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" Not to commit any sin, to do good, and to purify one's mind, that is the teaching of (all) the Awakened. "
Lectures on the Science of Religion: With a Paper on Buddhist Nihilism, and ... - Էջ 225
Friedrich Max Müller - 1872 - 300 էջ
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The Atlantic Monthly, Հատոր 74

1894 - 1020 էջ
...such as few can find." We have a notable compendium of the religious life in the following : — " Not to commit any sin, to do good, and to purify one's mind, — this is the teaching of all the Awakened. " Not to blame, not to strike, to live restrained under...
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Buddhaghosha's Parables

Buddhaghosa - 1870 - 412 էջ
...are given to meditation, who are wise, and who delight in the repose of retirement (from the world). 182. Hard is the conception of men, hard is the life...184. The Awakened call patience the highest penance, (183.) This verse is again one of the most solemn verses among the Buddhists. According to Csoma de...
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Buddhaghosha's parables, tr. by T. Rogers. With an intr., containing Buddha ...

Buddhaghosa (theologian.) - 1870 - 410 էջ
...are given to meditation, who are wise, and who delight in the repose of retirement (from the world). 182. Hard is the conception of men, hard is the life...184. The Awakened call patience the highest penance, (183.) This yerse is again one of the most solemn verses among the Buddhists. According to Csoma de...
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Buddhaghosha's Parables

Buddhaghosa - 1870 - 392 էջ
...are given to meditation, who are wise, and who delight in the repose of retirement (from the world). 182. Hard is the conception of men, hard is the life of mortals, hard is 1 the hearing of the True Law, hard is the birth of the Awakened (the attainment of Buddhahood). 183....
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Chapters from the Bible of the Ages

Giles Badger Stebbins - 1872 - 408 էջ
...their body, will go to the unchangeable place (Nirvana), where they will suffer no more. THE AWAKENED. Not to commit any sin, to do good, and to purify one's mind, that is the teaching of the Awakened. Not to blame, not to strike, to live restrained under the law, to be moderate in eating, to sleep and...
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Chapters from the Bible of the Ages

Giles Badger Stebbins - 1872 - 416 էջ
...their body, will go to the unchangeable place (Nirvana), where they will suffer no more. THE AWAKENED. Not to commit any sin, to do good, and to purify one's mind, that is the teaching of the Awakened. Not to blame, not to strike, to live restrained under the law, to be moderate in eating, to sleep and...
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The childhood of religions

Edward Clodd - 1875 - 398 էջ
...waterdrops a water-pot is filled ; the fool becomes full of evil even if he gathers it little by little.' ' Not to commit any sin, to do good, and to purify one's mind, that is the teaching of the Awakened.' (This is one of the most solemn verses among the Buddhists). ' Let us live happily then, not hating...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Homilist; or, The pulpit for the people, conducted by D. Thomas ..., Հատոր 2

David Thomas - 1876 - 494 էջ
...Christology, John of Damascus, Thomas Aquinas, New Ideas in the Summa, Christ both Comprehensor and " ' Not to commit any sin, to do good, and to purify one's mind, that is the teaching of the Awakened (Buddha). "' Let a man overcome anger by love, let him overcome evil by good; let him overcome the...
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Isis Unveiled: Theology

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - 1877 - 744 էջ
...(1877) of the "Evolution, a Review of Polities, Religion, Science, Literature, and Art." CHAPTER XI. " Not to commit any sin, to do good, and to purify one's mintl, that is the teaching of the Awakened. . . . '* Better than Sovereignty over the earth, belter...
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The childhood of religions. Special ed. for sch

Edward Clodd - 1878 - 296 էջ
...waterdrops a water-pot is filled ; the fool becomes full of evil even if he gathers it little by little.' ' Not to commit any sin, to do good, and to purify one's mind, that is the teaching of the Awakened.' (This is one of the most solemn verses among the Buddhists). ' Let us live happily 'then, not hating...
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