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is double that distance. Trails had to be opened for three-fourths of the distance travelled, involving great labor in cutting, grading, and bridg. ing to make the route practicable for pack-mule transportation. The water-courses were numerous and rapid, rendering the fords frequent and dangerous; and a slight rise of many of the streams would have made them impassable but for the timely precaution of building bridges at small streams and ferry boats at the river crossings. Many of the trails opened are now travelled routes to the mines then and since discovered, which are rapidly developing that section of the country, where almost every valley of any extent affords facilities for agricultural pur suits.

In collating the results of the survey, reports upon the geology, botany, and natural history of the country reconnoitred were prepared, and complete maps, on a large scale, made of the entire boundary and the adjacent country. A general map has also been made, showing the extent of the country traversed. And to facilitate the survey of the public lands, photographic duplicates of the detailed sheets, showing each monument on the boundary line, with its geographical position, were furnished to the General Land Office. Photographic duplicates of the detailed sheets of the water boundary have also been made and furnished the Department of State in illustration of the question of the boundary channel. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, Commissioner Northwest Boundary Survey.


Secretary of State.

A.—Statement of expenses of running and marking the northwest boundary line between the United States and the British Possessions bounding on Washington Territory, to December 31, 1868.

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* One-half expenses of building the Initial Monument at Point Roberts.

Year and quarter.

Statement of expenses of running and marking the northwest boundary line, &c.—Continued.

Boats, oars, &c.


[blocks in formation]

266, 061 44 $110, 023 04 $11, 881 95 $48, 521 44 $41, 051 17 15, 300 19 14, 704 01 $10, 9533 90 $33, 923 35 $14,599 83 $4,697 49 $20, 383 57 $2,085 11 594, 189 49

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3d qr

580 00

1866, 4th qr..

1867, 1st qr...

3,715 70

50 00

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*Error in voucher and amount refunded.

520 50 35, 152 23 1,564 61 559, 037 26

† Refunded by Lieutenant Jno. G. Parke, chief astronomer and surveyor, being amount of pay received from army appropriation. Voucher disallowed and withdrawn.

NOTE. The premiums received on checks drawn on the assistant treasurer of the United States at New York are deducted from the gross amount of disbursements only, which The actual amount of appropriations expended in the work is, as hereinbefore stated, $559,037 26, explains the discrepancy of $3,715 70 in adding up the items of actual expenses.

$2,742 21 16.25 2,742 21 647 34 19, 436 51 784 70 248 44 1.00 3,786 96 3,202 62 110,023 04 $11,884 95 48, 521 44 11, 051 17 15,300 19 14,704 01 10, 953 90 33, 923 35 $14, 599 83 4, 697 49 20,383 57 266, 061 44 2,742 21 16 25 784 70 647 34 19, 436 51 248 44 3,202 62 1.00 3, 786 96 | 50 00 11,884 9545, 318 82 41,050 17 14,515 49 11,961 80,10, 306 56 14, 486 84 14,599 63 4, 681 24 20, 135 13 262,274 48 109, 973 04

125 00

520 50 2,085 11

430 50

1, 196 73
180 00
910 60

20, 866 61
135 00


580 00

2, 867 21

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Camp and garri. son equipage.



saddles, blank.

ets, &c.




vey vessels and parties.

U. S. Coast Sur

Boats, oars, &c.


Statement of the finances of the Northwest Boundary Commission on the 1st of January, 1869,

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Expended by the Boundary Commission as per statement above..
Requisition of the quartermaster department account of the Boundary Commission.
Requisition of internal revenue department, part of taxes on salaries, withheld..........

[blocks in formation]

Balance on hand, deposited with the Treasurer of the United States

deposited with the assistant treasurer United States, New York

5,931 68
965 17

6,896 85

B.-List of persons composing the United States northwest boundary commission, as organized by act of Congress approved August 11, 1856, with statement of salaries, &c.

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John G. Parke received from the commissioner the difference between his pay as chief astronomer and surveyor, and as an officer of the army.

Resigned December 9, 1864.

*Subsistence while in the field.

Extract from instructions of the Secretary of State, dated February 25, 1857.

"Your annual compensation will be $3,000; that of the chief astronomer the same; and that of the assistant astronomer $1,800, exclusive of necessary personal expenses and actual cost of travel. The former of these, according to usage, may be commuted at the following rates, viz: For the commissioner and chief astronomer, $8 per diem each; and for the assistant astronomer, $4 per diem. You may also, at your discretion, allow to chiefs of parties and other assistants employed by you, a commutation of their personal expenses not exceeding $2 per day. All other assistants and employés will be allowed at your discretion, in addition to their pay, their subsistence and actual travelling expenses."

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