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PETITIONS PRESENTED. From the Parochial Authorities of the Parish of Saint Botolph without Aldersgate, against the Transaction of Business on the Sabbath.-From Board of Guardians of the Reeth Union, complaining of the Costs attending the present System of the Law of Settlement and Parish Appeals, and in favour of the Principle that a Month's Residence be deemed a Settle ment. From the City of London, and several other places, for the Establishment of Public Baths and Washhouses. From Cupar, and other places, in favour of the Corn Importation and Customs Duties Bills.-From Durham, Leeds, and Bridgwater, in favour of the Corn Laws. -From Minister and Congregation of the Presbyterian Chapel, York Street, Belfast, for the Abolition of Capital Punishments. From Birmingham, for the Employment and Reformation of Discharged Prisoners.- From Physicians and Surgeons of the County of Cork, for the Better Regulation and more Efficient Support of Medical Charities (Ireland).

SIR G. CLERK moved for leave to bring in two Bills, which were founded on the report of a Select Committee to which the subject of regulations relating to shipping had been referred. The first Bill was to require that all merchant ships should carry a certain number of boats according to their tonnage; and, with regard to steam-vessels, the regulations which the Bill would embody had been submitted to the directors of the General Steam Navigation Company, and they had stated they had no objection whatever to them. Those regulations would require that the holds of steam-vessels should be divided into three PUBLIC BATHS AND WASHHOUSES. compartments, separated by water-tight The BISHOP of LONDON, on rising to bulkheads. He also proposed to introduce present certain petitions respecting the inregulations, to be enforced under a pen-stitution of Baths and Washhouses for the alty, respecting the manner in which Poor, said, that he was quite aware how steam-vessels should pass each other, in difficult it was to attract attention at the order to prevent as far as possible the present moment to subjects not connected danger of collision; and he meant to give with the great questions which now occupower to the Admiralty to enforce regula-pied the public mind; but the petitions he tions, with a view to steam-vessels using certain lights during the night, and also providing that a report be annually made to the Board of Trade, by a competent engineer, as to the condition and sufficiency of the machinery of those vessels, and a similar report respecting the vessel itself by a competent shipwright, and stating if any accident had happened to either. The other Bill referred to the preservation of wrecked property, and to the amendment and consolidation of the laws upon that subject. To remove all doubts as to the rights of various parties to wrecked property, he proposed to vest the trusteeship of such property in the receivers of the droits of the Admiralty, so as to enable parties preferring any claims to it to establish those claims; and that for one year it should be open to the owners of wrecked property to advance their claims to it; if after that period had elapsed notions would amply repay the interest of the claims were put forward by the owners, then the rights of the lord of the manor where the wreck had been cast ashore should be considered. The right hon. Gentleman concluded by moving for leave to bring in the Bill.

Leave given. Bill read a first time. House adjourned at half-past Twelve o'clock.

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had to present were important, not only from the signatures which they bore, but from the subject to which they related. That subject nearly concerned the moral as well as physical welfare of the humbler classes of the population, affecting their moral welfare through their physical state; and, as such, he was sure it would meet with due attention from their Lordships. He wished to call their Lordships' attention to the advantage and importance of the establishment of baths and washhouses for the labouring classes; and the object of the petitions he was about to present was, to pray their Lordships to pass a Bill (which he had reason to believe would be shortly submitted to them) to enable parishes to borrow money on the security of the rates for the purpose he had mentioned. With respect to the interest of the money thus loaned, he apprehended that these institu

capital to be expended upon their establishment; but, even if no interest were to be returned, still the country would derive a great profit in the increased physical comfort and the improved moral state of the working classes. No one in the least acquainted with the subject could doubt how intimately connected with the good of the poor man cleanliness was. They must elevate the poor man from extreme destitution-they must take off from him the urgent pressure of misery before they could assail him, as a moral agent, with any chance of success. Without a change of

this nature he was convinced it was not possible to effect any important amelioration in the condition of the working man. Experience had shown such beneficial results from the institution, when tried on a small scale, as to justify the strongest hopes of the greatest advantages if it were generally brought into practice. The petitions he had to present to their Lordships were the following:-One from the chairman and deputy-chairman of a Committee for promoting the establishment of Baths and Washhouses for the Labouring Classes; another from bankers and merchants of the city of London, signed by the heads of more than 100 firms; another from the chairman and deputy-chairman of the London Dock Company, employing several thousands of workpeople; another from the churchwardens, overseers, and guardians of the parish of St. Martin in the Fields; and another signed by 121 of the parochial clergy of London; and the petitions dwelt upon the importance of habits of cleanliness to the poor, and the duty of giving them the means of forming those habits. The evils, as the petitioners stated them, of the overcrowded state of the poor in the metropolis and other large towns, were well known to him, and he thought that it was a subject which had not been sufficiently attended to. He might be allowed to add that the great improvements which had been made in London of late years had not lessened the evil; on the contrary it was undoubtedly the case that great hardship had been inflicted on the poorer classes, who were driven out of the wretched tenements that were pulled down to make way for new streets, and driven to go and live in tenements still more wretched. The consequence was, that there were in the metropolis hundreds and hundreds of instances in which not one family, but two families at least, were living in the same room. He knew not whether any plan could have been adopted in making these improvements to prevent this result; but this at any rate was true, that no pains whatever had been taken to supply the defect, except by voluntary associations; but what they had been enabled to effect was but as a drop to the ocean. The effects were frightful to contemplate. A crowded state of a population led to a disregard of the common decencies and obvious proprieties of life; and he shuddered to think at the consequences to the miserable occupants, who had no choice but to occupy such places, or to perish in the streets; for uncleanliness certainly led to

the loss of those appetencies for nobler objects which counteracted the baser attributes of our nature. But this was not all. From the evidence contained in the report on the sanatory state of towns, it appeared that overcrowding and want of cleanliness caused an aggravation of the general type of disease in the metropolis. There was a gradual deterioration of the constitution of the English labourer in the metropolis, and it was even necessary to have recourse to a totally different course of medical treatment to what had been formerly adopted, to so great an extent had this change of constitution gone. Where depletion was used formerly, tonics were now obliged to be given. Where tenements were so much overcrowded as at present, the necessary consequence was uncleanliness and loss of health. He himself remembered, when a parochial clergyman, 20 years ago, to have seen a tenement containing sixteen families, in all sixty-four persons, in sixteen different apartments; but that was nothing to the present state of things, where two families with five or six children each were often crowded into one room. It was obvious that a great boon would be conferred on persons so situated, if they had the means put in their hands of washing their clothes and linen apart from their dwellings. The practice of washing linen and clothes at home among the poor was open to objections. It was almost necessarily done in a manner that scarcely deserved the name; the things being often put into water that had been used for other purposes, and substances that he would only allude to substituted for soap. Then it was difficult to get the clothes properly dried after they were washed. The other part of the institution to which he solicited their Lordships' favour consisted of baths; and baths, he could assure their Lordships, were necessary to the health of those who had but few opportunities of purifying themselves from the dirt derived from their employments, and from the perspiration caused by hard labour. At Liverpool, where the scheme had been first tried, the greatest desire had been manifested by the labouring classes to avail themselves of the institution. In the year ending May 28, 1844, there were of cold bathers 3,882; warm bathers, 16,704; and the receipts were 3031., being an increase of 1037. as compared with the preceding year. London a meeting had been held a year ago on the subject, but owing to various causes no great progress had been made.


He must not omit to mention that he had of their Lordships; but he would just add last Saturday spoken to some women who that the principle which he entreated their were washing at the institution he was Lordships to sanction whenever the Bill to about to mention, and they had assured him which he had alluded was brought before of the great comfort and convenience which them, had been already recognised by the the opportunity of washing their clothes Legislature in a measure which authorized away from home was to them. Lately an town-councils to raise rates for the erection association of charitable persons had opened of museums, or for the instruction and amusebaths and washhouses in Glasshouse-yard, ment of the people, an application of public in the city, on a small scale, and although money of which he entirely approved. the accommodation was of the most ordin- Great credit was due to the Government ary kind, nevertheless the following were of this country for having during the last the results, viz., that in the half-year end- few years paid so much attention to the ing November, 1845, there had been instruction and amusement and needful 13,538 bathers; 15,643 washers, being recreation of the people-matters which persons in the very lowest ranks of la- had been too much neglected for a long bour; and 140,034 articles washed. In period in this country; but it must be obthe second half year there were 14,124 vious to every one, that before these objects bathers, 19,934 washers, and 143,432 could be attained, before museums and articles washed. So that in one year public places of instruction could be made they had 27,662 bathers, and 35,680 available, habits of cleanliness, and the persons, who had washed 260,526 arti- means of maintaining those habits, must cles. Now, if they added the other mem- be diffused throughout the whole of the bers of the families of those persons who community. had used the washhouses, they would find that, including the bathers, there were 87,000 persons who had either directly or indirectly benefited by this establishment. The whole cost of these advantages, exclusive of the money sunk in the apparatus, &c., was no more than 400l., being about one penny and half a farthing a head for the 87,000 individuals benefited indirectly, and of 1d. per head for the number directly benefited. These baths were gratuitous: that, however, was not the case with respect to the baths of Liverpool, nor would it be the case in the institutions which the petitioners sought to establish. The eagerness displayed by these persons to avail themselves of cleanliness made it certain that the respectable portion of the labouring classes would gladly pay so small a sum as 2d. for a warm bath. The effect of this system could not be otherwise than beneficial to the poorer classes; and Mr. Owen, the surgeon, who had been mainly instrumental in the formation of the association, said the beneficial effects of bathing and washing on the poor were most striking to all those who come into contact with them. The outlay on building establishments of the kind proposed to be erected could not be very great, and a return upon the outlay of 13 per cent was confidently expected, so that there could be no great ground for any apprehensions as to the amount of the parish rates which might be laid out. He thought, after what he had said, it was unnecessary to take up the time


The MARQUESS of NORMANBY concurred in what had been so well said by the right rev. Prelate; but the petitions which he had presented referred to only one feature of this great subject. He hoped that, when their Lordships were considering this question, the state of the dwellings of the poor would not be overlooked. could assure the right rev. Prelate, who had referred to this point among others, that he had more than once witnessed the condition of many of those dwellings; and the impressions left on his mind were still fresh as to the necessity of the Legislature interfering for the comfort of the people. He hoped the right rev. Prelate would not content himself with merely pressing upon the attention of the House the matter of baths and washhouses, but that he would give his valuable assistance in introducing some measure for the improvement of the dwellings of the poor.

LORD KINNAIRD had also visited many of the poorer parts of the metropolis; and it was impossible to conceive the amount of wretchedness which had come under his observation. It was absolutely necessary that steps should be taken to prevent the dreadful overcrowding in many portions of the city, and also to secure the comfort of the inhabitants otherwise. Let their Lordships look to what was taking place in Bethnal-green. They were building houses every day, and yet there was not a single sewer in the district. The inhabitants complained bitterly of the stagnant water and

Petitions read and ordered to lie on the Table.

filth which prevailed in that neighbourhood; | 1843 the church was found in an exceedbut nothing was done to remedy the evil. ingly bad state of repair, and a negotiation The evils arising from want of drainage took place with the rector, the Dean of and from overcrowding were such as private Salisbury, with reference to building the enterprise could not reach, and therefore church, and repairing the chancel. A very they ought to be grappled with by the painful controversy took place on this subLegislature. ject between the dean and the parishioners; but, as the dean had very lately resigned the deanery, he (Earl Grey) needed not to trouble their Lordships with any statement on that head. The result of a prolonged EARL GREY then rose to present the discussion was this that the parishioners petition of which he had given notice from were advised that to repair instead of rethe churchwardens of the parish of Woking-building the church would be a most improham, Berks. It appeared from the statements of the petition that—



vident outlay of money; but, from the impossibility of coming to any satisfactory arrangement with the rector and his lesThe parish of Wokingham extends over about see of the tithes, they were compelled to 8,500 acres, and contains a population of about expend between 7001. and 8007. on an in3,500 souls. The parish is a perpetual curacy, and is under the peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean adequate repair of the church, although of Salisbury, who is rector as well as ordinary and they were prepared to expend a much impropriator of the tithes. The tithes have been larger sum for rebuilding the church if the leased for very many years by the Deans of Salis-rector would have joined with them in rebury, on leases for lives, renewable on payment of a fine, at an annual rent of 261. 13s. 4d. The last fine received was 2,2001.; and the present Dean of Salisbury appropriated 2007. of the amount for the benefit of the minister, by subscribing that sum to Queen Anne's Bounty, retaining 2,000l. for himself.

building the chancel. Into the history of that controversy it would be quite unnecessary for him to go, as he had already mentioned that the Dean of Salisbury had very lately resigned the deanery; but that very The tithes have been commuted at 1,6987. 10s. 9d.; and there are are 30 acres of glebe, worth about circumstance made it important that the 601. a year. The Rev. Thomas Morres, the per- House, and he hoped other authorities, espetual curate, receives a stipend of 1502 only (in- pecially the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, clusive of all fees), 407. only of which are paid out should now take into consideration the of the tithes. He, some few years since, appointed an assistant curate, at a salary of 801., which left state of this parish; for it appeared to him the perpetual curate only 701. per annum for the that there was great force in the concludeure of the parish. The perpetual curate, being ing observations of the petitioners, wherein unable, from the scantiness of his income, to con- they attributed the necessity for that heavy tinue to his assistant curate the payment of the outlay for their church-while admitting salary of 801. per annum, has lately been compel that there was some neglect on the part of led to reduce the salary to 40l. per annum, upon condition that the assistant curate shall be relieved the parish officers to the want of proper from all duty during the week, and his services and efficient visitations on the part of the should be required for the performance of Divine Dean of Salisbury. The petitioners also service on the Sunday only. There is no parson-maintained that it was a gross anomaly in age house or residence for the clergyman. Mr. Morres, the perpetual curate, has consequently been obliged to accept the appointment of master of Lucas's Hospital, an endowed almshouse, belonging to the Drapers' Company, situate within the parish. He resides there, and receives a stipend as master of 1007. per annum; and the rules of the hospital enjoin upon him the reading of Divine service in the chapel every day; preaching every Sunday and Christmas-day, and, in commemoration of the founder, every 15th of July; and administering the sacrament four times a year.' Consequently his duties as master of Lucas's Hospital materially interfere with his duties as the clergyman of the parish. The time of the assistant curate was almost exclusively devoted to the education of pupils; and, by reason of the reduction in his salary, he is now altogether relieved from the performance of any weekly duty. The parish, therefore, may be said to be without the entire services of any one clergyman."

the law that the office of rector and visitor or ordinary should be held by one and the same individual; because, as ordinary, the duty of enforcing the repair of the chancel was directly opposed to his interest as rector, which would abrogate and put an end to his office of ordinary altogether. The churchwardens suggested some improvement in the law in this respect, and further represented

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That, although in the parish of Wokingham upwards of 1,7001. per annum are raised for the maintenance of the Established Church, nearly the whole of the revenues are diverted from the parish, and a population approaching 4,000 souls is left in a state of comparative spiritual destitution. There is no clergyman entirely devoted to the service of the parish, no parsonage house, and no means of obtaining anything like adequate pastoral superinIt was also stated in the petition, that in tendence; that one portion of the parish lies in a

tendence; and the want of it must be attended

more efficient system of ecclesiastical visitation,

wild and remote district, and contains an increas- | thorities to take some immediate measures, ing population, composed exclusively of labourers with the view of meeting the wants and and broom-dashers, who subsist almost entirely by cutting heath on the commons, and convert- removing the grievances of which the petiing it into brooms; and who, having for the most tioners complained. When the leases fell part no masters to control them, and no persons in, additional revenues would become availof a superior station dwelling among them, stand able for supplying the spiritual wants of peculiarly in need of regular pastoral superin; the parishioners; and he thought it would with the growth of irreligion, vice, and immorality, he just and proper, by some arrangement and must result in the most deplorable conse--either by Act of Parliament, or by such quences, if some means be not speedily adopted to arrangements as the Ecclesiastical Comarrest and put an end to evils of so deplorable a missioners had power to adopt without character. The petitioners pray that the matters set forth in the petition may be taken into cona new law, to anticipate this reversionary sideration, with a view of remedying the griev- interest, so as to afford some present asances of which they complain; and that some law sistance to the parish. He considered it may be passed for the enforcement of a better and the more important that this should be and for the fair and satisfactory adjustment of all done, because, if matters were allowed to questions arising between the rector and the rate- remain in their present state, the large payers, touching the repair and upholding of the revenue, when it became available, would chancel and the fabric of the church." be far less useful then than it would be at the present time. If the Established Church neglected its duty, a large portion of the population would either become altogether indifferent to religious services, or conform to some dissenting denomination; and under such circumstances the revenue would be much less serviceable than it might be if it were now applied by anticipation to the benefit of the parish. He did not think it would be proper at this time to enter into any discussion of the measures it might be advisable to adopt for the relief of the parish of Wokingham; for he would not at present commit himself to any particular views on that subject. He must say, however, it appeared to him that the parish was labouring under grievances which urgently called for the interposition of some competent authority for their removal; and he begged leave most strongly to recommend the petition to their Lordships' attention.

It appeared to him (Earl Grey) that the prayer of this petition was one to which by some means attention ought to be paid; and that the parish of Wokingham had the strongest ground of complaint. Was it fair or just, where the regular pastoral superintendence was so much required, and where so large a sum as 1,700l. a year was raised from tithe, that something quite inadequate should alone be set aside for the spiritual care of the parish? This must strike their Lordships as being entirely contrary to justice; and it appeared to him that the circumstance of the recent vacancy of the deanery afforded a proper opportunity of doing something in the way of relief for the parish. This case ought to attract the immediate attention more especially of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. He was aware, that by the recent vacancy of the deanery, the small annual sum of 261. 13s. 4d. became immediately disposable; and that during the lease of the lessee, who received a large income from tithe, there was no power of taking a larger sum for the spiritual wants of the parish. But it was by the negligence of the ecclesiastical authorities and of Parliament that that improvident bargain, made with the lessee of the tithe, had been allowed. It was the fault of Parliament, and it was the fault, too, of the authorities of the Church, who had not brought this subject earlier before Parliament, that the large funds granted in this parish in former ages for ecclesiastical purposes had not now for a considerable number of years been disposable for that object; and therefore the parishioners of Wokingham had an indisputable right to look to Parliament and to the Church au

The BISHOP of SALISBURY said, that the parish of Wokingham, as had been stated by the noble Earl, was a peculiar under the spiritual jurisdiction of the Dean of Salisbury, and exempted from the jurisdiction of his right rev. Friend the Bishop of Oxford. He (the Bisbop of Salisbury) wished to thank the noble Earl (Earl Grey) for the courtesy with which he had twice deferred the presentation of this petition, on account of circumstances he had stated to the noble Earl, and which that noble Earl considered justified its postponement. He was also anxious to express his sense of the fairness and consideration of the noble Earl in abstaining from introducing a discussion upon the very lengthened correspondence in his (Earl Grey's) possession. He entirely agreed with the noble Earl

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