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3d. Resolved, That it be urged upon the vestry, Churchwardens, and other pious members of the Church to aid their minister in his great work in the cause of Christ to the utmost extent of their power.

4th. Resolved, That it be recommended to this Convention to use their best efforts to have the order of deacon brought back to its original sphere of operation, and instead of taking charge of a parish immediately after ordination to labor as assistants to rectors of parishes for a proper period of time.

All of which is respectfully submitted,


On motion that the resolution be adopted, as recommended by the committee; it was moved that the resolutions recommended by the minority of the committee be adopted as a substitute.

It was then moved, that the whole subject be postponed to the next annual Convention.

A motion for adjournment having been made, was withdrawn, to afford the Tellers on the election of the Standing Committee an opportunity to report.

Their reports were accordingly presented, as follows:

The Tellers on the clerical vote for the Standing Committee report, that the whole number of votes taken was 57, necessary to a choice 29, and that

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The Tellers on the lay vote for Standing Committee, report

that the whole number of votes was 51, necessary to a choice

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The above named gentlemen having received the highest number of votes, and a majority of all the votes cast, were declared to be duly elected.

On motion, the Convention adjourned.


The Convention re-assembled at 4 o'clock.

On motion, the call of the roll was dispensed with.

The minutes of the morning's proceedings were read and approved.

The consideration of the unfinished business of the morning was resumed.

The question on the postponement of the further consideration of the reports of the majority and minority of the committee on the resolution to request the ordination of Deacons

under the 5th Canon of the General Convention of 1847, was called for, and by a division of the house, decided in the affirmative.

The Committee on Accounts made the following report:

The Committee on Accounts respectfully report, that they have examined the Treasurer's Accounts and find them to be correct.



An application from Henry Hall and others for leave to organize a new Congregation in Harford county was received, and referred to the Committee on new Parishes and Congregations. A motion was made to adopt the following Canon:

Of Vacant Parishes or Congregations.

SECTION 1. When a parish or congregation becomes vacant, it shall be the duty of the Vestry forthwith to give notice thereof to the Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, to the President of the Standing Committee.

SEC. 2. The Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, the President of the Standing Committee shall take such order for the supply of every vacant parish or congregation, as in each case may be practicable; it being expected that the parish or congregation so supplied will defray the expenses incident to such services.

SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Clergy, whether with or without parochial cure, their expenses being borne, and having, if in charge of a congregation, the consent of the Vestry of the same, to comply with such requisitions as the Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, the President of the Standing Committee shall make on them, for services in order to the supply of vacant parishes or congregations.

On motion, the Canon was referred to a Committee of three, with instructions to report thereon to-morrow morning.

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The Committee on the arrearages of Parishes and Congregations submitted the following report, which, on motion, was accepted, and the resolution adopted:

The special committee appointed at the last Convention to ascertain how much is due from each parish and congregation in arrears to the Convention, &c. &c., to whom was recommitted the resolution reported by them, with instructions to enquire what portion of the arrears therein mentioned is due to the representatives of the Rt. Rev. Bishop Stone, and report the same to the Convention, beg leave to report that they have carefully examined the accounts in the Treasurer's Book, and find that no part of the arrears of Bishop's fund mentioned in the said resolution accrued, and is charged in said account during Bishop Stone's life-time, and therefore no part of it can be due, or pay able to his representatives; and they therefore report the said resolution without modification.





The following lay-delegates presented their testimonials and · signed the declaration.

Gerard W. Hungerford,

James Carroll.

The Committee on new Parishes and Congregations presented the following report:

The committee on application of new parishes and congregations for organization and union with the Convention, beg leave to report, farther, that an application to admit St. Mark's Church, in the city of Baltimore, into union with the Convention has been made, and in their opinion ought to be granted; and that an application for the organization of a new congregation in Harford county, under the name of has been present

ed, and ought likewise to be granted.

On motion,


Resolved, That St. Mark's Church, in the city of Baltimore, be admitted into union with the Convention.

On motion,

Resolved, That permission be granted to Henry Hall and others to organize a new Congregation in Harford county.

The Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Episcopal Fund, presented their annual report, which, on motion, was ordered to be printed on the journal.

To the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Maryland:

The Trustees of the Episcopal Fund respectfully report,

That it appears by the report of the Treasurer of the fund, as contained in the Journal of the last Convention, that he had received $28,847 66 of which $26,758 63 had been invested, yielding an annual income of $1,589. Since the adjournment of the Convention, there has been received of principal $2,304 61, making the whole amount of the fund to be $31,152 27. It will be seen by this statement that after applying the annual product of the invested fund ($1,589) towards the payment of the Bishop's salary, there remained a deficit of $1,411 to complete the amount formally pledged by the Convention. Of this deficiency the Treasurer has received but $920 from the parishes and congregations; thus leaving the sum of $491 still unpaid. The Board is tired with the repetition of complaints on this subject, which seemsto be so little regarded, and therefore only say, that if this disregard to the obligations deliberately assumed by the Convention, and this indifference to whether the Bishop be supported or not, is suffered to continue, it cannot but occasion results, which all Churchmen in the diocese must feel mortified to witness, and which they have most certainly the means to avoid.

The Board are willing to believe that the deficiency has been occasioned in part, by a misconception of the nature and intention of the plan devised by the Convention to supply the temporary fund. The number of communicants in the parishes and congregtions was regarded as a standard, by which, to estimate the number of members forming the whole congregation of worshippers; and assuming the ability in each congregation to be in the ratio of its numbers, they were assessed according to that standard. It was well known to be an uncertain standard, but none more accurate could be suggested. The design was therefore that the "Parish" or "Congregation" should pay-not communicants only-although the sum to be paid depended on the number of communicants. It is believed that a mistaken view of this arrangement has led in many instances to the idea, that not only were communicants to pay, but that others were not expected to pay, and hence

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