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Land Literature, Modern Art, Geology, and
Europe in the XIX. Century

A definite course in English History

Don't waste time in desultory reading. S
Take up a systematic course for the com-
Cing winter. Keep abreast of the times. C
Chautauqua offers a complete and helpful
plan. Over 200,000 enrolled since 1878.

John H. Vincent, Dept. 2, Buffalo, N. Y.


LONDON, CANADA. Send for descriptive circular. taught by mail. Situ

SHORTHAND ations secured com

petent pupils. By W. G. CHAFFEE, Oswego, N. Y.


Vertical or Jackson System Klemm's Relief or Raised Maps.

Hygienic Penmanship.



as the most hygienic, legible, and easily learned. The best and most desirable Business Hand as required in the civil service. No teacher necessary; can be easily acquired by use of the copy-books (price, 10 cents, 96 cents per dozen), and

Jackson's Theory and Prac=

tice (price, $1.25, post-paid) recommended for

use in all of the New York public school libraries. "It treats the subject from every important point of viewhygienic, economic, pedagogic, historic, statistic, and æsthetic -it, in fact, exhausts it, and furnishes triumphant proofs of the advantages of verticality on every count. The book is indispensable to anyone interested in the general subject of handwriting."-The Phonographic Magazine, Oct. 15th.

Flexible Blackboard.

I yard square, mounted, $1.00; unmounted, $.75.
4 feet square, mounted, 1.50; unmounted, 1.35.
Can be rolled up and put away when not in use.

Geographical Blackboard.

30x40 inches, $1.50, with outline map of United States, indented so as to be easily traced with colored chalks and yet not interfere with use of the board for all ordinary purposes.

Globes. 12 inch brass stand, $6.00.

6 inch brass stand, 1.50.

Send for Descriptive List of other sizes.

French Songs, Games.

Per set, 50 cents.

Evolution of Empire

"Seldom indeed have we perused a history wherein the grand march of events is so brilliantly portrayed, and the evolution of an empire shown in all its entirety in so small a number of pages."-Columbus State Journal, Óhio.

"This little work may be read in an hour, and yet it would be safe to say that the reading of it would afford a far better knowledge of the subject than many four-volume histories. Though but an outline, it is one of the best presentments of German history which has yet appeared. It is not only interesting as a literary work, but affords information without one superfluous word upon just these points which everyone who desires to understand the present German situation and what has led thereto, or to converse intelligently upon such topics, must needs know."-New England Journal of Education. 75 cents, post-paid.

France. By same author. 75 cents, post-paid.

Size, 92x11 in. North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Atrica, New England, East Central States, Middle Atlantic States, South Atlantic States.

Large size,

IOX15 in. United States, Set of 12 maps, in cluding British Isles and Central Europe, each 10x15 in., 75 cents, post-paid.

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Francis W. Parker, Principal.
ENGLEWOOD (Chicago), ILL.,
October 15th.

WM. B. HARISON, Esq.,.

59 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City. MY DEAR SIR: I have carefully examined the relief maps you sent me. I am quite sure they will be a great help to teachers. The tendency of all geography teaching among the best teachers just now is towards the teaching of structure or relief as the foundation of all geographical study. Your maps are well made, and, best of all, are very cheap, and can be used by all pupils. Very truly yours, FRANCIS W. PARKER. Outlines of How to Study Geography. By Francis W. Parker. 25 cents.

Dissected Maps.



on scale of 80 miles to inch. Price, per set, in neat box with relief map on cover, 50 cents.

THESE maps enable a person to compare

the relative sizes of the different countries, of the different States, and many interesting and instructive hours can be passed in constructing the maps. "Very few persons realize how little they know of geography until they attempt to put the States in their proper places and properly name them."

WILLIAM BEVERLEY HARISON, School Books, School Supplies 59 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. City.

of all kinds at Wholesale Prices,

Christmas Silverware.


HE Gorham Manufacturing Company desire to announce that they are now prepared to show a larger, more complete, and unusual stock of Christmas Silverware than at any previous time.

In every department most careful attention has been paid to originality of design which, with the best workmanship, gives their present display a character and desirability peculiarly its own.

Gorham Manufacturing Company,


Broadway and 19th Street, New York.

Nine Times Out of Ten.

The advertiser who will use but one evening paper in New York City will, nine times out of ten, act wisely in selecting The Evening Post. No other has so large an advertising patronage. In influence and respectability it easily takes the lead.



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