Displaced Persons: The Literature of Exile from Cicero to BoethiusDuckworth, 1999 - 352 էջ Exile is a political act, involving loss of power. Five authors, all exiled from Rome, are examined in this book, which analyses the literature of exile and takes its consideration through to the virtual end of the Classical era: the author examines the various means of literary sublimation that individual exiles - Cicero, Ovid, Seneca the Younger, Dio Chrysostom and Anicius Manlius Boethius - found for the feeling of social and political isolation that they experienced. |
Types and Tales | 7 |
Exilic Narrative | 36 |
On the nature of second person exchange | 73 |
Հեղինակային իրավունք | |
11 այլ բաժինները չեն ցուցադրվում
Այլ խմբագրություններ - View all
Displaced Persons: The Literature of Exile from Cicero to Boethius Jo-Marie Claassen Հատվածի դիտում - 1999 |
Displaced Persons: The Literature of Exile from Cicero to Boethius Jo-Marie Claassen Դիտել հնարավոր չէ - 1999 |
Displaced Persons: The Literature of Exile from Cicero to Boethius Jo-Marie Claassen Դիտել հնարավոր չէ - 1999 |
Common terms and phrases
addressed allusion Amatoria Amor ancient appears argument aspects Atticus Augustan Augustus autobiographical banishment Barchiesi 1997 Boethius Caesar Chapter Cicero Claassen Clodius coloured comfort Consolatio Consolatio Philosophiae consolation consolatory tradition couplet creative death depiction dialogue Dio Cassius Dio's discussion Doblhofer 1987 elegiac elegy emotional emperor emphasis enemy epic epistolary erotic Ex Ponto exile's exiled poet exilic literature Favorinus focus Fortuna frequently Gallus genre Getae Getic grammatical persons Greek hero heroic Heroides Ibis imperial Innocenti Pierini intertextual invective involved letters literary Livia Medea mihi misery Muse myth mythical narrative offers ostensible outreach Ovid Ovidian passim pathos perhaps Philiscus philosophical Piso place of exile Plut Plutarch poem poet's poetic political Pont portrayal portrayed praeteritio prose protagonist psychological reader readership recusatio Roman Rome Sarmatian Scythia second person Seneca shows Stoic Tiberius tion Tomis topoi topos Tristia verbs Vergil verse wife writing