morals of Nasir, account of, 20.
Morley, Col., Lieutenant of the
Tower, Mr. Evelyn's endea-
vours to bring him over to the
interest of Charles H., 116.
Mosses, remarks on, 268.
Mount of Olives, description of,

Mount Tabor, recent visit to, 340.

Nasir, Morals of, account of
that book, 20.
Nazareth, recent account of, 338.
Needle, magnetic, on irregulari-
ties of, 184.
New Holland, account of, and

obs. on the colony at, 427.
Nicetas Eugenianus, some ac-
count of that author and his
writings, 476.

Nicholas, Sir Edward, his honest
and persevering attachment
to Charles I. and II., 276.
Letter to, from the Queen of
Bohemia, ib.

Nicolls, Col., on the tempera-
ture of Bombay, 16.
Niger, obs. on the course of that
river, 163.

Nightingale, lines on the note
of, 436.

Nineveh, description of the sup-
posed site of, 282.
Nismes, disputes between the
Catholics and the Protestants
of, 483.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

of the Lord's Prayer recom-
mended, 24. 336. Specimen of
a Sanskrit Pater-noster, 158,


Pedes scansorii of Birds, on their
use, 265.

Pendulum, experiments on the
variation of, 376.
Pennsylvania, travels through
that state described, 316.
Persia, obs. on the history and
religion of, 200. Views of
improvement by the Prince
of, 355.

Pharisees, sermon on their con-
duct and tenets, 307.
Pindaries, account of their na-
ture and force, 311.
Plague, in London, in 1665, de-
scribed, 123.
At Constan-
tinople, 137.
Plants, Indian, description of,


Poor-laws, remarks on, 473.
Pope, Mr., his imperfect clas-

sical knowlege, 251. Anec-
dotes of, 252. His verses to
Lord Oxford, 254. His great
diffidence, 256. Anecdote of
him and Lord Halifax, ib.
Popes, dreadful effects of their
secular power and persecuting
spirit, 537,538.

Population of Bussora, 278.
Of Bagdad, 280. Remarks on
Mr. Malthus's tenets respect-
ing, 469.

Potatoe, found wild in Peru, 269.
Prayer, obs. on, 172. On the

Lord's Prayer, 173.
Probabilities, doctrine of, re-
marks on, 183.

Property, among the peasantry
of a country, the best gua-
rantee of public tranquillity,
Prussia, obs. on the military
force and operations of, in
1792, &c., 452.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Romances, historical, obs. on, 73.
Ross, Mr., his translation of a
sermon by Sadi, 23.

Rot, in hospitals, account of that
disease, 526.

Ruins, of temples, near Madras,
description of, 392.
Russell, William, Lord, his cha-
racter vindicated, and parti-
culars of his life, &c. 226-244.

-, Rachael, Lady, her high
qualities, 228. 244. Her let-
ter to her husband, 229.
Russia, account of the embassy
from that court to Persia, 351.
Interest of its history, 503.
Particulars in, 504,&c. Treaty
with the Emperor of Constan-
tinople, 945.507. High cha-
racter of one of its early sove-
reigns, 509. Obs. on the pro-
per site for the capital of, 511.

Sabine, Capt., on irregularities
of the compass-needles, 184.
His new species of Gull, 266.
On the birds of Greenland, ib.
Mr., on a new species

of Gull, 266.
Sadi, translation of a sermon of,

Salisbury, Mr., on Lycopodium
denticulatum, 260.

Salsette, account of the caves in,


Salt, Mr.. on the caves in Sal-
sette, 20.

Salzburg, account of, 497.
Sand, Charles Louis, his assas-
sination of Kotzebue, 148.
Reflections on, 151.

Saris, Capt., his visit to Japan in
1611, 40.

Savigny, M., his memoir on an-
nelides, 518.

Scoresby, Mr., on the dip and va-
riation of the magnetic needle,
Sepulchre, holy, at Jerusalem,
visit to, 342.

Series, infinite, See Babbage.
Shells, description of two new
sorts, 258. Fossil researches
concerning, 522.

Sheppard, Mr., on the pedes scan-
sorii of birds, 265. On the
Heron, 269.

Sicilian story poetically nar
rated, 293.

Sidney, Algernon, vindicated
from the charge of being paid
by France, 237.
Smith, Sir J., on two species of
Tordylium, 259. On Rhizo-
morpha medullaris, 261.
Solstice, winter and summer, va-
riations of the obliquity of the
ecliptic at those periods, 370.
Sowerby, Mr., on the genus Te-
rebratula, 265.

Spain, obs. on the question whe-

ther that country was ever a
colony of Egypt, 183. Me-
lancholy recent picture of its
state, 397. Better prospects,
535. History of the Inquisi-
tion in, ib.

Spence, Rev. Joseph, obs. on his
works, 245.
Stachelberg, Baron, account of
his captivity by the Mainotes,
Staunton, Sir George, his trans-

[blocks in formation]

Tabasheer, on the properties of,
Temple, Hindu, described, 155.

Obs. on the date of the tem-
ple of Dendera, 161.
Temples, near Madras, their ruins
described, 392.

Tenon, M., eulogy of, 532.
Terebella, description of five spe-
cies of, 258.
Terebratula, account of that
nus, 265.
Theology, the study of, recom-


mended and enforced, 305.
Tiberias, lake of, described, 340.
Tides, between Fairleigh and
the North Foreland, obs. on,
Timbuctoo, particulars respect-
ing, 163.

Tomb, of our Saviour, account
of, 342.

Tordylium, on two species of, 259.
Toulouse, floral games of, their
origin, 480.
Tournament, temp. Richard I. of
England, described, 86.
Travelling, obs. on the effects of,

Tristan da Cunha, description
of, 262.

Troops, obs. on the movement
of, 458.
Tunicated class of animals, ac-
. count of, 512.

U and V

Van Diemen's Land, emigration
to that island recommended,
Vatel, cook to the Prince of
Condé, his fate poetically de-
picted, 194.

Velocity of balls, &c., remarks
on, 95.

Velore, ode on leaving, 61.
Venetians, bravery of, in a sea-
fight with the Turks, in 1499,


Vermes, obs. on the class of,
Vestris, the dancer, supposed
poetic address of, 198.
Viper, red, obs. on, 259.
Vladimir Monomachos, an early
Russian sovereign, his high
character, 509.

Vogel, M., on the properties of
light, 527.

Urns, sepulchral, in Persia, ac-
count of, 23.


War, continental, of 1756, and
of the French Revolution, mi-
litary details of, 452. Obs.
on the art of, 460.
Waterloo, battle of, described by
a Highland soldier, 220.
Whigs, their conduct in nego-
tiating with the French court,
in the reign of Charles II., dis-
cussed, 230.

White Lady, Song of, 416.
Whitear, Mr., on the plumage of
birds, 266.

Women, eulogium on, 228.
Wordsworth, Mr., burlesque pa-

rody of his writings, 323.
Wrede, Baron, on the festival of
Mamangom, 16.
Wycherley, the poet, anecdotes
of, 254, 255

Yorkshire, emigrant from, to

America, anecdote of, 330.
Young, Dr., on errors in physi-
cal observations, &c. 181.
Youth, poetic address to, 439.

Zodiac, signs of, obs. on their
meaning, &c. 389.


Printed by A. and R. Spottiswoode,

Printers-Street, London

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