BESIDE the church upon the hill A cottage stood of aspect gray, Whose owner's task it was to till BY ARCHÆUS. PART I. 7. One daughter, little Jane, had he, The three fair fields that round him The gray old Sexton smiled. lay. 3. 8. For she within his heart had crept, But often he has almost wept Himself he could not tell you why, Because he heard her cry. 9. All else to him appeared as dead, Awaiting but the shroud and pall; The church and tall church-spire at It seemed that to himself he said, hand, Around the cottage shed repose, 4. Below, upon the prosperous plain, From that high church the gazer sees A village small, with fields of grain, And pastures bright, and shading trees. 5. To him who owned the church-side farm, The churchyard yielded gain as well; The Sexton he, whose strenuous arm Dug all the graves, and tolled the bell. 6. Sad seemed the dull gray-headed man, Of sluggish thought, and careful heed; He shaped his life by rule and plan, And hoarded all beyond his need. VOL. XLIV. NO. CCLXXIII. |