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North-Eastern Boundary or Ashbur- River St. Lawrence, from those which fall ton Treaty-1842. into the River St. John, to a point seven miles) in a straight line from the said summit or Repeated efforts to settle the North-East-crest; thence in a straight line in a course about ern Boundary of the U. States by negotiation, south eight degrees west to the point where arbitration or joint commissioners having fail- the parallel of latitude of 46° 25′ north intersects the southwest branch of the St. John;) ed, the British Government in 1841 despatch-thence southerly by the said branch, to the ed Lord Ashburton to Washington on a spe- source thereof in the highlands at the Metjarcial mission to make a final attempt to adjust mette portage; thence down along the said highlands which divide the waters which Sthis Boundary amicably. He was met in a empty themselves into the River Sn Lawkindred spirit by Daniel Webster, U. S. Se-rence from those which fall into the Atlantic Scretary of State, and in due time a Treaty of Ocean, to the head of Hall's Stream; thence absolute and amicable settlement of this long thus run intersects the old line of boundary down the middle of said stream till the line) disputed question, and of other outstanding surveyed and marked by Valentine and Col differences was signed and ratified. The fol- lins previously to the year 1774, as the 45th, (lowing are its essential provisions: degree of north latitude, and which has been? known and understood to he the line of actual?

Whereas, certain portions of the line of division between the States of New-York and boundary between the United States of Amer- Vermont on one side, and the British Proica and the British dominions in North Amer- vince of Canada on the other; and from said? ica, described in the second Article of the point of intersection, west along the said diTreaty of Peace of 1783, have not yet been viding line as heretofore known and underascertained and determined, notwithstanding stood, to the Iroquois, or St. Lawrence river. the repeated attempts which have been here-! ART. 2. It is moreover agreed, that from tofore made for that purpose: and whereas it the place where the Joint Commissioners is now thought to be for the interest of both terminated their labors, under the sixth ar parties that, avoiding farther discussion of ticle of the Treaty of Ghent, to wit: At a point their respective rights, arising in this respect in the Neebrik channel, near Muddy Lake, under the said Treaty, they should agree on a the line shall run into and along the ship conventional line in said portions of the said channel, between St. Joseph and St. Taniboundary, such as may be convenient to both many Islands, to the division of the channel parties, with such equivalents and compensa- at or near the head of St. Joseph's Island; tions as are deemed just and reasonable. thence turning eastwardly and northwardly. ART. 1. It is hereby agreed and declared around the lower end of St. George's or Suthat the line of boundary shall be as follows: gar Island, aud following the middle of the Beginning at the Monument at the source of channel which divides St. George's from St. the River St. Croix, as designated and agreed Joseph's Island; thence up the East Neebrik? to by the Commissioners under the fifth Ar- channel, nearest to St. George's Island. ticle in the Treaty of 1794, between the Go- through the middle of Lake George; thence? vernments of the United States and Great west of Jona's Island, into St. Mary's river, to Britain; thence north, following the explor-a point in the middle of that river, about one ing line run and marked by the Surveyors of mile above St. George's or Sugar Island, so the two Governments in the years 1817 and as to appropriate and assign the said Island 1818, under the fifth Article of the Treaty of to the U. States; thence adopting the lines Ghent, to its intersection with the River St. traced on the maps by the Commissioners.) John, and to the middle of the channel there- through the River St. Mary and Lake Supe of: thence up the middle of the main channel rior, to a point north of Isle Royal in said of said River St. John, to the mouth of the lake, one hundred yards to the north and cast River St. Francis; thence up the middle of of Isle Chapeau which last mentioned island the channel of the said River St. Francis, and lies near the northeastern point of Isle Royal, of the lakes through which it flows, to the out- where the line marked by the Commissionlet of the Lake Pohenagamook; thence south-ers terminates; and from the last-mentioned westerly, in a straight line to a point on the point southwesterly, through the middle of (northwest branch of the River St. John, the sound between Isle Royal and the northwhich point shall be ten miles distant from eastern main-land, to the mouth of Pigeonthe main branch of the St. John, in a straigh river, and at the said river to and through the Sline, and in the nearest direction; but if North and South Fowl lakes, to the lakes on the said point shall be found to be less than the hight of land between Lake Superior and seven miles from the nearest point, or sum-the Lake of the Woods; thence along the mit, or crest of the highlands that divide water communication to the Saisaquinago, those rivers which empty themselves into the and through that lake; thence to and through

Cypress Lake, Lac de Bois Blanc, Lac la the River St. John, or by its tributaries, Croix, Little Vermillion Lake, and Lake which fact reasonable evidence shall, if reNamecan, and through the several smaller quired, be produced, shall have free access (lakes, straits, or streams, connecting the lakes into and through the said river and its tribuhere mentioned, to that point in Lac la Pluie taries, having their source within the State of or Rainy Lake, at the Chaudiere Falls, from Maine, to and from the seaport at the mouth which the Commissioners traced the line to of the said River St. John, and to and round the most northwestern point of the Lake of the Falls of said river, either by boats, rafts, the Woods; thence along the said line to the or other conveyance: that when within the said most northwestern point, being in lati- Province of New-Brunswick, the said protude 49° 23′ 55′′ North, and in longitude 95° duce shall be dealt with as if it were the pro14′ 38′′ West from the Observatory at Green- duce of said Province: that, in like manner, wich; thence, according to existing Treaties, the inhabitants of the Territory of the Upper) due South to its intersection with the 49th St. John determined by this Treaty to belong parallel of north latitude, and along that par to Her Britannic Majesty, shall have free acSallel to the Rocky Mountains. It being un-cess to and through the river for their proderstood that all the water communications, duce, in those parts where the said river runs and all the usual portages along the line from wholly through the State of Maine; provided Lake Superior to the Lake of the Woods; and always that this agreement shall give no right also Grand Portage, from the shore of Lake to either party to interfere with any regulaSuperior to the Pigeon river, as now actually tions not inconsistent with the terms of this used, shall be free and open to the use of the Treaty, which the Governments, respectively, (citizens and subjects of both countries. of Maine or of New-Brunswick may make re

ART. 3. In order to promote the interests specting the navigation of the said river. and encourage the industry of all the inhabi- when both banks thereof shall belong to the tants of the Countries watered by the River same party.

St. John and its tributaries, whether living ART. 7. It is farther agreed that the chan(within the State of Maine or in the Province nels in the River St. Lawrence, on both sides Sof New-Brunswick, it is agreed that where, of the Long Sault Island, and of Barnhart by the provisions of the present Treaty, the Island; the channels in the River Detroit, on River St. John is declared to be the line of both sides of the island of Bois Blanc, and beboundary, the navigation of said river shall tween that island and both the American and be free and open to both parties, and shall in Canadian shores; and all the several channo way be obstructed by either; that all the nels and passage between the various islands produce of the forest, in logs, lumber, timber, lying near the junction of the River St. Clair, boards, staves, or shingles, or of agriculture, with the lake of that name, shall be equally not being manufactured, grown on any of free and open to the ships, vessels and boats those parts of the State of Maine, watered by of both parties.

Joint Resolution for annexing Texas to the United States.

Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representa | Second. Said State, when admitted into the Untives of the United States of America in Congress ion, after ceding to the United States all public assembled, That Congress doth consent that the edifices, fortifications, barracks, ports and harbors, territory properly included within, and rightfully navy and navy yards, docks, magazines, arms, belonging to, the Republic of Texas, may be erect- armaments, and all other property and means ed into a new State to be called the State of Texas, pertaining to the public defence, belonging to the with a republican form of Government, to be said Republic of Texas, shall retain all the public adopted by the people of said Republic, by depu- funds, debts, taxes, and dues of every kind which ties in convention assembled, with the consent of may belong to or be due or owing said Repubthe existing Government, in order that the same lic; and shall also retain all the vacant and unap-C may be admitted as one of the States of this Union. propriated lands lying within its limits, to be apSEC. 2. And be it further resolved, That the fore- plied to the payment of the debts and liabilities of going consent of Congress is given upon the fol- said Republic of Texas; and the residue of said Slowing conditions, and with the following guaran- lands, after discharging said debts and liabilities, ties, to wit: to be disposed of as said State may direct; but in

First. Said State to be formed, subject to the no event are said debts and liabilities to become a Sadjustment by this Government of all questions of charge upon the Government of the United States. Sboundary that may arise with other Governments; Third. New States, of convenient size, not exand the Constitution thereof, with the proper evi- ceeding four in number, in addition to the said Sdence of its adoption by the people of said Repub-State of Texas, and having sufficient population, ( lic of Texas, shall be transmitted to the President may hereafter, by the consent of said State, be of the United States, to be laid before Congress for formed out of the territory thereof, which shall be (its final action, on or before the first day of Janua- entitled to admission under the provisions of the ry, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. Federal Constitution; and such States as may be?

formed out of that portion of said territory lying representation, shall be admitted into the Union. south of thirty-six degrees thirty minutes north by virtue of this act. on an equal footing with the latitude, commonly known as the Missouri Com-existing States, as soon as the terms and conditions promise line, shall be admitted into the Union, of such admission, and the cession of the remainwith or without slavery, as the people of eachling Texan territory to the United States, shall be State asking admission may desire. And in such agreed upon by the Governments of Texas and State or States as shall be formed out of said terri- the United States.

tory north of said Missouri compromise line, And be it farther enacted, That the sum of one slavery, or involuntary servitude, (except for (crime,) shall be prohibited.


hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to defray the expenses of missions and negotiations, to agree upon the terms of said admission and cession, either by And be it farther resolved, That if the President of the United States shall, in his judgment and treaty to be submitted to the Senate, or by articles discretion, deem it most advisable, instead of pro-as the President may direct. to be submitted to the two Houses of Congress, ceeding to submit the foregoing Resolution to the [Approved, March 2d, 1845.] Republic of Texas as an overture on the part of the United States for admission, to negotiate with that Republic, then--

[The Walker addenda was set aside by President Tyler, who chose to present to Texas the original or House proposition above cited.


Be it resolved, That a State, to be formed out of the present Republic of Texas, with suitable ex(tent and boundaries, and with two Representa- proposition has been accepted by Texas, through tives in Congress, until the next apportionment of her Congress and a Convention.]


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NOTE. The Governors in all the States are elected by the People except Virginia and South Carolina, which are elected by the Legislatures.

The names in Italics are Whigs.

† Admitted into the Union March 1, 1845, but have twice rejected the terms of admission by popular vote.



[blocks in formation]

..4327 Total .8957






Morse. And'n. Scat. Rob'n. And'n. Scat Litchfield

Aroostook gy 428

216 425


Cumberland.3385 4927 1045....4982 6735 873 Truman Smith over J. C.,Smith, 1101; over all, 589.
Franklin.... 873 1339 462....1280 1767 502 Total vote.29,569
Hancock...1172 1549 126....1859 2568 96




1843 PRES'T, 1844.


477 Co's. Bald'n. Toucey. Scat. Clay, Polk. Scat. 674 Fairfield ....4614 3968 141....5368 4599 1420 322 Hartford....5814 5174 267....6259 5624 287 494 Litchfield...4344 4011 385....4668 4335 363 394 Middlesex ..2180 2249 138....2324 2354 130 New-Haven.5023 3590 249....5546 4726 229 585 New-London3516 3281 324....4081 3709 304 Tolland.....1836 1809 134....1964 1950 1200 Windham ..2181 2176 504....2620 2544 363

Kennebeo ..3879 2201 905....5972 3798 743
Lincoln,....3882 3652 507... .5193 5462 476
Oxford ..1578 3337 355....1901 4026
Penobscot ..1781 2736 552....3381 4426
Piscataquis. 850 1082 249....1081 1279
Somerset...1938 1706 550....2804 2237
..1410 2546 232....1936 4215
Washington.1462 2061 88....1437 1754
..2573 3780 521....3346 5368
Total...24,880 31,344 5.592..35,388 44,060 5,695
Anderson over Morse, 6.464; over all. 872.
There are a few towns to hear from. They will
increase Anderson's majority.





Counties. Slade, W. Kellogg. L. Shafter, Ab

Total..29508 26258 2142...32832 29841 1943) Baldwin over Toucey, 3250; Clay over Polk, 2991; Baldwin over all, 1108.


Counties. Fenner.L.&Q Jackson, Lib'n. Scat.






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341 Providence




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Washington..... 893

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