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A Magazine of Literature, Science, and Art.

VOL. X.-JULY, 1857.-NO. LV.



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THE casual visitor, who whirls to

and over the White Hills of New Hampshire, is amazed and gratified with the solid grandeur and the varied beauty of the scenes through which he may be borne, even with the hot haste of modVOL. X.-1

ern traveling facilities, but there are few
who avail themselves of the example
and advice of Webster, to select a tem-
porary home beneath the broad shadows
of these mountains, and to roam each
day over and among them until they
become theirs.

"Go thither," says the statesman,
"prepared to stay, to study, to feel
them. These old settlers are tardy
in forming intimate acquaintanceships.
Their externals they give to the eye in
a moment, upon a clear day; but their
true character--their occasional moods
of superior majesty-all that makes
them a real refreshment, a force, a joy
for the rest of your years-they show
only to the calmer eye-only to him
who waits sufficiently long to unthink
his city habits, and bide their time.

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