The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, Том 12F. C. and J. Rivington, 1821 |
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Стр. 12
... JOHNSON . - passions of some DIFFERENCE , ] With a fluctuation of dis- cordant opinions and desires . JOHNSON . So , in Coriolanus , Act V. Sc . III .: 66 - thou hast set thy mercy and thy honour " At difference in thee . " STEEVENS . A ...
... JOHNSON . - passions of some DIFFERENCE , ] With a fluctuation of dis- cordant opinions and desires . JOHNSON . So , in Coriolanus , Act V. Sc . III .: 66 - thou hast set thy mercy and thy honour " At difference in thee . " STEEVENS . A ...
Стр. 14
... JOHNSON . 2 And I will look on both indifferently :) Dr. Warburton has a long note on this occasion , which is very trifling . When Brutus first names honour and death , he calmly declares them indifferent ? but as the image kindles in ...
... JOHNSON . 2 And I will look on both indifferently :) Dr. Warburton has a long note on this occasion , which is very trifling . When Brutus first names honour and death , he calmly declares them indifferent ? but as the image kindles in ...
Стр. 18
... JOHNSON . I would continue to read eternal devil . L. J. Brutus ( says Cassius ) would as soon have submitted to the perpetual dominion of a dæmon , as to the lasting government of a king . STEEVENS . 4 - aim : ] i . e . guess . So , in ...
... JOHNSON . I would continue to read eternal devil . L. J. Brutus ( says Cassius ) would as soon have submitted to the perpetual dominion of a dæmon , as to the lasting government of a king . STEEVENS . 4 - aim : ] i . e . guess . So , in ...
Стр. 24
... JOHNSON . 9 - BROUGHT you Cæsar home ? ] Did you attend Cæsar home ? JOHNSON . So , in Measure for Measure : " That we may bring you something on the way . " See vol . ix . p . 13. MALONE . Why are you breathless ? and why stare you ...
... JOHNSON . 9 - BROUGHT you Cæsar home ? ] Did you attend Cæsar home ? JOHNSON . So , in Measure for Measure : " That we may bring you something on the way . " See vol . ix . p . 13. MALONE . Why are you breathless ? and why stare you ...
Стр. 25
... JOHNSON . " 2 A common slave , & c . ] So , in the old translation of Plutarch : - a slave of the souldiers that did cast a marvelous burning flame out of his hande , insomuch as they that saw it , thought he had bene burnt ; but when ...
... JOHNSON . " 2 A common slave , & c . ] So , in the old translation of Plutarch : - a slave of the souldiers that did cast a marvelous burning flame out of his hande , insomuch as they that saw it , thought he had bene burnt ; but when ...
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Alexas Antony's bear blood BOSWELL Brutus CASCA Cassius CHAR Charmian Cır CLEO Cleopatra Coriolanus Cymbeline death doth edition editors Egypt emendation Enobarbus Eros Exeunt Exit eyes fear fortune friends Fulvia give gods Hamlet hand hath hear heart honour IRAS JOHNSON Julius Cæsar King Henry King Lear Lepidus look lord Lucilius Lucius madam MALONE Mark Antony MASON means MESS Messala metre musick never night noble Octavia old copy old reading old translation passage play Plutarch poet Pompey pray Proculeius queen RITSON Roman Rome says SCENE second folio sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies Sir Thomas Hanmer SOLD soldier speak speech spirit STEEVENS suppose sword tell thee THEOBALD thing thou art thou hast thought Timon of Athens Titinius translation of Plutarch Troilus and Cressida unto WARBURTON word ΕΝΟ Ром