mase. sing. from κεχρισται, 3d Pers. Perf. pass. of χριω to anoint (see § VI. 8.), G case, put in apposition with Iησε by § ΧΧΙ. 29. 18. No one ever hath seen God, the only-begotten Son, who is Ουδεις πωποτε έωρακε Θεον, ὁ μονογενης the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. τον κολπον του Πατρος, εκεινος εξηγησατο. Υιος, ων Ουδεις, a N. Adj. of three terminations, like έις, § VII. 17. masc. sing. Nom. ca agreeing with ανθρωπος understood. ̔Εωρακε, a V. act. Indic. Ferf. from the ther opaw, of the first kind of contracted Verbs in aw, 3d Pers. sing. agreeing with af πος understood, Attic for ώρακε by § Χ. 22, ὁραω, (1 Fut.) δασω, (Perf) ώραν Attic ἑωρακα, -ας, -ε. Comp. § XXIII. 6. Ὕιος, a N. masc. sing. of the seco declension, like λογος, Nom. case to V. εξηγησατο. Ὁ ων, Who is, see § XXI. Ων, a Particip. Pres. from the irregular V. ειμι by § XI. 2. masc. sing. Nom ca agreeing with ύιος. Κολπον, a N. masc. sing. of the second declension, like λογ Accus. case, governed by Prep. εις. Εκεινος, a demonstrative Pron. (by § IX. 7 masc. sing. Nom. case, put in apposition to ύτος. Εξηγησαίο, a V. deponent, 1st A 3d Pers. agreeing with ύος, from the theme εξηγεομαι, εμαι, compounded of ağ a ηγεομαι, (see Lexic.) εξηγεομαι, (1 Fut.) εξηγησομαι, (1 Aor.) εξηγησ-αμην, 19. And this is the witness of John, when the Jews sent Και άυτη εστιν ἡ μαρτυρια τε Ιωάννε, ότε δι Ιεδαίοι απεστειλα Priests and Levites from Jerusalem, that they might ask him, WL Ἱερεις και Λευϊτας εξ Ἱεροσολυμων, ίνα ερωτησωσιν αυτον, Τις art thou? ει συ? "Αυτη, a demonstrative Pron. fem. sing. from masc. όυτος by § ΙΧ. 5, agreeing wi μαρτυρια understood. Ols when, a Conjunction. Ιεδαίοι, a N. masc. plur. oft second declension, like λόγος, Nom. case to V. απέστειλαν. Απέστειλαν, a compou V. act. Indic. 1 Aor. 3d Pers. plur. agreeing with Isdzioa, from the theme αποσίελλι αποσίελλω, (1 Fut.) αποσίελω, (1 Aor.) απεσΐειλα, -ας, -ε, &c. Ἱερεις, α masc. plur. of the third declension, contracted like βασιλευς (see § 111. 32, 3.), Ас case, governed by the transitive V. απεσίειλαν. Λευϊτας, a N. masc. plur. from t Nom. sing. Λευϊτης, of the first declension, like AΑγχισης (see § III. 7, 10.), Acci case, governed by απεσίειλαν. Ἱεροσολυμων, η Ν. neut. plur. Gen. case, governed the Prep. εξ. from Nom. Ἱεροσολυμα, τα. Iva, a Conjunction governing a Subjur tive mood by§ XΧΙ. 04. Ερωτησωσιν, a V. act. Subjunct. 1 Aor 3d Pers. pl agreeing with αυλοι they understood, from the contract. V. ερωταω; ερωταω, (1 Fo ερωτησω, (1 Aor.) ηρωτησα, (Subj.) ερωτησ-ω, -ης, -η, &c. Tis, a Pron. inter gative, masc. sing. (by § IX. 10, 12.) Nom. case, governed by the V. as by § XXL Ei, a V. nent Pres. 2d Pers. sing. from the irregular V. in με Ειμι by § XI agreeing with Pron. of 2d Person συ. 20. And he confessed, and did not deny, but confessed, that I am ουκ ηρνησατο, και ώμολογησε, ότι εγω ειμι Και ὡμολογησε, the Christ. και Ωμολογησε, a V. act. Indie. 1 Aor. 3d Pers sing. agreeing with αυῖος he understo from the theme όμολογεω (compounded of έμε and λογος, see Lexic.;, a contracted like φιλεω; ὁμολογεω, (1 Fut.) ὁμολογησω, (1 Aor.) ὡμολογησα, -ας, -s; see § Χ. 34. Ηρνησατο, a V. deponent, 1 Aor. 3d Pers. sing. agreeing with αυίος he understood; αρνεομαι, εμαι, (1 Fut.) αρνησομαι, (1 Aor.) ηρνησ-αμην, -ω, -ατο. 'O, the Article masc. sing. Nom. case, used emphatically; see Lexic. under 'O II. Και ηρωτησαν αυτον, ουν; E 1. And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? and he saith, συ Ηλιας; και λέγει, I am not. Art thou that Prophet? and he answered, No. Προφητης; και απεκρίθη, Ου. Ειμι ουκ. E συ ὁ Ti ev; What then? art thou namely; so ti is a Pron. interrogative, neut. sing. (by § IX. 10, 12.) Nom. case, governed by the V. ει understood. Ouy, a Conjunction. Ηλιας, a N. masc. sing. of the first declension, like Αινειας. Nom. case, governed by the V. ει. Λέγει, a V. act. Indic. Pres. 3d Pers. sing. agreeing with αυτος he understood, from the theme λεγω, like τύπίω, Pres. λεγω, -εις, -ει. Προφητης, a Ν. masc. sing. of the first declension, like Αγχισης, Nom. case, governed by the V. ει. Απεκρίθη, a V. pass. 1 Aor. sing. 3d Person, agreeing with avlos he understood, from the theme αποκρίνω, see Lexic. αποκρίνω, (1 Fut.) αποκρίνω, (Perf.) αποκεκρικα, (Perf. pass.) αποκεκριμαι, - σαι, -ται, (1 Aor. pass.) απεκρίθην, -ης, -η. Ειπον Τις ίνα 20. They said therefore to him, who art thou? that we may give δωμεν an answer to them who sent us: What sayest thou concerning αποκρισιν thyself? σεαυτό ; τους αυτῳ, πεμψασιν ήμας· . Τι ει; Αυῳ, a Pron. rel. masc. sing. Dat. case, governed of the V. ειπον, put acquisitively by XXI. 37. and Note. Δωμεν, a V. act. Subj. 2 Aor. 1 Pers. plur. from the V. in με δίδωμι, governed by the Conjunction iva, and agreeing with the Pron. of the 1st Pers. plur. ήμεις understood by § ΧΧΙ. 10, διδωμι, (2 Aor.) εδων, (2 Aor. Subj.) δω, δως, δῳ, &c. Αποκρισιν, a N. fem. sing. of the third declension, contracted like εις, Accus. case, (by § III. 26), governed by the V. δωμεν by § ΧΧΙ. 48. Τοις πεμψασιν, Το those who have sent; Πεμψασιν, a Particip. act. 1 Aor. masc. plur. Dat. case (by § III. 28. 1. and § VII. 8.), governed by the V. δωμεν by § ΧΧΙ. 48. from the theme πεμπω, of the first class of characteristics by § Χ. 17. πεμπω, (1 Fut.) πεμψω, (1 Aor.) επεμψα, (Particip.) πεμψας, -ασα, -αν, &c. see § VII. 8. vis added at the end by § 1. 18. Ἡμας, a primitive Pron. of the 1st Pers. plur. Accus. case from the sing. εγω (by § ΙΧ. 3.), governed by the Particip. act. πεμψασιν by XXI. 55. Ti, a Pron. interrog. neut. sing. Accus. case, governed by the transitive V. λέγεις. Σεαυίε, a compound Pron. Gen. case (by § IX. 9.), governed by Prep. περι. 23. He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Εφη, Εγω βοωντος make straight the way of the Lord, as the Prophet Esaias said. ευθύνατε την ὁδον Κυριου, καθως Προφητης Ησαΐας ειπεν. Έφη, a V. 2 Aor. 3d Pers. sing. agreeing with aulos he understood, from the irregular V. in μι φημι ; see § XV. 4, 8. Φωνη, a N. fem. sing. of the first declension, like τιμη, Nom. case governed by the V. ειμι understood. Βοωνίος, a Particip. act. Pres. from the contracted V. βοαω, like τιμaw (see § XIII. 5.), Gen. case, agreeing with τίνος of one or ανθρωπε understood, which is governed of the N. φωνη by § XXI. 33. Ερημος g 3 Έρημος is properly an Adjective of two terminations, like ενδοξος, § VII. 11. Dat case, agreeing with χωρᾳ a country understood, a N. fem. of the first declension Dat. case, governed by the Prep. εν. Ευθύνατε, a V. Imperat. 2 Aor. 2 Pers. plur agreeing with ὁμεις ye understood, from the theme ευθύνω, a V. of the fourth class c characteristics; ευθύνω. (1 Fut.) ευθυνῶ, (1 Aor.) ευθυνα, (1 Aor. Imperat.) ευθύνον -ατω, &c. see § X. 26, 40, 44. Odov, a N. fem. sing. of the second declension like λόγος, Accus. case, governed by the transitive V. ευθύνατε. Κυριε, a N. mase sing. of the second declension, like λόγος, Gen. case, governed by the N. όδον. Καθως an Adv. see Lexic. Ησαιας, a N. masc. sing. of the first declension, like Avia Nom. case, put in apposition with Προφητης by § ΧΧΙ. 29. 24. And they who were sent were of the Pharisees. απεσταλμένοι ησαν εκ των Φαρισαίων. Απεσταλμένοι, Particip. plur. of απεσταλμένος, for which see § XII. 17, agreeing with ανθρωποι men understood, Nom. case to V. ησαν. Ησαν, a V. Indic. Imperf. 3 Pers. plur. agreeing with ανθρωποι understood, from the irregular V. ειμι by § X1.2 Φαρισαίων, a N. masc. plur. of the second declension, like λόγος, Gen. case, governe by the Prep. εκ. 25. And they asked him, and said to him, Why then baptizest thou, ουν βαπτίζεις, Και ηρωτησαν αυῖον, και ειπον αυτῳ, thou art not the Christ, nor Elias, nor that Prophet? Προβήλης; To why, used adverbially, but it is properly the neut. sing. of the interrogative Pron τις, Accus. case, governed of the Prep. δια understood, q. d. δια τι; for what? Bar τίζεις, a V. act. Indic. 3d Pers. sing. from the theme βαπτίζω, agreeing with ru un derstood. Ούτε, a Conjunction; see Lexic. 26. John answered them, saying: I baptize with water, but there αυτοις, λέγων· Εγω βαπλιζω εν ύδατι, Ὁ Ιωαννης απεκρίθη έστηκεν δε Αυτοις, a Pron. rel. masc. plur. Dat. case, governed by the V. απεκρίθη by § ΧΧΙ. 39 Ύδατι, an heteroclite N. neut. sing. Dat. case, governed by the Prep. ev, from the N ύδωρ, Gen. -ατος, το, by § V. 5. Ἑστηκεν, a V. act. Indic. Perf. 3d Pers. sing (with added) from the V. in μι ίστημι (by § XIV. 3. and Note), agreeing with understood. Μεσος the midst (see Lexic.), a N. Adj. masc. sing. of three terminations like καλος, § VII. 4. Nom. case, agreeing with τις understood. Ὑμων, a Pron. of the 2d Pers. Plur. (by § IX. 3.) Gen. case, governed by μεσος by § ΧΧΙ. 32. Οιδαίε a V. mid. Indic. Perf. 2 Pers. plur. agreeing with ύμεις, from the Anomalous V. ειδω which see in § XVI. 9. 27. This is he who cometh after me, who is become before me γεγονεν εμπροσθεν με latchet I am not worthy that I should loose Αυτος εσίιν ὁ whose shoe's ερχομένος οπίσω με, ὁς ὁυ [αυίε] τε ὑποδημαῖος τον ἱμανία εγω ειμι ουκ αξιος ίνα λυσω. Ou whose, or of whom, à Pron. rel. Gen. case, governed of the N. ὑποδημαῖος accord ing to § XXI. 20, 33. Avls his is here redundant (see Lexic. under Αυΐος Ι.). Ὑπο δήματος, a N. neut. sing. from the Nom. ὑποδημα, of the third declension, like σωμα Gen. case, governed by the N. ἱμανία, compounded of ύπο and dew; see Lexic. Ιμανία a D a N. masc. sing. of the third declension, like δελφιν, Accus. case, governed by the transitive V. λύσω; sing. Nom. ἱμας, Gen. –αντος, &c. Αξιος, an Adjective of three terminations, like άγιος, § VII. 5. masc. sing. agreeing with εγω, Nom. case following the Verb ειμι by § XXI. 31. Λυσω, a V. act. Subj. I Aor. I Pers. sing. agreeing with εγω understood, from the theme λυω; λυω, (1 Fut.) λυσω, (1 Aor.) ελασα, (1 Aor. Subj.) λυσω, &c. governed by the Conjunction iva by § ΧΧΙ. 64. 28. These things were done in Bethabara beyond the Jordan whereΒηθαβαρα περαν του Ιορδανου όπου Ταυλα εγενετο ٤٧ John was baptizing. Ιωαννης ην βαπλιζων. Tavia, a demonstrative Pron. neut. plur. from masc. sing. ότος by § IX. 5, agreeing with the neut. N. plur. χρήμαλα things understood by § XXI. 16. Βηθαζαρα, a N. fem. sing. of the first declension by § III. 7. Dat. case, governed by Prep εν. Περαν, an Adv. of place, joined with a Genitive by the force of the Prep. από understood; see § XXI. 57, 59. Ιορδανε, a N. masc. sing. from the Nom. Ιορδανης, of the first declension, like Αγχισης, Gen. case, governed by the Prep. από understood. Ὁπε, an Adv. Hy, a V. Indic. Imperf. 3d Pers. sing. agreeing with Ιωαννης, from the irregular V. ειμι by § ΧΙ. 2. 29. On the morrow John seeth Jesus coming unto him, Τη επαύριον ὁ Ιωαννης βλεπει τον Ιησουν ερχομενον προς αυτον, and saith, Behold, the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin και λέγει, Ιδε, of the world. του κοσμου. δ Αμνος τε Θε8, αίρων την αμαρίιαν Th. the Article sing. fem. Dat. case, agreeing with Dat. ήμερα day understood; see ΧΧΙ. 42. Ι. 2. Επαύριον, an Adv. see Lexicon. Βλέπει, a V. act. Indic. Pres. like τύπτω, 3d Pers. sing. agreeing with Nom. case Ιωαννης. Ιησεν, an heteroclite N. masc. sing. Accus. case, governed by the transitive V. βλέπει. Ιδε; see Lexicon. Αμνος, a N. masc. sing. of the second declension, like λογος, Nom. case, governed by the V. εστι this or he is, understood. Αιρων, a Particip. act. Pres. masc. sing. from the theme alow, Nom. case, agreeing with αμνος. Αμαριαν, a N. fem. sing. of the first declension, like φιλια (see § III. 8.), Accus case, governed by the Participle αιρων by § XXI. 55. περι ανηρ 30. This is he concerning whom I said, After me cometh a man Ουτος εσίι δυ έγω ειπον, Οπισώ με έρχεται who is become before me, because he was before me. πρωτος με. ὁς γεγονεν εμπροσθεν με, ότι ην Ανηρ, a N. masc. sing. of the third declension, like δελφιν, Nom. case to V. έρχεται; sing. Nom. ὁ ανηρ, Gen. τε ανερος and ανδρος; see § III. 25. 31. And I did not know him, but that he might be manifested to Κάγω φανερωθη Israel, for this cause I am come baptizing with water. ουκ ήδειν αυῖον, αλλ' ίνα Ισραηλ, δια τετο εγώ ήλθον βαπλίζων εγ ὑδατι. τω Κάγω, by an Attic crasis for και εγω and I; see & ΧΧΙΙΙ. 4, 2. Ηδειν, a V. act. Indic. 84 Pluperf. Pluperf. Ist Perf. sing. from the Anomalous V. ειδω or ειδεω (which see in § XVI. 9.); είδεω, (1 Fut.) ειδησω, (Perf.) ειδηκα, (Pluperf.) ειδηκειν, by syncope ειδειν, and Attic ήδειν, εις, ει. Φανερωθη, a V. pass. Subj. I Aor. 3d Pers. sing. agreeing with αυτος με understood, from the contracted V. φανεροω, like χρυσοω; φανεροω, (1 Fut.) φανερωσω, (Perf.) πεφανερωκα, (Perf. pass.) πεφανερωμαι, σαι, ται, (1 Aor.) εφανερωθην, (1 Aor. Subj.) φανερωθω, ης, η. Ισραηλ, an heteroclite (aptote or undeclined) N. masc. sing. used here as a Dative, as appears from the Dative article τῳ prefixed, and so governed by the V. φανερωθη by § ΧΧΙ. 37. Τετο, a Pron. neut. sing. Accus. case from Nom. masc. 87ος by § IX. 5, agreeing with πραγμα affair, cause, understood, N. neut. sing. third declension, governed by the Prep. δια. 32. And John witnessed, saying, That I saw the Spirit descending Και Ιωαννης εμαρτύρησε, λέγων, Ὅτι τεθεαμαι το Πνευμα καταβαινον as a dove from heaven, and it remained upon him. ώσει περιστεραν εξ ουρανού, 'Oli; see Lexicon under 076 II. 1. Τεθεαμαι, a V. deponent, Perf. 1st Pers. sing. from the theme θεαομαι, ωμαι, agreeing with εγω understood, θεαομαι, (1 Fut.) θεασομαι, (Perf.) τεθεαμαι. Πνευμα, a N. neut. sing. of the third declension, like σωμα, Accus. case, governed by the transitive V. τεθεαμαι, and derived from πεπνευ μαι, Perf. pass. of πνεw to breathe; see § VI. 8. Καλαβαινον, a Particip. act. Pres. neut. sing. Accus. case, agreeing with πνευμα, from the V. καταβαινω, compounded of καλα and βαινω. Ωσει, an Adverb; see Lexicon. Περιστεραν, a N. fem. sing. of the first declension by § III. 8. Accus. case, governed by the V. τεθεαμαι understood; see § XXII. 6. Ουραν8, a N. masc. sing. of the second declension, like λογος, Gen. case, governed by the Prep. εξ. Εμεινεν, a V. act. Indic. I Aor. 3d Pers. sing. ( being added) agreeing with αυτό it understood, of the fourth class of characteristics; μενω, (1 Fut.) μενῶ, (1 Aor.) εμεινα, ας, ε. Επ' for επι, a Prep. (see Lexic.) by § I. 17. 33. And I did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with ὁ πεμψας με βαπλιζειν Κάγω ουκ ήδειν αυτον, αλλ' water, he said to me, On whomsoever you see the Spirit descending ὕδατι, εκεινος ειπεν μοι, Εφ' ὃν αν ιδης το Πνευμα καλαβαινον and abiding on him, the same is he who baptizeth with the holy και μενον επ' αυτον, δυτος εστιν spirit. πνευματι. βαπλίζων ٤٧ ἀγιῳ Εφ' for Prep. επι by § 1. 17. Αv, indefinite, -soever; see Lex. Ιδης, a V. act. Subj. 2 Aor. (or 2 Fut.) 2 Pers. sing. from the Anomalous V. ειδω, agreeing with συ thou understood, and governed, as to mood, by the Conjunction av. Αγιῳ, a Ν. Adj. of three terminations by § VII. 5, neut. sing. Dat. case, agreeing with πνευμαλι; άγιος, α, ον, &c. 34. And I saw and witnessed that this is the Son of God. Κάγω έωρακα και μεμαρτυρηκα ότι ὁυλος εστιν ὁ Ὑιος τον Θε8. 35. On the morrow John was standing again, and two of his παλιν, και δυο εκ των αυτό Τη disciples. μαθητων. επαύριον Ιωαννης ἑιστηκει Εισίηκει, a V. act. Indic. Pluperf. Attic, 3d Pers. sing. agreeing with Ιωαννης, from the |