PART IV. WORDS OF DIFFERENT FORM HAVING THE SAME SOUND. I. II. ale, a kind of malt liquor. beau, a lover. ail, to be sick. all, the whole. awl, a shoemaker's tool. arc, part of a circle. ark, a kind of ship. air, the atmosphere. heir, one who inherits. aisle, passage in a church. isle, an island. bail, security. bale, a package of goods. bass, lowest part in music. bays, arms of the ocean. baize, coarse woolen cloth. bow, a weapon. beech, a kind of tree. beach, the sea-shore. bell, a signal. belle, a young lady. by, near. buy, to purchase. blue, a color. blew, did blow. bow, the fore part of a boat. bough, a branch of a tree. bur'y, to inter. ber'ry, a small fruit. can'on, a law. can'non, a weapon. claws, part of a cat's foot. clause, part of a sentence. III. A fine beech tree grew near the beach. The sky was blue, but the wind blew hard. The heir inherited all of the property. The thief who stole the bale of goods gave bail for his appearance in court. The bow is no longer used as a weapon of war. The breaking waves dashed high On a stern and rock-bound coast, Their giant branches tossed; And the heavy night hung dark The hills and waters o'er, When a band of exiles moored their bark On a wild New England shore. Not as the conqueror comes, They, the true-hearted came; In silence and in fear; VIII. core, the inside. corps, a body of soldiers. coarse, not fine. course, a place for races. canvas, coarse cotton cloth. canvass, to solicit votes. cask, a large barrel. casque, a helmet. cell, a room in prison. site, situation. sight, the act of seeing. scent, sense of smell. dear, precious. deer, a wild animal. due, owed. IX. dew, moisture deposited. draft, an order for money. draught, a current of air. die, to perish. dye, to color. dying, expiring. dyeing, coloring. flour, powdered grain. flower, a blossom. faint, to swoon. feint, a pretense. feat, an exploit. feet, plural of foot. fore, in the front. four, sum of two and two. foul, not clean. fowl, a bird. flee, to run away. flea, an insect. X. The seeds of an apple are enclosed in the core. The building has a beautiful site. The dog has a very keen scent. Do not sit in a draught when you are warm. The girl fainted in school. Dew is deposited on the grass and stones on a clear night in summer. Amidst the storm they sang, And the stars heard and the sea; And the sounding aisles of the dim woods ran The ocean eagle soared From his nest by the white wave's foam; And the rocking pines of the forest roaredThis was their welcome home. HEMANS. The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, XV. Full many a gem of purest ray serene, |