And there they built up, without mortar or lime, A Man on the peak of the crag. They built him of stones gathered up as they lay: "Drink, pretty creature, drink," she said in such a tone That I almost received her heart into my own. They built him and christened him all in one day, 'Twas little Barbara Lewthwaite, a child of beauty An urchin both vigorous and hale; And so without scruple they called him Ralph Jones. Now Ralph is renowned for the length of his bones; The Magog of Legberthwaite dale. rare! I watched them with delight, they were a lovely pair. Now with her empty can the maiden turned away: But ere ten yards were gone her footsteps did she stay. Right towards the lamb she looked; and from a shady place I unobserved could see the workings of her face: If Nature to her tongue could measured numbers bring, Thus, thought I, to her lamb that little Maid might sing: "What ails thee, young One? what? Why pull so at thy cord? Is it not well with thee? well both for bed and board? Thy plot of grass is soft, and green as grass can be ; Rest, little young One, rest; what is 't that aileth thee? What is it thou wouldst seek? What is wanting to thy heart! Thy limbs are they not strong? And beautiful thou art : This grass is tender grass; these flowers they have no peers; THE dew was falling fast, the stars began to blink; And that green corn all day is rustling in thy ears! I heard a voice; it said, "Drink, pretty creature, drink!" And, looking o'er the hedge, before me I espied A snow-white mountain-lamb with a Maiden at its side. Nor sheep nor kine were near; the lamb was all alone, And by a slender cord was tethered to a stone; With one knee on the grass did the little Maiden kneel, If the sun be shining hot, do but stretch thy woollen chain, This beech is standing by, its covert thou canst gain; For rain and mountain-storms! the like thou need'st not fear, The rain and storm are things that scarcely can come here. Rest, little young One, rest; thou hast forgot the day When my father found thee first in places far away; While to that mountain-lamb she gave its evening Many flocks were on the hills, but thou wert owned XV. TO H. C. SIX YEARS OLD. O THOU! whose fancies from afar are brought; The breeze-like motion and the self-born carol; To brood on air than on an earthly stream; Where earth and heaven do make one imagery; I think of thee with many fears For what may be thy lot in future years. I thought of times when Pain might be thy guest, Lord of thy house and hospitality; And Grief, uneasy lover! never rest But when she sate within the touch of thee. O vain and causeless melancholy! Alas, the mountain-tops that look so green and fair! Or, lengthening out thy season of delight, I've heard of fearful winds and darkness that come there; The little brooks that seem all pastime and all play, When they are angry, roar like lions for their prey. Here thou need'st not dread the raven in the sky; Night and day thou art safe,-our cottage is hard by. Why bleat so after me? Why pull so at thy chain? Sleep and at break of day I will come to thee again!" -As homeward through the lane I went with lazy feet, This song to myself did I oftentimes repeat; Again, and once again, did I repeat the song ; "Nay," said I, "more than half to the damsel must belong, Preserve for thee, by individual right, A young lamb's heart among the full-grown flocks. What hast thou to do with sorrow, Or the injuries of to-morrow? Thou art a dew-drop, which the morn brings forth, But, at the touch of wrong, without a strife XVI. 1802. INFLUENCE OF NATURAL OBJECTS IN CALLING FORTH AND STRENGTHENING THE IMAGINATION IN BOYHOOD AND EARLY YOUTH. FROM AN UNPUBLISHED poem. [This extract is reprinted from "THE FRIEND."] WISDOM and Spirit of the universe! For she looked with such a look, and she spake Thou Soul, that art the Eternity of thought! with such a tone, And giv'st to forms and images a breath That I almost received her heart into my own." And everlasting motion! not in vain, Of childhood didst thou intertwine for me Nor was this fellowship vouchsafed to me With stinted kindness. In November days, When vapours rolling down the valleys made A lonely scene more lonesome; among woods At noon; and mid the calm of summer nights, When, by the margin of the trembling lake, Beneath the gloomy hills, homeward I went In solitude, such intercourse was mine: Mine was it in the fields both day and night, And by the waters, all the summer long. And in the frosty season, when the sun Was set, and, visible for many a mile, The cottage-windows through the twilight blazed, I heeded not the summons: happy time It was indeed for all of us; for me It was a time of rapture! Clear and loud That cares not for his home.--All shod with steel And woodland pleasures,-the resounding horn, Of melancholy, not unnoticed while the stars, Not seldom from the uproar I retired Glanced sideway, leaving the tumultuous throng, Have I, reclining back upon my heels, |