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The Earl of Ellenborough reminded Lord Malmesbury, that there had been ample opportunity for discussing almost every question connected with India in that House-Lord Ellenborough himself, as he had been reminded by Lord Granville, having spoken no fewer than sixteen times, and thus having already made his speech on the Bill clause by clause. Lord Malmesbury was "not justified in throwing off from himself all the responsibility which attaches to the passing of this measure."


Lord Ellenborough compendiously described the system which the Bill established and partly renewed, as containing something good and something bad. But, at the same time, I think that the greatest part of what is bad is not new, and that what is new is not bad." Generally, it was an improvement on the present system. He made merry at the expense of the self-mutilation imposed on the Court of Directors, and objected to the continuance of the Court of Proprietors as a constituency. What would a farmer do in a similar case? "Would he, if he were in his senses, continue to breed from a stock which always gave a bad breed? Would he, if he were asked to sell instead of breeding, retain in his farmyard the three oldest, most diseased, and incapable beasts of the lot, such as ought to have no place in a farmer's establishment, and which certainly should have no place in a Government concern?" He touched on the power of the directors to recall the Governor-General. "The Bible says, 'No man can serve two masters;' but the Government says the Governor-General of India shall serve two masters, and that, too, without the condition

which is said in the Scriptures to attach to the service of one of them -namely, that of despising him." (Cheers and laughter). He concluded with an impressive warning, lest the change should gradually sap the constitution of India, and act like that Indian poison "which gradually wastes away the body, but never betrays its presence but by the slow decay of every faculty." (Cheers).

After some observations from the Marquis of Salisbury,

Lord Monteagle said, that this was the first instance in his recollection in which both Houses of Parliament had appointed Committees to inquire into a complicated question, and then had been suddenly summoned to rush into legislation before either of those Committees had pronounced an opinion. The present Bill would complicate instead of simplifying the administration of India, and he should feel it his duty, in Committee, to propose several amendments, which he considered essential to the efficiency of the mea


The Duke of Argyll defended the course pursued by the Government, who, had they studied their own convenience, would have delayed the Bill for another year, but who had felt imperatively called on to legislate immediately for the improvement of India.

After some observations from Lord Ashburton, the Bishop of Oxford, and Lord Wharncliffe, the Bill was read a second time without a division.

The House having gone into Committee upon the Bill, a number of amendments were moved. A proviso, to render valid and give authority to a letter sent to India by the President of the Board of

Control, if signed by the secretary of the Board, was inserted in clause 1, on the motion of the Earl of Ellenborough. This was intended to obviate the inconvenience of delay occasioned by the Court of Directors in not immediately procuring the requisite number of signatures.

Lord Ellenborough then successively proposed amendments in clauses 3 and 4; one to enlarge the time for the appointment of the nominees; a second to enable Government to appoint "six" nominees at once instead of "three;" and a third providing that, in case the Court of Directors neglected to select 15 from among themselves in compliance with the Bill, Government should select 12 from them and nominate six. All these amendments were negatived.

On clause 7, Lord Ellenborough moved that all the retired officers of the Company, civil and military, who had served 20 years in India, should be added to the present constituency. This was supported by Lord Monteagle and the Earl of Harrowby, and occasioned some observations as to the corruptibility of the present constituency. Earl Granville and Lord Elphinstone opposed the amendment, and it was rejected.

On clause 13, Lord Ellenborough complained of the slovenly manner in which the clause and the oath contained in it were drawn, and proposed a new oath, couched in stringent terms. But Earl Granville having promised to reconsider the oath before the third reading, the amendment was withdrawn.

On clause 22, providing for the addition of legislative councillors to the Council of India, Lord Ellenborough desired the insertion of words making it clear that the

councillors were to be appointed from time to time, to be chosen from each Presidency, and to be removable. Lord Broughton protested against the whole clause, as fatal to the Bill, since under it a native might become acting Governor-General. But the clause passed as it stood, with the omission of the word "civil."

Lord Ellenborough proposed two amendments in clauses 25 and 30; the former providing that nothing in the Act should affect the power now vested in the GovernorGeneral by the Act of the 3rd and 4th William IV.; and the latter to make the Commander-in-Chief of the Queen's troops ex officio Member of Council, and the Commanders-in-Chief of the Presidencies ex officio Members of the Presidential Councils. But both were negatived.

Lord Monteagle proposed a clause declaring that no naturalborn subject of the Queen should, by reason of birth, colour, or religion, be incapable of holding employment either in the covenanted or uncovenanted service. Lord Granville did not object to the clause because he doubted the aptitude of the natives, but because it was directed against an imaginary evil. Under the present Bill, any native who exhibits equal talent with an Englishman will be employed. The clause was rejected.

There was a brief debate on Sir J. Pakington's clause, prohibiting to the Company the sale or manufacture of salt, and rendering it free to private enterprise. Lord Ellenborough strongly condemned this novel interference with the financial system of India. He opposed it on principle; it imperilled the revenue, and would, if

carried out, render necessary the employment of an army of excisemen. He also believed it would not produce to the commerce the benefits which were anticipated. India ought to be treated as a perfectly independent country in matters of finance, and he hoped that their Lordships would strike the clause out of the Bill.

The Earl of Albemarle cited statistics to show the deprivation sustained by the natives of India

in regard to salt, and hoped that the Indian authorities would be instructed by the Home Government to alleviate this state of things.

The clause was struck out of the Bill, which then passed through Committee.

In the House of Commons, the Bill, as thus amended, was agreed to without a division, and soon afterwards became law.




RUSSIA AND TURKEY.-The demands of the Czar upon the Sultan are regarded with great anxiety by Parliament and the country-Discussions in both Houses upon the subject from time to time-On the 25th of April the Earl of Clarendon makes a Statement-On the 27th of May the Earl of Malmesbury asks for information-Answer of the Earl of Clarendon - Observations of the Earl of Hardwick, Lord Beaumont, and Lord Brougham.-In the House of Commons, Lord John Russell is questioned by Mr. Disraeli-Speech of Lord John Russell-On the 30th of May the Earl of Hardwick addresses questions to the Ministry-the Earl of Clarendon replies-In the House of Commons, Lord John Russell declines to answer similar inquiries made by Mr. Disraeli-the Russians enter the Danubian provincesCount Nesselrode and Circular-It is commented upon with great severity by Lord Lyndhurst-On the 11th of July the Ministers are further questioned in both Houses - Next day, in the House of Lords, an important discussion arises, in which Lord Lyndhurst and the Earls of Clarendon and Fitzwilliam take part-In the Commons, Mr. Layard's motion is several times postponed --On the 13th of July Lord John Russell explains his previous interpretation of the Nesselrode Circular, which on the 18th of July is the subject of an interesting discussion in the House of Lords-On the 2nd and 8th of August the Marquess of Clanricarde asks for information relative to the Danubian Provinces-the Earl of Clarendon answers-Speeches of Earls Clarendon and Malmesbury - Further inquiries in the House of Commons—the reserve of the Government causes dissatisfaction—On the 12th of August the Eastern Question is again brought before the Lords, and discussed at some length by Earls Malmesbury, Clarendon, Hardwick, Ellenborough, and Lord Beaumont-On the 10th of August it is the subject of an animated debate in the House of Commons-Speeches of Lord John Russell, Mr. Layard, Sir J. Pakington, Lord D. Stuart, Mr. M. Milnes, Mr. Muntz, Mr. Blackett, Mr. Cobden, and Lord Palmerston-Naval Coast Volunteers Bill explained by Sir J. Graham-Pilotage and Mercantile Marine Bills by Mr. Cardwell— the three Bills are passed-Minor Measures of the Session-Acts for the Suppression of Betting Houses-The better Prevention of Aggravated Assaults-The Abatement of Smoke Nuisance, and the Vaccination Extension Act-Termination of the Session-Parliament is Prorogued by Commission-Speech of the Lords Commissioners-Review of the Session-Number and Importance of the Measures passedAspect of Public Affairs at the commencement of 1853 contrasted with that at its termination-Ministerial Crisis occasioned in December by the resignation of Lord Palmerston


ARLY in the year the anxious attention of Parliament and the public had been directed towards the East, where the unjust demands of the Emperor of Russia, that the Protectorate of the Greek Christians in Turkey should be conceded to him by the Ottoman Porte, had given rise to a state of affairs which threatened a most alarming interruption to the longcontinued peace of Europe. The origin, course, and details of the dispute, until the final rupture between the two countries, as well as the declaration of war by Turkey, and the subsequent events, will be found elsewhere. In this chapter we shall trace the progress of the discussions in both Houses of Parliament which, from time to time during the Session, arose out of the transactions between Russia and Turkey.

On the 25th of April, in the House of Lords, the Earl of Clarendon, in reply to a request for information upon the subject, made a statement respecting the then recent missions of France, Austria, and Russia to Constantinople. He said that the views of the different Governments with whom he had communicated were perfectly in harmony with those of Her Majesty's Government as regarded the maintenance of the independence and integrity of the Turkish Empire; so that Turkey had nothing to fear if the Sultan would be guided by ordinary prudence, and would adopt a more humane policy towards his Christian subjects. Lord Stratford had great authority and long experience in Turkish affairs, and stood in a position more favourable for offering advice likely to be favourably received than any man With respect to Austrian interference in Montene

gro, Lord Clarendon considered
that Austria had not infringed in-
ternational law, nor done anything
inconsistent with what was due
from one friendly Government to

The mission of Prince Menschikoff was one to place the matter of the Holy Shrines on a permanent footing; and public rumour had greatly exaggerated the naval and military preparations of Russia. The Emperor of Russia had made no secret of his intentions, and our Government had full reliance on his word. Admiral Dundas exercised a wise discretion in not complying with the request of Colonel Rose to advance the fleet, Colonel Rose not being cognizant of the information possessed by Her Majesty's Government. Lord Clarendon assured the House that the French Government were acting in entire concurrence with the British Government on Eastern affairs; and that the sending of the French fleet to the East had not originated in nor had led to any misunderstanding between the two Governments.

Exaggerated reports had been circulated a few days previously; but a despatch from Lord Stratford, dated the day after his arri val [4th April], stated that he had every reason to expect that the pending questions would be brought to a satisfactory conclusion; and another despatch was received on the day preceding, stating that on the 14th instant all was quiet at In fine, Lord Constantinople. Clarendon assured the House, that as regarded Turkey there was no danger of the peace of Europe being disturbed.

On the 27th of May the subject was brought under notice in both. Houses of Parliament, when the Earl of Malmesbury, in the House [N 2]

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