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the territory in question, and all the subordinate privileges included in that right. He expressed his astonishment at the unfeeling confidence of ministers, who could thus wantonly renounce every claim to humanity, as well as every attention to the honour of their country, by treating with so much levity and inattention the sufferings of their fellow-subjects, the tortures of British seamen, freed daily, perhaps, by death, from the intolerable miseries of a Spanish dungeon. He could not help expressing his astonishment on the noble lord, who spoke first, offering to explain what he was totally ignorant of, or what being well informed of, he chose to disguise and misrepresent: he was confident, that there was scarcely a single person, but his lordship, that was ignorant that a civil government, dependent immediately on this country, was established near the Black River, on the Musquito shore. It was notorious, that lord Dartmouth while in office, made it an object of his attention; nay, he remembered himself, an old acquaintance, a captain in the guards, since dead, who was appointed here, to that government; he having several conversations with him, after his return, on the subject of that colony, the degree of improvement it was capable of admitting, and its peculiar importance to the West India islands, and to the general trade carried on in that part of the world.

state, such law ought to be received. The unconstitutional effects, the oppression, and inefficacy of the present mode of levying men for the navy by an impress, are but too sensibly felt by the whole nation. A valuable sea-officer (governor Johnstone) who is a distinguished ornament to this House, and whose private and public character do real honour to human nature, having formerly treated of the practice of impressing, says, "It disgraces government, shocks the spirit of our constitution, and violates the laws of humanity; therefore every plan to obviate the evil, has a claim to a patient hearing and candid discussion." That worthy member's remarks must, I am sure, strike every body, who duly considers them, as just and forcible. Is it not an abominable sight, in a free country like ours, to have a number of sailors, with fire-arms and cutlasses, frequently, in the dead of night, sometimes intoxicated with liquor, making their way into the dwellings of peaceable inhabitants, dragging a sober unoffending subject from his home and settled means of livelihood, to convey him on board an impress tender, from thence to a guard-ship, imprisoned amidst the moral and physical contagion of a miscellaneous, kidnapped crew, to be driven across the seas, no mortal can tell him where, nor for how long a time; and what is still worse, seized by surprize, not suffered to bid a kind farewell to his wife and family, nor have a thought of their future subsistence, when deprived of his care; to adopt a new way of life, perhaps that for which his limbs and faculties are the worst calculated and fashioned by his Creator? And, Sir, is it not a serious matter of reproach to this wise, this liberal nation, never yet to have provided a remedy for such dreadful and extensive suf

Mr. C. Herbert observed, that after all that had been offered, two points were incontrovertible, which went equally against the grounds of the petition, allowing that every single fact contained in it was correctly stated; one was, that administration hitherto had acquitted themselves properly in every thing that depended on them; and that the matter was in a state of negociation; so that supposing the petition intended as a complaint, or as seeking re-ferings? What tumults, fear, and confudress from that House, there was not the least foundation for either the complaint, or the redress sought by the petitioner.

The question was put, whether the petition should be brought up? It passed in the negative.

Debate in the Commons on Mr. Temple Luttrell's Bill for the more easy and effectual Manning of the Navy.] March 11. Mr. Temple Luttrell rose pursuant to notice, and said: It is a fundamental maxim with the excellent writer on the Spirit of Laws, that when any law is proposed which indicates more good than evil to a [VOL. XIX. ]

sion arise in every city, town, and village, within ten or twelve miles of a press-gang! and what numberless inconveniences to all conditions of persons throughout Great Britain! In 1770, the lord mayor of London represented to the board of Admiralty, that the city of London was so infested with press-gangs, that tradesmen and servants were prevented from following their lawful business. A gentleman in Yorkshire, of rank and veracity, (who was formerly a member of this House) sends me word, that such is at this time the general apprehension in that part of England from a press-gang at Tadcaster, [G]

that the labourers on his estate are dispersed abroad like a covey of partridges; neither could half of them be brought back to their work, till the steward had given them assurance of his master's protection; still it seems they are afraid to return to their own homes at night, and therefore constantly beg leave to sleep upon straw in the stables and out-houses of their landlord. In the west of England, the public are now so prejudiced by press-gangs, that I have read a letter from Exeter, dated February 24, which observes, that there had been no fish in their town for upwards of a fortnight-a circumstance scarce known within the memory of man; and another correspondent of mine paints the miseries of the neighbouring coasts, in as strong colours as if there were famine, pestilence, or some other awful visitation of Providence-markets deserted, the price of the most urgent necessaries of life thereby greatly enhanced, and numbers of families among the inferior classes of mankind, from the insecurity of the masters of those families, by whose toil and industry they had long been maintained in comfort, reduced at once to the verge of poverty and wretchedness! How shamefully has this unconstitutional licence of the impress been abused at the town of Leicester, where men, the most unfit in every respeet for the sea service, were kidnapped, collared with iron, and manacled with cords or fetters, sent up to London, in the basket of the stage-coach, (as I understand) under command of a serjeant of militia, in violation of the most sacred laws of your constitution,-with a heavy local expence, and to no better end than to have them at length put at large, as totally incapable of the errand they set out upon! The animosities within this very metropolis, on the subject of impressing men for the navy, and the law-suits depending thereupon in the courts of Westminsterhall, must occasion much embarrassment and apprehension. In several of the ports along the north-east coast of England, you have actually subsisting, a dangerous commotion among large bodies of sea-faring persons, occasioned by many lawless proceedings of the press-gang, and every day's post brings some new detail of innocent lives lost, or limbs broken in that quarter. Sir, there have been lately no less than 120 men pressed, without distinction, in or about Bethnal-green and Spital-fields, of which between 70 and 80, after suffering every hardship, and leaving their fa

milies distressed at home, obtained a discharge, as of no use to the service.

Having already cursorily touched on some of the calamities and unconstitutional outrages affecting those manufacturers, mechanics, and husbandmen, who never exercised, nor had in contemplation, the trade of a seaman, I must next take a short view of your cruelty towards mariners by profession. They are not only liable to the same inhuman violence and surprize with landsmen, but when seized on board trading vessels for the purpose of serving his Majesty, are often imposed upon by fraudulent or imperfect bills, on account of wages due to them for past hire in the trader's employ. The lives of many brave officers and their followers have been sacrificed, or they have come off cruelly maimed by this invidious part of their duty. A multitude of seamen have been drowned by attempting to swim ashore from their ships, or have been shot by the centinels while they endeavoured to escape under cover of midnight darkness; being driven to phrenzy and despair for want even of a shadow of hope, that they might one day or other be entitled to a legal discharge. I remember, Sir, one Robert Fosper, a gunner's mate, belonging to the Resolution man of war, who, having been forcibly detained in the King's service, without remission, upwards of 17 years, twice endeavoured to hang himself, was cut down, and cruelly restored to the same endless bondage. Many tragical events, still more decisive than this, occur in the private memoirs of your seamen. Some die through a gradual vexation and despondency; while others, ere they can be seized on shore, torture and mutilate their limbs to incapacitate themselves for the yoke. What havoc is made during an impress, by fevers and various infec tious illness! the captive seamen being crammed unwholesomely together, or too long confined on board an impress-tender. In 1771, during the heat of an impress, the number of sick, in Haslar hospital near Gosport, amounted at one time to 1418. It has been observed by well-informed authors on maritime customs and policy, that the ill consequences of a protracted impress have destroyed more British seamen than the first two or three years hostilities of a foreign war; and a very intelligent writer, (I think it is Dr. Lynd) calls the guard-ship stationed at the Nore, for the reception of impressed men, a seminary of contagion to the whole

fleet, by persons from infectious prisons, government; and as with men serving voand covered with cutaneous or putrid luntarily, contentment is a natural conse eruptions. In 1770, and the beginning of quence, so from that contentment must 1771, the officer to whom I am indebted arise a zeal and alacrity, which will render for the better part of the proposed plan, 50 men capable of performing more real beheld ships from 2 to 300 tons burthen service than 70 could accomplish, whose deserted at sea, left only to a master, and actuating principles are directly repugnant perhaps three or four boys; cargoes ex- to such spirit and energy. While an imposed to perish; the lives on board sported press is in force, besides the high amount with, and property of owners and insurers of bounties, you are at the charge of emin a most perilous state. Near 400 ves- ploying from 4 to 5,000 seamen on that sels were at that period of time, during a duty, which, together with the guardships warm impress, in this condition on the for receiving pressed men, the tenders, open ocean: neither yards lowered, nor and various out-goings, amounts to such a topmasts struck; most of them deeply charge, that at a very moderate computaladen, and without strength sufficient to tion, every impressed man actually retainpurchase or weigh an anchor, owing to a ed for service, costs the nation 30%. sterling, general apprehension among the sailors of besides near as many seamen as are employbeing compelled to go immediately on a ed in the impress, rendered of little use on foreign voyage, without reasonable expec- the seas, from the necessity there is of puttation of ever being released, and feeling ting several of those who can be trusted, for that pain and anxiety which they were into guardships, for security, and sending sensible their wives and families must la- others on board merchant-vessels in lieu bour under, on their account. of impressed men.

There has frequently been given by the The impress, we know, fails us much in owners of ships thus abandoned on the point of number as well as of expedition. waves, so large a sum as from 25 to 30 The French, by means of a marine regisguineas, to superannuated sea-faring men, ter, fit out their ships of war to a certain to bring the vessel into a place of safety, degree of strength, perhaps near 40 sail of while the project of its voyage has been the line, far more expeditiously than we altogether demolished. A very serious can: this has been proved at the comdanger likewise arises to the public, when mencement of former wars; and hence seamen, belonging to ships coming home you must have been totally destroyed in from the Levant, and places accustomed the East Indies, early in the war which to the plague, break quarantine, and run began in 1755, were it not for the extraor the risk of a civil law sentence, rather than dinary skill and exertion of your British be pressed to serve an unlimited time, to seamen, and the prowess of sir George be sent abroad again without seeing their Pocock, who repeatedly engaged the home or visiting their relations, and allow- enemy, with a force much inferior to ed no prospect of some final period to theirs. When an alarm of war was soundtheir servitude; never, Sir, to rest unmo-ed throughout Great Britain and Ireland lested on their native soil. A heavy tax in 1770, press-warrants were issued and usually falls on commerce in general, continued in execution five months: you while an impress rages; partly from the then swept the refuse of gaols, and the exorbitant pay extorted by sailors, and outcasts of almost every town and hamlet, partly by the detention of ships, for want yet you scarce increased your mariners of men. Consider, too, the numerous poor (officers and servants exclusive, and withbelonging to sea-faring persons, without reckoning marines) to the additional which the parishes throughout this kingdom are burthened, during press warrants, or in consequence of an unlimited term of service. Certain I am, that no compulsory propositions, no encouragement nor lure whatever to seamen, no increase of bounty-money will avail so as to supply the numbers necessary for war, without a limitation of the servitude required. Unpopular methods are ever abundantly more tedious and expensive, than those where the people concur with

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amount of 8,000. For the naval service of the current year 1777, we have voted 45,000, including 10,000 marines; and the best parliamentary authority that can be quoted, since the weekly accounts have been unwarrantably and unprecedently denied to this House, gave us to hope, nay, to rest assured, that the whole number voted, would be raised by virtue of these press-warrants; adding, that 40 sail of the line were to be ready for sea, and completely manned, before the end of Feb


ruary. Sir, those 40 sail of the line must | detain, till she was safely moored; the rest require above 24,000 men. We are now of your new fleet repaired to Spithead, in in the month of March-press-warrants in much the same, or worse condition: I beforce between four and five months-we lieve the St. Alban's, of 64 guns, was the have about 14,000 men in Great Britain last of them; she sailed from Portsmouth and upon home service-possibly as many harbour, Feb. 28, and mustered about 177, in North America, and 4,700 employed in including officers, servants, boys, and ragthe Mediterranean and East or West In- gamuffins: for, out of that number, she dies; in all, from 32 to 33,000 men, of had only 24 or 25 able seamen : yet, Sir, which near 10,000 are marines, and more if this want of men were to be supplied by than 7,000 officers or servants :-of the the assiduity or private munificence of the remaining 16,000, we may allow one-third captain who commands her, sure I am, or upwards; say 5,340, to be complete from the general character he bears, there able seamen, and scarce 2,400 of those could be no grounds for so disadvantaare in Great Britain; the remainder of the geous an allegation as I am now stating. ships' complements are ordinary seamen Numbers alone, whatsoever the levies may or landmen: that is, in Great Britain at prove, seem the primary object with the this day, between 7 and 8,000 sailors of Admiralty, and regulating-captains; that the royal navy; officers of all ranks, ser- an ostentatious account may appear upon vants, &c. and marine-soldiers exclusive. paper, and a plausible one be held forth Such is the fact as to the present state of to parliament and to the nation; yet when your fleet; and it would better become these kidnapped and bludgeoned recruits the wisdom of parliament to remedy the are received on board his Majesty's ships, deficiency, than vainly to endeavour to and found not to answer any good purpose, conceal it from the penetrating observance they are quickly dispatched, as sick, to the of the Bourbon courts, and from their hospital, where they are, from time to agents or emissaries. I do admit that you time, examined by certain commanders of have a goodly show of pendants and the royal navy, who are directed by the streamers waving at Spithead; but, so far admiral at the department, to discharge are they from being formidable, as their all such men as may be found unserviceappearance bespeaks, that your ships able. A friend of mind was lately witness hardly ride secure against the equinoctial to seventy of these poor wretches being gales of the present season; much less are turned adrift in one morning. But, Sir, they in any condition to put to sea, and the custom of manning your navy, by imbid defiance to an enemy: they may serve pressing, can assume no better argument for a May-day pageant, or a pantomime, in its justification than state necessity; a regatta-like parade, during the serene of tyrant plea, which has done such immeathe approaching summer. I expect to be surable mischiefs in the best constituted told, with an air of triumph, that your governments upon earth. Even that plea, guardships have many supernumeraries; weak as it is, with so arbitrary, so savage but this is a mere subterfuge. We an application, could only assume the cohear of supernumeraries, when the men of lour of reason, till some more effectual exwar which bear them by order, actually pedient were discovered. want some hundreds of that complement of seamen, which would be necessary for action. Of the long list of ships of the line commissioned in addition to your former peace_ establishment, is there one manned? Even the Monarch, that crackship of the whole armament, which was so boasted of, as being the most forward of your supposed fleet of observation, how was she fitted at Portsmouth? Chiefly by those riggers, whom the zeal and activity of the commander induced him to employ, out of dock hours, at his own private charge, to equip her for a Spithead voyage. And how was she got thither, when ready? By the seamen from other ships; which seamen she was obliged to

I presume, Sir, I shall not hear repeated, within these walls, a false and injurious idea, sometimes ignorantly advanced without doors, that compulsion alone can insure the public duties of a seaman. The Bill I am to move leave to bring in, will afford a competent remedy; it is founded on principles strictly just and constitutional; replete with honour and economy to the public, and according to the present establishment of your fleet, will save the nation a very considerable sum annually. The Bill is advantageous to the masters and owners of merchant ships, as well as to all persons whatever concerned in commerce; it is highly beneficial to the sailor, by augmenting his

wages, limiting his time of service, and providing for him under the infirmities of age. Your seamen will henceforward be plenty in number, more healthful and vigorous, better qualified in their profession, rendered comfortable and content; and that valuable body of subjects, to whose unparalleled address and exploits on the guardian element of your empire, the whole British community owe freedom, opulence, and martial renown, be no longer the only slaves under the sanction or connivance of law, at least on this side of the Atlantic.

The principles and provisions on which the Bill is founded, have been thoroughly canvassed and approved of, by the most respectable professional gentlemen-many merchants, proprietors of trading and coasting vessels, and private mariners; which will be made evident by the original letters and testimonials I have in my hand; and some of which I shall, ere I sit down, take the liberty of reading to the House. With respect to the inventing and arranging this plan, it is chiefly the production of a most ingenious sea officer, who has had the experience of near 28 years, either in the royal navy or merchant's employ; a love of his profession, of his country, and some heart-felt sensibility, for the sufferings of his fellow-subjects, were the motives which first induced him (near seven years ago) to the pursuit of so great and desirable an object. The considerable space of time during which he was heretofore employed to raise men for the navy, made him an eye-witness to those scenes of general calamity, and of private wrong and hardship, which shocked his nature; he therefore has sedulously devoted his talents, ever since 1770, to prepare and accomplish this public-spirited task; his constitution and his circumstances have been much impaired by the journies he has made to several ports in this kingdom, with a view to ascertain the interests and opinions of navy people universally; besides the cost of a voluminous correspondence by letter, on the subject: and, Sir, whatever may be the fate of this Bill, sufficient praise can scarce be given to his zeal, and useful tables of calculation, or to the diffidence, patience, and persevering temper of mind, with which he has (under much discouragement) submitted to various strictures and additions to his work, and by which he has profited, so as to bring it to a perfection beyond his most sanguine hopes; yet, however confident

he or I may feel ourselves, from the encomiums that have been bestowed upon it, by the most intelligent authorities, we are still aware, that some particular articles contained in this Bill may be found to want amendment, when it comes before a committee of the House: presuming only on the propriety and urgent expediency of its principles and general designs, we shall cheerfully submit its minuter form and correction to the judgment of the legislature; but however, Sir, when we are to debate it clause after clause, I have the vanity to flatter myself, I shall be able to obviate many an apparent obstacle, which naturally may arise to very discerning understandings, at first sight. Reason, justice, the good of the nation, the voice and wishes of all descriptions of persons, plead loudly in favour of such a Bill; and, I hope no partial enmity or jealousy, no party spleen, no official recision or diminution of perquisites at any board, will raise up enemies for its destruction. I believe there is not an independent gentleman here, but feels a strong repugnance to the iniquitous, unconstitutional mode of pressing, now in use, and perceives the immediate jeopardy in which your inferior manufacturers, artisans, and husbandmen, stand in every part of the realm. These considerations, I trust, Sir, will tend to accelerate a remedy. At present there will be no occasion for me to enter further on the principles of the Bill at large, nor its constituent sections, than to produce proofs of the very favourable opinions by which it is upheld without these doors, by the most e:ninent commercial and professional characters, and to evince the sense which the common sailors have of its utility and salutary operations, if carried into a law.

When I consider, Sir, the great loss we have of late unhappily sustained of our most flourishing marine nurseries—of that continual influx of seamen, from the population and extensive commerce of the North American colonies; when I consider too, this same important addition to our former power, thrown henceforward into the adverse scale of whatever potentate shall, justly or unjustly, first wage war against us, I cannot but be convinced that our salvation, as a people, depends upon some effectual method of expediting our naval equipments, and rendering them truly formidable, by giving due encouragement to able marines, and inducing the lower orders to train up their children in a profession which constitutes

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