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Russell, Sir William O.: Treatise on Crimes. 9th Amer. ed. 3 v. Philadelphia, 1877.

And various editions.

Rutherforth, Thomas: Institutes of Natural Law. London, 1754. 2d Amer. ed. Baltimore, 1832.

Sabine, Lorenzo: Report on the Principal Fisheries of the American Seas. Washington, 1853.

Sanford, H. S.: The Aves Island Case, with the Correspondence relative thereto, and Discussion on Law and Facts. Pamphlet. Washington, 1861.

Savigny, Friedrich Carl von: Private International Law. Translated, with notes, by Wm. Guthrie. 2nd ed. Edinburgh, 1880.

Traité de Droit Romain; traduit de l'Allemand par Ch. Guenox. Paris, 1840-51.


Das europäische Völkerrecht. Berlin, 1817.

Schofield, John M.: Forty-six Years in the Army. New York, 1897.

Schouler, James: History of the United States. 4 v. Washington, 1880-89.
Schuyler, Eugene: American Diplomacy, 1886.

8 v.

Scidmore, G. H.: Outline Lectures on the History, Organization, Jurisdiction and Practice of the Ministerial and Consular Courts of the United States in Japan. Tokio, 1887.

Scott, Robert N.: An Analytical Digest of the Military Laws of the United States. Philadelphia, 1873.

Schurz, Carl: Life of Henry Clay. 2 v. Boston and New York, 1888.

Scott, James Brown: Cases on International Law. Based on the late Dr. Freeman
Snow's Cases and Opinions on International Law. Boston, 1902.
Scott, Lieut. Gen. Winfield: Memoirs of. Written by Himself.


Scribner's Magazine.

2 v New York,

Second International Conference of American States (Mexico, 1901-1902). (S. Doc. 330, 57 Cong. 1 sess.) Washington, 1902.

Sedgwick, Theodore: Treatise on the Rules which govern the Interpretation and Application of Statutory and Constitutional Law. New York, 1857.

[Same] 2nd ed. by John N. Pomeroy. New York, 1874.

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Seijas, R. F.: El Derecho Internacional Hispano-Americano. 6 v. Caracas, 1884. Selden, John: Mare clausum, seu de dominio maris. Londini, 1635.

[Same] Formerly translated into English, and now perfected by J. H. London, 1663.

Seligman, E. R. A.: Essays in Taxation. New York, 1895.

Senate Executive Documents [of the United States].

Senate Executive Journals [of the United States].

Senate Miscellaneous Documents [of the United States].

Shepard, Edward M.: Martin Van Buren. Boston, 1898.

Sheppard, Eli T.: The American Consular Service. The Univ. Press, Berkeley, Cal., 1901; reprinted from the University [of Cal.] Chronicle. Extraterritoriality: pamphlet.

Siebold, Baron Alexander von: Japan's Accession to the Comity of Nations. Trans. from the German by Ch. Lowe. London, 1901.

Smith, W. L. G.: Fifty Years of Public Life; the Life and Times of Lewis Cass. New York, 1856.

Snow, Freeman: Treaties and Topics in American Diplomacy. Boston, 1894.

Cases and Opinions on International Law. Boston, 1893.

Lectures on International Law, 2nd ed., by Stockton. 1898.

Solicitor's Journal.

Southern Law Review.

Southern Quarterly Review.

Sparks, Jared: Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution. 6 v. Boston, 1829-30.

Spear, Samuel S.: A Treatise on Extradition, International and Interstate. 2nd ed. Albany, 1884.

Special Report on the Fisheries Protection Service of Canada. 1886.

Spence, George: Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery. 2 v. Philadelphia, 1846-50.

Staatsarchiv, Das: Samlung der officielen Actenstücke zur Geschichte der Gegenwart. Vol. I, 1861; continued up to date.

Stanwood, Edward: History of the Presidency. Boston, 1898.

Stapleton, Augustus Granville: The Political Life of the Right Honourable George Canning. 2d ed. 3 vols. London, 1831.

Stark, F. R.: The Abolition of Privateering and the Declaration of Paris. New York, 1897.

Stephen, Sir J. F.: History of the Criminal Law of England. 3 v. London, 1883. Digest of the Criminal Law. St. Louis, 1877.

Stevenson, Sara Yorke: Maximilian in Mexico. New York, 1899.

Stockton, Capt. Charles H., U. S. N.: The Laws and Usages of War at Sea. A Naval War Code. Washington, 1900.

Submarine Telegraph Cables in Time of War, in Proc. of U. S. Naval Institute, xxv, 452.

Stocquart, Émile: Studies in Private International Law. Brussels, 1900.

Le Mariage en Droit Écossais.

Story, Joseph: Commentaries on the Law of Agency.

Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. 3 v. Boston, 1833.
[Same.] 4th ed. By Thomas M. Cooley. 2 v.
Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws. 5th ed.

Boston, 1873.

Notes on the Principles and Practice of Prize Courts. Edited by Frederic
London, 1854.

T. Pratt.

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Stroock, Sol. M.: Switzerland and American Jews, in Publications of Am. Jewish

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Suarez, Francisco de P.: Plan of International Peace League. In Bulletin du Congrés de la Paix, Anvers, 1894, Annexe VI.

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Takahashi, Sakuyé: Cases on International Law during the Chino-Japanese War.
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Taylor, Hannis: A Treatise on International Public Law. Chicago, 1901.
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Nouvelle éd. Par

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