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Where angels minister, archangels sing
All praise, all glory to that mighty King
Who soon shall come a potentate on earth;
Foredoomed to be such ere the world had birth ;-
Who soon shall come to reign as King of Kings,
To whom each prince his costly tribute brings;
To whom each one shall bend the knee in pray'r,
And whisper in his heart-our GOD is there;-
To whom the sav'd shall in full chorus join
To praise their Lord, their Sovereign, the Divine.
When Papal Pow'rs are fled, far, far away,
And Mah'med's Laws have vanish'd from the day;
When Infidelity the world has fled,

Pope and false Prophet number'd with the dead ;-
All those vain errors having met their doom,
Then shall thine own MILLENNIUM kingdom come.
Oh, haste the day! Oh, may I that hour know!
My wish―my pray'r—my antidote to woe ;—
See fallen Babylon dejected lie,

And Mahmed's followers all his faults descry ;-
Th'Infidels the Christian's faith believe,

And for their former errors sorely grieve:-
Those things fulfill'd-Pride having met her doom-
May then, oh Lord, thine own MILLENNIUM come.





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It is truly astonishing that the study of Prophesy is not only neglected, but treated with contempt; when, in the first chapter of St. John's Revelation, a blessing is pronounced on him that readeth, and those that hear the words of that prophecy. For my own part I am anxious to partake of this benediction and shall therefore disregard the comments of men.

It is not my intention to discuss such prophecies as have been fulfilled, unless they materially relate to my present object. But I shall closely investigate whether we are, or are not to expect the personal appearance of CHRIST; and likewise at what period his coming is to happen, and the Millennium

to commence.

It will be, in this place, necessary, briefly to consider the second and seventh chapters of Daniel.


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