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Griralta, (Hernando de) discovers the island of Socorro and California, I, xcii; II, 321 ; IV, 19. Griralva (Juan de) visits the island of Ulua in 1518, II, 262. Guacaros, (los) mountains, II, 336. Guachichiles, tribe of Indians, II, 205. Guachinangos, a name by which the inhabitants of the city of Mexico without habitations are designated, I, 235—See Sarragates. Guadalazara, (Don Diego) Professor of mathematics at Mexico, author of a Table of Latitudes, I, lxvi, 220. Guadalazara, bishoprick—Its revenues, I, 231. Guadalawara, intendancy, II, 227—Its extent, ibid—Its climate, II, 228—Its agriculture, II, 229—Its mines, II, 230–Its towns, ibid—Its Reales de minas, III, 122—Its manufactures, III, 460. Guadalarara, town, II, 230—Its manufactures, III, 460, et seq. Guadalupe, fiver—See Tepeyaca. Guadiana—See Durango, town. Gualgayoc, mines, III, 343—Their produce, III, 346. Guallaga, a river which may serve for the establishment of a commercial communication between the two seas, I, 41. Guamachuco, produce of its mines, III, 346. Guamanes, a tribe of Indians, II, 205. Guanawuato, intendancy—Number of ecclesiastics contained in it, I, 230 (*)—Its extent II, 204—Its population, II, 206—Its agriculture, II, 204—Its mines, II, 205– III, 119—Its towns, II, 205—Its mineral waters, II, 207– Minute description of its mines, III, 169, et seq.—Revenues of the intendancy, IV, 237. Guanazoato, town—Its geographical position, I, xlviii—Its population, II, 206—See also Zacatecas. Guarisamey, mines, II, 295. Guasacualco, river, I, 72.

Guatimucin—See Quauhtemotzin,

Guautitlan, river, II, 108.

Guazaca—See Oaxaca.

Guayaquil—Annual balance of its commerce, IV. 120.

Guayhuenes, Indians who periodically visit the Huaytecas and Chonos Islands, IV, 286.

Guaymas, port, II, 298.

Guayra, annual balance of its commerce, IV, 120.

Guayras—See Huayres.

Guelves, (Marquis de) viceroy of Mexico, orders the canal of Nochistongo to be stopt up, II, 131.

Guerra, (Garcia) archbishop of Mexico, viceroy of New Spain, entrusts the work of the Desague to Alonzo de Arias, II, 130.

Guichichila, mines, II, 230.

Guignes, (M. de) his researches respecting the quantity of silver earried by the English to China, III, 446.

Guines, (Canal de los) projected in the island of Cuba, I, 44; IV, 287.

Guitivis port, II, 298.

Gulph stream, current of warm water, I, 33.

Gutteries, a baptized Indian, author of a manuscript on the history of Mexico, II, 74 (*).

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Habilitadores, capitalists who carry on the commerce of Vanilla and Quinquina, III, 24. Haenke, (M. Thadee) botanist of the expedition of Malespina, II, 277. Hammocks, amount imported into Vera Cruz in 1802, IV, 36 ; in 1803, IV, 47. Hams, amount imported into Vera Cruz in 1802, IV, 33; in 1803, IV, 44. Haro, (Gonzalo Lopez de) his expedition to the Russian establishments in America, II, 367.

Harpoons, amount imported in Vera Cruz in 1802, IV, 36. Harpsichords, manufactured in Mexico, III, 488. I Hatun-Potocsi, or Cerro de Potosi—See Potosi. Havanah, (Capitaneria Generale) balance of its commerce, IV, 127—Its gross revenues, IV, 241. Havanah, port, annual balance of its commerce, IV, 118– This port ought to be regarded as the military post of of Mexico, IV, 273. Heceta, (Bruno) his voyage to the north west coast of America, II, 365. Heceta, first name of the Rio Columbia, II, 365. Heights, measured in the interior of New Spain, I, cyliii. et seq.; IV, 354. Hell, (Father) how he fixed the position of San Jose, I, * liii. Hemp, the government does not encourage its cultivation in Mexico, II, 517, and III, 20. Hens, unknown in Mexico at the period of the conquest, III, 51. Herrera, (Don Josef)—See Cevallos. Hides of buffaloes, influence which the edict of free trade has had on their exportation, IV, 100. Hides, (raw) amount exported from Mexico in 1802, IV, 38; in 1803, IV, 49—Influence which the freedom of commerce has had on this exportation, IV, 100. Hides, (tanned) manufactures of, in the intendancy of Guadalaxara, III, 461. Amount exported from Mexico in 1802, IV, 38—Influence which the edict of free trade has had on their exportation, IV, 100. Himmelsfurst, mine of Saxony compared with that of Valenciana, III, 202. Hog, animal unknown in Mexico at the period of the con- quest, III, 51. Horns of oren, influence which the edict of free trade has had on the exportation, IV, 100.

Horses, their propagation in the Savanahs, IV, 257.
Hospital of Mexico, II, 50.
Hostimuri, town, II, 305. *
Hostotipaquillo, mines, II, 230.
Huajocingo, or Huerotcinco, town, II, 203; III, 461.
Hualca (Diego) discovered the metalliferous depository of
Potosi, III, 17 l.
Huancavelica, mercury mines in Peru, III, 309.
Huantajaha, produce of its mines, III, 347,
Huari Capca, discovered the mines of Pasco, III, 341.
Huasacualco, river which might serve to establish the commu-
nication between the two seas, I, 22—Its importance in this
respect was perceived by Cortez, IV, 17. -
Huaryacac, one of the principal places of the country of the
Zapotecs, II, 235.
Huayna-Potocsi, a mountain near Potosi, III, 376.
Huayres, furnaces anciently used in the Cerro de Potosi for
the extraction of silver from ores, III, 376. -
Huaytecas, archipelago visited by the Indians of Chiloe, IV,
286. w
Huehuetoca, (Desague de)—See Desague.
Huehue-Moteuezoma, the name of Montezuma, I, II,
9, (f)—Dike which he orders to be constructed, II,
1 17.
Huehuetlapallan, unknown country, originally inhabited by the
Toltecs, I, 36.
Hueilcohuacan, town, II, 305.
Huexotcinco, see Huajocingo.
Hugarte, (De Lere Juan) discovered the errors of the maps of
California, I., lxi.
Huichilobos, see Huitzilopochotli.
Huitzilopochco, springs brought into the canals of Tenochtitlan, *
II, 31–Danger to which that aqueduct exposes the city,
II, 119.
Huitzilopochtli, Mexican divinity—Where his temple was si-
tuated, II, 9–Signification of this name, II, 17 (t)
Huitzitzila, see Tzintzontzan. -

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Igname, its cultivation in Mexico, II, 500; IV, 336. See vegetables. Isles of the Great Ocean discovered by the Spaniards, IV, 82. Importation of European goods into Mexico—Its amount in 1802, IV, 33, et seq.; in 1803, IV, 46; in 1804, IV, 363 : in 1805, IV, 366, and in 1806, IV, 366–Its annual amount, IV, i 11, and IV, 281 : and in all the Spanish colonies, IV, 127—Amount of fraudulent importation, IV, 131 et seq. Imposts paid by the proprietors of mines, III, 328. Indies (East) quantity of gold and silver which flows there from Europe, III, 442: IV, 339. Indians (copper coloured Americans)—Their number, I, 131– Their migrations from north to south, I, 137—Their languages, I, 138—Their physiognomy, I, 380—Their complexion, I, 143—They have a beard, I, 147—Their longevity, I, 148—Drunkenness, I, 149—Are not subject to deformities, I, 152—Their resemblance to the Mogul race, I, 153—Their moral faculties, I, 155—Their state of civilization before the arrival of the Europeans, I, 158 —Comparison between them and the Negroes, I, 162– Their religion, I, 164—Their character, I, 164—Their melancholy, I, 171—Their taste for painting and sculpture, I, 172; for flowers, I, 173, 174—Their social state, I, 179—Oppressions they experienced at the time of the conquest, I, 180—They were subjected to the encomiendas, I, 181—Their condition has been ameliorated in the 18th century, I, 183; especially by the establishment of intendancies, ibid.—Inequality of fortune among them, I, 184—Wretchedness of the great mass, I, 185—Examples

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