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relates that according to the opinion of the people of the country, the vomito prieto was unknown at Saint Martha, and Carthagena before 1729 and 1780, and at Carthagena previous to 1740. The first epidemic of Saint Martha was described by Juan Josef de Gastelbondo" a Spanish physician. Since that period the yellow fever has several times raged out of the West India Islands and Spanish America, on the Senegal, in the United Statest, at Malaga, Cadizi, Leghorn, and according to the excellent work of Cleghorn, even in the Island of Minorca. $ We have thought it proper to relate these facts, many of which are not generally known, because they throw some light on the nature and cause of this cruel disease. The opinion that the epidemics which since 1793 have nearly every year afflicted North America, differ essentially from those which for centuries have prevailed at Vera Cruz, and that the yellow fever was imported from the coast of Africa into Grenada, and from thence into Philadelphia is equally destitute of foundation with the hypothesis formerly very generally believed, that a squadron from Siam introduced the vomito into America. * In all climates men appear to find some consolation in the idea that a disease considered as pestilential is of foreign origin. As malignant fevers easily originate in a numerous crew cooped up in dirty vessels, the beginning of an epidemic may be frequently traced to the period of the arrival of a squadron; and then, instead of attributing the disease to the vitiated air contained in vessels deprived of ventilation, or to the effents of an ardent and unhealthy climate on sailors newly landed, they affirm, that it was imported from a neighbouring port, where a squadron or convoy touched at, during its navigation from Europe to America. Thus we frequently hear in Mexico, that the ship of war which brought such or such a viceroy to Vera Cruz, has introduced the yellow fever, which for several years had not prevailed there; and in this manner during the season of great heat, the Havannah, Vera Cruz, and the ports of the United States mutually accuse one another of communicating the germ of the contagion. It is with the yellow fever as with

* Luzuriaga de la calentura biliosa, t. i. p. 7.

+ In 1741, 1747, 1762.

# At Cadiz in 1731, 1733, 1734, 1744, 1746, 1764, and at Malaga in 1741.

§ In 1744, 1749–(Tommasini sulla febbre de Livorno del 1804, p. 65.)

* Labat's Voyage aur Isles, t. i. p. 73. Respecting the plague of Boullam in Africa, see . Chisholm on Pestilential Fever, p. 61; Miller, Histoire de la fievre de New Yorck, p. 61 ; and Volney, Tableau du Sol de l'Amerique, t. ii.

p. 334.

the mortal typhus, known by the name of oriental pest, which the inhabitants of Egypt attribute to the arrival of Greek vessels, while in Greece and Constantinople, the same pest is considered as coming from Rosetta or Alexandria. * Pringle, Lind, and other distinguished physicians consider our summer and autumnal bilious affections as the first degree of yellow fever. H. A feeble analogy is also discoverable in the pernicious intermittent fevers which prevail in Italy, and which have been described by Lancisi Torti, and recently by the celebrated Franck f in his treatise of general nosology (nosographie). It is affirmed that from time to time in the Campagna di Roma, individuals have been seen to die with nearly all the pathognomonical signs of yellow fever, icterus, vomiting, and hemorrhages. Notwithstanding these resemblances which are not accidental, we may consider the yellow fever wherever it assumes the character of an epidemical disease, as a typhus sui generis, which participates both of the gastric and ataxo-adynamical fevers." We shall distinguish consequently the bilious stationary fevers, and the intermittent pernicious fevers which prevail on the banks of the Orinoco, on the coast which extends from Cumana to Cape Codera, in the valley of the Rio de la Magdalena, at Acapulco, and in a great number of other humid and unhealthy places visited by us, from the vomito prieto, or yellow fever, which exerts its ravages in the West Indies, at New Orleans, and Vera Cruz. The vomito prieto, has never appeared hitherto on the western coast of New Spain. The inhabitants of the coast, which extends from the mouth of the Rio Papagallo, by Zacatula and Colima, to San Blas, are subject to gastric fevers, which frequently degenerate into adynamical fevers; and we might say that a bilious constitution prevails almost continually in these arid and burning plains intersected with small marshes, which serve for abodes to the croco

* Pugnet, sur les fievres du Levant et des Antilles, p. 97 and 331.

f Lind sur les maladies des Europeens, dans les pays chauds, p. 14; Berthe, Precis historique de la maladie qui a regné en Andalousie, en 1800, p. 17.

f Petrus Franck de curandis hominum morbis, t. i. p. 150. The analogy observable between the cholera morbus, . the bilious sever and the gastro adynamical fever, has been indicated with much sagacity in the beautiful work of M. Pinel, Nosographie Philosophique (3rd edition) t. i. p. 46. and 47.

diles, t

* Nosographie, t. i. p. 139—152, and p. 209. Mr. Franck designates the yellow fever by the name of febris gastrico

t Crocodilus acquitus.-Cuv.

• At Acapulco, bilious fevers and the cholera morbus are very frequent; and the Mexicans who descend from the table land to purchase goods on the arrival of the galleon, are but too frequently the victims of them. We have already described the position of that town, the unfortunate inhabitants of which, tormented with earthquakes and hurricanes, breathe a burning air, full of insects, and vitiated by putrid emanations. For a great part of the year they perceive the sun only through a bed of vapours of an olive hue, which do not affect the hygrometer placed in the lower regions of the atmosphere. On comparing the plans which I have given of the two towns in my atlas of New Spain, we may easily conjecture that the heat must be still more oppressive, the air more stagnant, and the existence of man more painful at Acapulco, than at Vera Cruz. In the former of these two places, as well as at Guayra and Santa Cruz in Teneriffe, the houses are built against a wall of rock which heats the air by reverberation. The basin of the port is so surrounded with mountains, that to give during the heats of summer some opening to the sea wind, Colonel Don Josef Barriero, Castellana or governor of the Castle of Acapulco, caused a cut to be made through the mountain. This bold undertaking, which goes in the country by the name of Abra de San Nicolas, has not WOL's IV. L

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