AUTHOR OF TRAVELS IN EGYPT, THE HOLY LAND, GREECE, ETC.; LONGMAN, Rees, orme, BROWN, AND green. 1828. KBR た ΤΟ HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY GEORGE THE FOURTH, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN, &c. &c. &c. SIRE, WERE I to attempt fully to express my sense of the distinguished honour conferred upon me, by your gracious permission to dedicate the following pages to Your MAJESTY, I should be compelled to make use of language that might appear fulsome. I will, therefore, abstain from employing phrases that have been applied so often and so indiscriminately as to lose all meaning, and confine myself to observing, that, colossal as the power of Russia is, she offers little at present to excite the envy of Great Britain. 39X677 The Sovereign, also, of a free and generous people, may contemplate without jealousy the power of an Autocrat, however boundless. If, therefore, I have occasionally paid the homage of admiration to those great and enlightened monarchs who have wielded the sceptre over so many millions with a benevolent despotism, what has been uttered in their praise will, I trust, recommend me more than whole pages of compliment addressed to Your Majesty. Justly, indeed, should I deserve Your MAJESTY'S Contempt, could I for one moment conceive that aught of tribute to the memory of ALEXANDER THE FIRST could be unpleasing to the ear of GEORGE THE FOURTH. I have the honour to remain, With every sentiment of the most profound respect, SIRE, Your MAJESTY'S Most devoted Subject and Servant, WILLIAM RAE WILSON: |