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14. The manner of declining the Article ὁ, ἡ, το, the or a.

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15. The article has no Vocative, but the Interjection w supplies the defect of this Case in all Numbers, as O does sometimes both in Latin and English.

16. N. B. In declining the Article, and in all the following Declensions of Substantives, the Learner should repeat the Greek words, first with, and then without, the English ; and should always, in declining, name the Number and Case, thus: Singular, Nominative ὁ, ή, το, the or a; Genitive τε, της, το, of the or of a. Dat. τῳ, τη, τῳ, to the or to a, &c. Plur. Nom. δι, άι, τα, Gen. των, των, των, Dat. τοις, &c.


OF NOUNS SUBSTANTIVE, and their Declensions.

1. NOUNS or Names are of two kinds, Substantive and Adjective. 2. A Noun Substantive is the name of a substance or thing, as ανθρωπος a man, πολεμος war, καλλος beauty.

3. There are in Greek three Declensions, or ways of declining Substantives. Comp. Sect. II. Rule 3.

4. Of which the two first have an equal number of syllables in all Numbers and Cases. and are therefore called * parisyllabic; but the last increases in the † oblique Cases, and so is called ‡ imparisyllabic.

Of the first Declension.

5. The first Declension of Substantives takes, in general, the termination of the Feminine Article, and hath in the Nominative four terminations, η and a feminine, ης and as masculine, as ἡ Τιμη, ἡ Μουσα ; ὁ Αγχισης, ὁ Αινειας.

• From the Latin par equal and syllaba a syllable. + All the Cases except the Nominative are by Grammarians called oblique because they deviate f decline from the Nominative.

From the Latin impar unequal, and syllaba a syllable.

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D. τη Τιμ-η, to the or an- G. D.
Α. την Τιμην, the or an-

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V. ω Τιμ-η, O honour of the two honours

των Τιμ-ων, of the

D. ταις Τιμ-αις, to the-

τας Τιμ-ας, the

V. ω Τιμ-αι, Ο honours

7. The Nouns that end in a, ης, and as, differ but little from those in y, and are thus


Sing. Ν. ἡ Μεσα, α Muse, G. της Μεσης, D. τη Μεση, Α. την Μεσαν, V. ω Μεσα, Sing. Ν. ὁ Αγχισης, Anchises, G. το Αγχισε, D. τῳ Αγχιση, Α. τον Αγχίσην,

V. ω Αγχιση.

Sing. Ν. ὁ Αίνειας, Æneas, G. το Αινει8, D. τῳ Αινειᾳ, Α. τον Αινειαν, V. ω Αινεια. In the Dual and Plural they are all declined like Τιμη.

8. Nouns ending in δα, θα, ρα, and a pure (see Sect. I. 19.) make their Genitive in as, and Dative in ᾳ, as Ληδα, Μαρθα, ήμερα, φιλια, and

so do Nouns in a contracted of aa, as μνα from μναα.

9. Nouns in as and ης rejects in their Vocative.

10. But Nouns ending in της, and those denoting countries and nations, Poetic Nouns in της, and the Compounds of μετρεω to measure, πωλεw to sell, and τριζω to beat, make their Vocative in a; thus, κριτης, Περσης (α Persian), κυνωπης, γεομετρης, βιβλιοπωλης, παιδοτριβης, have the Vocatives κριτα, Περσα, &c.

11. Nouns in στης have either η or a in the Vocative, as ληστης, Voc. ω ληστη οι ληστα.

12. Some Nouns in as make a in the Genitive, especially proper names, as Βορέας, Θωμας, Κηφας, Λεκας G. Βορρα, Θωμα, Κηφα, Λεκα.

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13. Contraction is the drawing of two final syllables into one: And there are contracted Nouns of every declension. In this the general rule of contraction is to cut off the vowel before the termination throughout all the Cases, thus, Ν. ή γαλεή, γαλη (α weasel), G. της γαλέης, γαλης, D. τη γαλεῃ, γαλῃ, Α. την γαλέην, γαλην, V. γαλέη, γαλη; Ν. η μναα, μνα (a pound), G. της μναας, μνας, D. τη μναᾳ, μνα, Α. την μνααν, μναν. But sa is contracted into y, as Ν. Ερμέας, -ης, (Mercury), D. Ερμεᾳ, -η, Α. Ερμεαν, - ην, unless por a vowel immediately precedes, and then the contraction is in a, as ερεα, α, wool. On is contracted into y, as (fem.) ἁπλοη, άπλη, simple.

Of the second Declension.

14. The second Declension takes, in general, the termination of the masculine or neuter Article, and hath in the Nominative two terminations, os masculine and feminine, and oν neuter, as ὁ λοδος a word, ἡ ὀδος, α way, το ξυλον wood.

15. Ὁ Λοδος the or a word is thus declined:

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16. The Neuter ξυλον is declined in like manner; only observe that the Nominative, Accusative, and Vocative of neuter Nouns are always alike, and in the plural these Cases, both in the second and third Declension, end in a, thus,

Sing. Ν. Α. V. το ξυλον, G. του ξύλου, D. τω ξυλῳ.
Dual. N. A. V. τω ξύλω G. D. τοιν ξύλοιν.

Plural. N. A. V. τα ξυλα, G. των ξυλων, D. τοις ξύλοις.

17. The * Attics have a peculiar manner of forming some Nouns of this declension by changing the last Vowel or Diphthong into w, οι into w, and a long or ai, before the termination, into e, as from ό, ναος a temple νεως, from το ανωγαιον an upper chamber ανωγεων: And as the Attics in all other Nouns have the Vocative like the Nominative, so in these Nouns also, thus,

Sing. Ν. V. ὁ νεως, G. τε νεω, D. τῳ νεῳ, Α. τον νεων.

Dual. N. A. V. τω νεω, G. D. τοιν νεων.

Plural. Ν. V. ὁι νεω, G. των νεων, D. τοις νεως, Α. της νεως.

Sing. Ν. Α. V. το ανωγεων, G. τε ανωγεω, D. τω ανωγεῳ.

Dual. Ν. Α. V. τω ανωγεω, G. D. τοιν ανωγεων.

Plural, Ν. Α. V. τα ανωγεω, G. των ανωγεων, D. τοις ανωγεῳς.

18. Some of these Attic Nouns form the Accusative singular in w instead of ων, ας εως the morning, Acc. Ew.

19. There is one Noun in ws of the neuter Gender, το χρεως a debt.

20. Contractions in this declension are made thus, & and o before w or a diphthong are dropped; so and oo are contracted into 8; and sa into a. Thus ὁ αδελφιδεος a sister's


Sing. Ν. ὁ αδελφιδ-εος, - 85, G. 78-88, -8, D. τῳ -εῳ, - ῳ, Α. τον -εον, εν, &c. Dual. Ν. Α. V. τω αδελφιδεω, -ω, G. D. τοιν αδελφιδεοιν, -οιν.

Plur. Ν. δι αδελφιδ-εοι, -οι, G. των -εων, -ων, &c.

Sing. Ν. Α. V. το οςεον, οςεν, α bone, G. τε 0588, 058, D. τῳ οσεῳ, 054.

Dual. N. A. V. τω οςεω, οσω. G. D. τοιν 058014, 05014.

Plur. Ν. Α. V. τα ο5εα, ο5α. G. των οςεων, ο5ων, D. τοις 058015, 05015.

Sing. Ν. ὁ νοος, ν8ς, the mind, G. τε νο8, 18, D. τῳ νοῳ, νῳ, Α. τον νοον, νεν.
Dual. Ν. Α. V. τω νοω, νω, G. D. τοιν νοοι1, 2018.

Plur. Ν. V. δι νοοι, νοι, G. των νοων, νων, D. τοις νοοις, νοις, Α. τες νοας, 185.

Of the third Declension.

21. The third Declension is imparisyllabic, and hath in the Nominative nine terminations, a, b, v, neuter; w feminine; and v, Ε, ρ, ς, ψ of all Genders.

Sect. XXIII.

There are three principal Dialects of the Greek language, the Attic, Ionic, and Doric. See
Ὁ Δελφιν

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Ν.ὁ Δελφιν the or a dolphin N. A. V. τω Δελφιν-ε

G. του Δελφιν-ος of the or

of a dolphin

two dolphins

D. τω Δελφιν-ι to the or to

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Ν. οι Δελφιν-ες the


G. των Δελφιν-ων of the dolphins

D. τοις Δελφι-σι to the dolphins

Α. τους Δελφιν-ας the dolphins

V. ω Δελφιν-ες Ο the -or O dolphins

Comp. Rule 16.

22. The Neuter το σωμα a body is thus declined.
Sing. Ν. Α. V. το σωμα, G. του σωματος, D. τω σωματι.
Dual. N. A. V. το σοματε, G. D τιν σωματοιν.
Plur. Ν. Α. V. τα σωματα, G. των σωματον, D. τοις σωμασι.

Of the Genitive singular.

23. To know the Genitive singular of this third Declension observe that generally a in the Nom. makes in the Gen. ατος; ι makes 1τος, or 105 ; 0.005, or 2ος; ω, οος; v and p mal e os. or τος ; σ makes ος, τος, δος. θος, νος, or νιος; ος neut. 8ος ; & makes γος, κος, χος, οι κλος ; and ψ, 6ος, πος, or φος. But here Use is the best master.

24. Sometimes win the Nom is changed into o in the Genitive, and η into e, as ὁ πριων a saw, G. πριονος; ὁ Αιθηρ the Ether, G. Αιθερος.

25. Some Nouns in ηρ, ερος, lose & by Syncope in the Gen and Dat. sing. as ὁ παληρ α father, G παλρος, D παίρι, but Acc. πατερα. So ἡ μητηρ a mother, G. μηρος, &c. ὁ γατηρ α belly, G. yarpos, &c. Acc. γασερα. But ἡ Δημητηρ the Goddess Ceres, and ἡ θυγατηρ a daughter, drops in all the * oblique cases. Ανγρ α man takes d for E cut off, as G. † ανδρος, D. ανδρι, Α. ακδρα, Ν. Plur. ανδρες, &c. Αρην a lamb has Gen. αρνος, κυων a dog, Gen. κυνος.

Of the Accusative singular.

26. The Accusative singular usually ends in a: But Nouns in is, us, aus, and 85, which have os pure in the Genitive, changes of the Nominative into y in the Accusative, as Ν. όφις a serpent, G. οφιος, Α. οφιν ; Ν. βοΐρυς α bunch of grapes, G. βοτρυος, Α. βοτρυν; Ν. ναυς a ship, G. ναος, Α. ναυν ; Ν. βες αn or, G. βοος, Α. βενI. But Barytones, i. e. Nouns not accented on the last syllable, which have os impure in the Genitive, make in their Accusative both a and v, as Ν. ερις contention, G. εριδος, Α εριδα and εριν; Ν. κορυς a helmet, G. κορυθος, Α. κορυθα and κορυν. Πες a foot, in the Accusative has only ποδα, but it's Compounds have both a and v, as πολύπες, many footed, πολύποδα and πολυπον, &c. So κλεις a key, has in the Accusative both κλειδα and κλειν ; παις a boy, παιδα and wαϊν; χαρις, G. χαριτος, when signifying favour has only χαριν, when a Goddess, χαρίία.

* See Note (+) on Rae 4.

† But the Poets very commonly use ανέρος, ανεξι, ανεξα, ανέρες, &c. as likewise πατερος, πατερι, &c. + The poets, however, have βοτρυα. νηα, βοα.

Of the Vocative singular.

27. The Vocative singular is generally like the Nominative, and always so in * Participles of this third Declension: But sometimes it differs

1. By changing the long Vowel of the Nominative into a short one, as Nom. ὁ τερην tender. Voc. ω τερεν ; Nom. ὁ πατερ, Voc ω πατερ.

2. By casting off the finals of the Nom. from Nouns in sus and 85, and Barytones in ες and uς, as Ν. βασιλευς a king, V. ω βασιλεω; Ν. βες, V. ω βε; Ν.οοις, V. ωορι; Ν. νέηλυς a stranger, V. ω νεηλυ; Ν. παις, V. ω παι. So Ν. αναξ a king, V. ω ανα. But ὁ πες a foot, ὁ οδες a tooth, have in the Vocative ω πες, ω οδες.

3. By changing 5 of the Nom into v, or εις into εν, as Ν. ὁ Πολυδαμας Polydamas, V. ω Πολυδαμαν; Ν. ὁ ταλας miserable, V. ω ταλαν; Ν. ὁ χαριεις agreeable, V. ω χαριεν.

4. Nouns in w have the Vocative like the Dative, as Ληλω Latona, Dat. and Voc. Ληλοι. 5. Proper Names change the long Vowel of the Nom. into it's short one, as Ν. Απολλων, Voc. Απολλον; Nom. Σωκραλης, Voc. Σωκραίες.

Of the Dative Plural.

8. The Dative Plural is formed

1. From the Dative singular, by taking & before, and rejecting 8, 4, v, and t, as D. sing. βοτρυι, D. plur. βοτρυσι; λαμπαδι, λαμπασι; ερνιθε, ορνισι ; δελφινι, δελφισι ; σωματι, σωμασι.

2. From the Nom. sing. by adding to Nouns ending in ξ, ψ, or s after a diphthong, as Ν. κοραξ, D. plur. † κοραξι ; Ν. Αραψ, D. plur. † Αραψι; Ν. βασιλευς, D. plur βασιλευσι. But κτεις, G. κτένος, a comb, makes κτεσι ; πους, G. ποδος, a foot, ποσι; and ους, G. ωτος, an car, ωσι. 3. The Dative singular 2 is in the Dative plural changed into εισι, cl. into ουσι, as from τιθενλι τιθεισί, from λεοντι λεουσι.

4. Nouns in ηρ, G. ερος, by syncope gos, make the Dative plural in ασι, as from πατηρ πατρασι. So αρην has αρνασι, ύτης, a son ύιασι, but γαστηρ γαστηρσι, σωτηρ σωτηρσι.

5. The Poets often form the Dative plural from the Dative singular, by changing : into εσι or εσσι, as D sing. ήρωι to a hero, D. plur. ήρωεσι οι ήρωεσσι.

29. Contractions in this Declension are of two kinds. The first in the Nominative, as well as in all the other cases, without changing the natural terminations, as in the two first Declensions. Thus Ν. ὁλαας, λας, a stone, G. λααος, λαος, &c. ἡ δαῖς, δας, α torch, G. δαΐδος, δᾳδος, &c. Ν. το εαρ, ηρ, spring, G. εαφος, ηρος, &c. Ν. ὁ τιμηεις, τιμης honourable, G. τιμηενίος, τιμηνίος, &c. Ν. ὁ πλακοεις, πλάκες, a cake, G πλακρενίος πλακωνίος, &c. But

30. The second sort of Contractions have no place in the Nominative, but change the natural terminations of some of the other cases. Observe therefore

31. L. The Rules of Contraction.

1. All these Nouns before contraction are declined according to the example Δελφιν;


2. When contracted, to avoid the concourse of vowels, the Genitives singular change

*See the Participles Active under the Example, Sect. X. 11.

† As to the two Datives κοραξι and Αραψι, this rule coincides with that immediately preceding; for sp makes in the Dative sing. xopax, and so in the Dative plur. it would, according to that rule, have κατακσ., of which κοραξι is only a different expression. So Agut, Dat. sing. A., and Dat. plur. 1,6 Apa. Comp. Sect. I. Rule 8.

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