WARMINSTER, MERE, SOUTH DAMERHAM, DOWNTON, CHALK, DUNWORTH, CAWDEN and CADWORTH, FRUSTFIELD, ALDERBURY, UNDERDITCH, and WESTBURY; elections. and that the court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for Courts for such Northern Division at the borough of Devizes, and for such Southern Division at the city of Salisbury. Worcester XXV. AND be it enacted, that the two divisions of the county of WORCESTER Divisions of shall respectively be called the Eastern Division and the Western Division; shire. and that such Eastern Division shall include the whole of the several now existing divisions of STOURBRIDGE, DUDLEY, DROITWICH, NORTHFIELD, BLOCKLEY, and PERSHORE, as the same are established by an order made by his Majesty's and also the borough of EVESHAM; and also all such other places, if and that such Western Division shall include the whole of the several now UPTON, WORCESTER, HUNDRED HOUSE, and KIDDERMINSTER, as the same are established by the last-mentioned order; and also the city and county of the city of WORCESTER; and also all elections. and that the court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for Courts for such Eastern Division at the borough of Droitwich, and for such Western Division at the city of Worcester. Provision for XXVI. AND be it enacted, that the isolated parts of counties in England detached parts and Wales which are described in the schedule to this Act annexed marked of counties. Provision for (M.) shall, as to the election of members to serve in Parliament as knights of the shire, be considered as forming parts of the respective counties and divisions which are respectively mentioned in the fourth column of the said schedule (M.) in conjunction with the names of such isolated parts respectively; and that every part of any county in England or Wales which is detached from the main body of such county, but for which no special provision is hereby made, shall be considered, for the purposes of the election of members to serve in Parliament as knights of the shire, as forming part of that county (not being a county corporate), and of that division, riding, or parts, whereby such detached part shall be surrounded; but if any such detached part shall be surrounded by two or more counties, or divisions, ridings, or parts, then as forming part of that county, or division, riding, or parts, with which such detached part shall have the longest common boundary. XXVII. AND be it further enacted, that as respects the counties of York detached parts and Lincoln, and also the counties herein-before divided, except the counties of of hundreds, &c. Provision for liberties, &c. Hants and Worcester, every portion of any hundred, ward, wapentake, rape, lathe, or liberty of any such county, which is detached from the main body of such hundred, ward, wapentake, rape, lathe, or liberty, and is also locally separated from that division of the county to which such main body is to belong under the provisions contained in this Act or in the herein-before recited Act, but which is not subject to the provisions lastly herein-before contained, shall, for the purpose of the election of members to serve in Parliament as knights of the shire, be considered as forming part of that division, parts, or riding of the same county by which such detached portion is surrounded or to which it adjoins. XXVIII. AND be it enacted, that all liberties, franchises, and places having a separate jurisdiction, which are not herein-before expressly mentioned, (except the several cities and towns, and counties thereof respectively, of Bristol, Exeter, Lichfield, Norwich, and Nottingham, and except the several places by this Act comprised within the boundaries thereof respectively,) shall, as to the election of members to serve in Parliament as knights of the shire, respectively be considered as included within the respective divisions hereby established in which such liberties, franchises, and places having a Election or poll may take place at places in the neighbourhood of those named in this Act. 2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 45. [XXXIV. AND be it enacted, that, if it shall seem fit to the sheriff, the court for the election of knights of the shire may be held, or the poll may be taken, at any place or spot in the neighbourhood of any place appointed by this Act for holding such court or taking such poll respectively, at which such court or poll may have heretofore been held or taken, or which may be convenient for either of those purposes; any thing herein contained notwithstanding. XXXV. AND whereas by the Act herein-before recited it is also provided that each of the places enumerated in the schedules thereto annexed respecс a a So much of section 34 as relates to taking the poll, rep., 35 & 36 Vict. c. 33. s. 32. (temp.)] tively marked (C.), (D.), and (E.), and that every city and borough in England which before the passing of the said recited Act was entitled to return a mem ber or members to serve in Parliament, (except the several boroughs enumerated in the schedule thereto annexed marked (A.), and except the several boroughs of New Shoreham, Cricklade, Aylesbury, and East Retford,) and that the borough of Brecon, and each of the towns of Swansea, Loughor, Neath, Aberavon, and Kenfig, should, for the purposes of the said recited Act, include the place or places respectively which should be comprehended within such boundaries as should be settled and described by an Act to be passed for that purpose in this present Parliament, which Act when passed should be deemed and taken to be part of the said recited Act as fully and effectually as if incorporated therewith: And whereas the Act so to be passed for settling and describing the boundaries of cities, boroughs, and places, as in the said recited Act is mentioned, is this present Act: And whereas the several cities, boroughs, The cities, and places whereof the boundaries were so to be settled and described as in boroughs, and the said recited Act is mentioned are the several cities, boroughs, and places which are specified in the schedule to this Act annexed marked (O.): Be it therefore further enacted and declared, that the several cities, boroughs, and places specified in the said schedule to this Act annexed (marked O.) shall, as to the election of members or a member to serve in Parliament, respectively places and be include the places and be comprised within the boundaries which in such schedule are respectively specified and described in conjunction with the names of such cities, boroughs, and places respectively. XXXVI. AND be it enacted, that, subject to any direction to the contrary, the following rules shall be observed in the construction of the several descriptions of boundaries contained in the said schedule hereto annexed (marked O.); (that is to say,) places in schedule (O.) to this Act shall members of for election of Parliament include the comprised boundaries within the mentioned in such schedule. Rules for the of the descriptions contained construction in schedule (0.) to this 1.-That the words "northward," "southward," "eastward," "westward," Act. shall respectively be understood to denote only the general direction in 2.--That when any road is mentioned merely by the name of the place to 3.-That whenever a line is said to be drawn from, to, or through an object, such line shall, in the absence of any direction to the contrary, be understood to be drawn from, to, or through the centre of such object, as nearly as the centre thereof can be ascertained: 4.-That every building through which or through any part whereof any boundary hereby established shall pass shall be considered as within such boundary: Provided always, that if the boundaries of any two or more of the cities, boroughs, and places, whereof the contents and boundaries are hereby settled and described, shall pass through the same building or any part thereof, such building shall be considered as within that one of such two or more of the said cities, boroughs, and places which was before the passing of the herein-before recited Act entitled to return members or a member to serve in Parliament, or if Provision as to neither or more than one of such two or more of the said cities, boroughs, and places shall have been so entitled, then within that one of them whereof the area as hereby established is the smallest : 5. That whenever any boundary by this Act established is said to pass along any other boundary, or along any road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, drain, brook, or ditch, the middle (as nearly as the same can be ascertained) of such other boundary, or of such road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, drain, brook, or ditch, shall be understood: 6.-That the middle of any road or lane shall be understood as the middle of the carriageway along the same : 7. That when any boundary by this Act established is said to proceed along a road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, or drain, from or to an object, such boundary shall be understood to proceed from or to that point in the middle of such road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, or drain from which the shortest line would be drawn to the centre of such object, as nearly as the centre thereof can be ascertained: 8.-That the point at which any fence, hedge, wall, boundary, road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, drain, brook, or ditch is said to cut, meet, join, cross, reach, or leave any fence, hedge, wall, boundary, road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, drain, brook, or ditch, shall be understood as that point at which a line passing along the middle of the fence, hedge, wall, boundary, road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, drain, brook, or ditch, so cut, met, joined, crossed, reached, or left, would, be intersected by a line drawn along the middle of the fence, hedge, wall, boundary, road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, drain, brook, or ditch so cutting, meeting, joining, crossing, reaching, or leaving, if such line were prolonged sufficiently far: 9.-That when a line is said to be drawn to a road, lane, river, stream, or canal, such line shall be considered as prolonged to the middle of such road, lane, river, stream, or canal: 10. That by the words "sea" and "sea coast" shall be understood the lowwater mark: 11. - That if any deficiency shall be found to exist in the line of any boundary described in the said schedule to this Act annexed marked (O.), by reason of the intervention of any space between any two immediately consecutive points, such deficiency shall be supplied by a straight line to be drawn from the one to the other of such two immediately consecutive points. XXXVII. AND be it further enacted, that notwithstanding the generality detached parts of any description contained in the said schedule to this Act annexed marked of parishes, &c. (O.), no city, borough, or place, the contents whereof are specified in such schedule, shall include any part of any parish, township, hamlet, chapelry, tithing, manor, or liberty which is detached from the main body of such parish, township, hamlet, chapelry, tithing, manor, or liberty, if, by reason of including such detached part, the boundary hereby established of such city, borough, or place would not be continuous, unless such detached part shall, before the passing of this Act, have formed part of such city, borough, or place for the purpose of the election of members to serve in Parliament; but that all places, parochial or extra-parochial, which are surrounded by the contents of which any city, borough, or place is said in such schedule marked (O.) to consist, but for which no provision is made in such schedule (O.), shall be considered as included within such city, borough, or place, for the purpose of the election of members to serve in Parliament. (O.) XXXVIII. PROVIDED always, and be it enacted, that no misnomer or in- Misnomer net accurate description contained in this Act, or in any of the schedules hereto to preclude operation of annexed, shall in anywise prevent or abridge the operation of this Act with Act, and the respect to the subject of such description, provided the same shall be so desig- descriptions in nated as to be commonly understood; and that for the purpose of identifying the descriptions contained in the said schedule (O.) with the subjects of such descriptions respectively, such descriptions shall, if now inapplicable, be held to apply to such subjects as they existed on the first day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. to be held in certain cases subjects as to apply to the they existed on 1st Oct. 1831. Parishes, Townships, &c. of which, or of Parts of which, the isolated Parts consist. Counties in which the isolated Parts Counties and Divisions to which it is intended that the isolated Parts belong. are locally situate. isolated Parts should be annexed. ENGLAND. Bedfordshire Bedfordshire Part of Studham parish, partly Hertfordshire in Beachwood Park in the county of Hertford. Part of Ickleford parish Hertfordshire. Hertfordshire Berkshire Part of Great Barrington parish Gloucestershire Hertfordshire. eastern division. Berkshire Part of Inglesham parish Wiltshire Wiltshire, northern division. Berkshire Part of Langford parish Oxfordshire Oxfordshire. Berkshire Little Farringdon tithing Oxfordshire Oxfordshire. Berkshire Part of Shilton parish Oxfordshire Oxfordshire. Buckinghamshire Studley parish or hamlet in Oxfordshire Oxfordshire. the parish of Beckley. Buckinghamshire Caversfield parish Oxfordshire Oxfordshire. Buckinghamshire Part of Luffield Abbey, an Northamptonshire extra-parochial place. Cheshire Part of Disley township, situate Derbyshire on the Der Derbyshire side of Northamptonshire, southern division. Cheshire, northern division. the river Goyt. Cornwall A small part of the parish of St. Stephen by Saltash, on Either in Devonshire Devonshire, southern the eastern side of the river Tamar. Cornwall east of the Tamar. Part of North Tamerton parish, Either in Devonshire Cornwall, eastern di or Cornwall. vision. A portion of Derbyshire, consisting of the parishes and places following; i.e., Measham Stretton in the Fields Derbyshire Leicestershire Willesley Derbyshire, southern division. Part of Appleby Oakthorpe Chilcote Part of Donisthorpe Derbyshire Part of the parish of Raven- Leicestershire stone. Derbyshire, southern division. |