WHIT SUNDAY. [PSALMS 68, 104, 132, 144.-HYMNS 95, 111.]
1 JESUS, we hang upon the word,
Our longing souls have heard from thee: Be mindful of thy promise, Lord, Thy promise made to such as me; To such as Zion's paths pursue, And would believe that God is true. 2 Thou said'st, "I will the Father pray, "And he the Comforter shall give; "Shall give him in your hearts to stay, "And never more his temples leave:
"Myself will to my orphans come, "And make you my eternal home."
3 Come then, dear Lord, thyself reveal, And let the promise now take place; Be it according to thy will, According to thy word of grace: Thy sorrowful disciples cheer, And send us down the COMFORTER.
I GREAT was the day, the joy was great, When the divine disciples met; Whilst on their heads the Spirit came, And sat like tongues of cloven flame.
2 What gifts, what miracles he gave! And power to kill, and power to save! Furnish'd their tongues with wondrous
Instead of shields, and spears, and swords.
3 Thus arm'd, he sent the champions forth, From east to west, from south to north: "Go, and assert your Saviour's cause "Go, spread the myst'ry of his cross."
4 These weapons of the holy war, Of what almighty force they are To make our stubborn passions bow, And lay the proudest rebel low!
5 Nations, the learned and the rude, Are by these heav'nly arms subdu'd; While Satan rages at his loss, And hates the doctrine of the cross.
6 Great King of grace! my heart subdue; I would be led in triumph too, A willing captive to my Lord,
And sing the vict'ries of his word.
1 SPIRIT of mercy, truth, and love! Shed thy sweet influence from above, And still from age to age convey The wonders of this sacred day.
2 In ev'ry clime, by ev'ry tongue, Be God's amazing glory sung; And let the list'ning earth be taught The acts our great Redeemer wrought.
3 Unfailing Comfort! heav'nly Guide! Still o'er thy ransom'd church preside Still may mankind thy blessings prove, Spirit of mercy, truth, and love!
1 CREATOR Spirit! by whose aid .. The world's foundations first were laid,
Come, visit ev'ry pious mind, Come, pour thy joys on humankind: From sin and sorrow set us free; And make thy temples worthy thee.
2 Plenteous of grace, descend from high, Rich in thy seven-fold energy : Thrice Holy Fount! Thrice Holy Fire! Our hearts with heav'nly love inspire; Come, and thy sacred unction bring, To sanctify us while we sing.
3 Chase from our minds th' infernal foe; And peace, the fruit of love, bestow Make us eternal truths receive; And practise all that we believe: Give us Thyself, that we may see The Father and the Son by thee.
4 Immortal honour, endless fame, Attend th' Almighty Father's name; The Saviour-Son be glorified, Who for lost man's redemption died; And equal adoration be, Eternal Spirit! paid to thee.
1 COME, holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove, With all thy quick'ning powers; Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours.
2 Look how we grovel here below, Fond of these trifling toys: Our souls, how heavily they go To reach eternal joys!
3 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise;
Hosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies.
4 Dear Lord! and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate, Our love so faint, so cold to thee, And thine to us so great? Come, holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove, With all thy quick'ning powers; Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours.
1 COME, holy Spirit, come, Let thy bright beams arise ; Dispel the sorrows from our minds, The darkness from our eyes. 2 Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remove; And kindle in our breast the flame Of never-dying love.
3 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life on ev'ry part, And new-create the whole.
4 Dwell thou within our heart, Our minds from bondage free; Then shall we know, and praise, and love, The Father, Son, and Thee.
1 COME, gracious Spirit, heav'nly Dove, With light and comfort from above: Be thou our guardian, thou our guide; O'er every thought and step preside
2 Conduct us safe, conduct us far From ev'ry sin and hurtful snare; Lead to thy word that rules must give, And teach us lessons how to live.
3 The light of truth to us display, And make us know and choose thy way; Plant holy fear in ev'ry heart,
That we from God may ne'er depart.
4 Lead us to holiness, the road That we must take to dwell with God: Lead us to Christ, the living way; Nor let us from his pastures stray.
5 Lead us to God, our final rest, In his enjoyment to be blest : Lead us to heav'n, the seat of bliss, Where pleasure in perfection is.
1 ETERNAL Spirit! we confess
And sing the wonders of thy grace: Thy power conveys our blessings down From God the Father, and the Son.
2 Enlighten'd by thy heav'nly ray, Our shades and darkness turn to day; Thine inward teachings make us know Our danger and our refuge too.
3 Thy power and glory work within, And break the chains of reigning sin; Do our imperious lusts subdue,
And form our wretched hearts anew.
4 The troubled conscience knows thy voice; Thy cheering words awake our joys: Thy voice allays the stormy wind, And calms the surges of the mind.
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