• This day my Saviour rofe, And did enclose this Light for his: Who want Herbs for their wound. The reft of our Creation Our great Redeemer did remove With the fame Shake, which at his Paffion Chrift's Hands, tho' nail'd, wrought our Salvation, The brightness of that Day We fullied by our foul Offence: Wherefore that Robe we caft away, Whofe drops of Blood paid the full price, Thou art a day of Mirth: And where the week-days trail on Ground, O let me take thee at the bound, Leaping with thee from fev'n to fev'n, Fly hand in hand to Heaven! T Avarice. M T Avarice. Oney, thou bane of Blifs, and fourse of Woe, Whence com'ft thou, that thou art so fresh and I know thy Parentage is base and low: (fine? Man found thee poor and dirty in a Mine.. Surely thou didst so little contribute To this great Kingdom, which thou now haft got, That he was fain, when thou waft deftitute, To dig thee out of thy dark Cave and Grot. Then forcing thee, by Fire he made thee bright: H OF SMARY? Ow well her Name an Army doth prefent, To all Angels and Saints. H glorious Spirits, who after all your Bands Where ev'ry one is King, and hath his Crown, Not Not out of Envy or Maliciousness Do I forbear to crave your fpecial Aid. My Vows to thee moft gladly, bleffed Maid, Thou art the holy Mine, whence came the Gold, In young and old; Thou art the Cabinet where the Jewel lay: But now (alas!) I dare not; for our King, And where his Pleasure no Injunction lays, All Worship is Prerogative, and a Flower, Therefore we dare not from his Garland fteal, Although then others court you, if ye know Since we are ever ready to disburse, H ¶ Employment. Ethat is weary, let him fit; My Soul would fir And trade in Courtefies and Wit, Quitting the Fur, The cold Complexions needing it. Man Man is no Star, but a quick Coal Who blows it not, nor doth controll Lets his own Afhes choke his Soul. When th❜Elements did for place conteft Ordain'd the highest to be beft. The Earth fat ftill, And by the others is oppreft. Life is a bufinefs, not good cheer; The Sun ftill fhineth there or here, Whereas the Stars Watch an advantage to appear. Oh that I were an Orange-tree, That bufie Plant! Then should I ever laden be, And never want Some Fruit for him that dreffeth me. But we are still too young or old; The Man is gone, Before we do our Wares unfold: Then was my Heart broken, as was my Verfe; My Breaft was full of Fears And Disorder. My ¶ Ungratefulness. Ord, with what Bounty, and rare Clemency Gladly had Man ador'd the Sun, And thought his God moft brave ; Where now we fhall be better Gods than he, Thou hast but two rare Cabinets full of Treafure, The Trinity, and Incarnation; Thou haft unlock'd them both, And made them Jewels to betroth The ftatelier Cabinet is the Trinity, This fully to us, till Death blow For by that Powder thou wilt make us fee. But all thy Sweets are pack'd up in the other; This may allure us with Delights; For we have all of us juft fuch another. But Man is close, referv'd, and dark to thee In his poor Cabinet of bone Sins have their Box a-part, Defrauding thee, who gaveft two for one. ¶ Sighs |