A Speaking Life: John Keble & the Anglican Tradition of Ministry & Art

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Charles R. Henery
Gracewing Publishing, 1995 - Всего страниц: 149
John Keble was rightly esteemed in his day as the original source and real spirit of the Oxford Movement, but in the decades that have followed his reputation has become somewhat obscured as a result of the growth of interest in the other figures - Newman and Manning in particular - with whom he worked. In this collection of essays by scholars from the United Kingdom and North America, a sustained and successful attempt has been made both to reassess the centrality of Keble - his life and ministry - in his own time, and also to highlight the ways in which his influence has continued to be important in the development of Anglicanism in the succeeding 130 years.

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A Speaking Life
The Priesthood in Anglicanism
The Pastor in Anglicanism
Anglicanism and the Visual Arts
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