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Cortez made of it, II, 10—Plan which he drew up of it, II, 13—Successive settlements made there by the Aztecs, II, 16—Description of the Teocalli of Tenochtitlan, II, 19—See this word—Description of the town of Mexico, II, 25—See Mexico—Antique monuments found in the valley of Mexico, II, 61—Pyramids of San Juan de Teotihuacan, II, 63—Military entrenchment of Xochicalco, II, 69—Places remarkable in a historical point of view, II, 70–Chinampas floating on the lakes, II, 96– Hot springs, II, 101—Castle of Chapoltepec, II, 102– Afluents of that valley, II, 107–Desague of Huehuetoca, II, 111—See this word—Project for draining the valley, II, 134—Causes of the depopulation of this valley, Il, I 69.

Merico, town—Its geographical position, I, xxi-The longitude which the author assigns to it, differs a degree and a half from that which has hitherto been adopted, I, xviii—Consternation which the eclipse of the sun in

1803 occasioned in Mexico, I, xxx—Latitude, ibid.— Distance of that town from Acapulco, I, xl—Antient names of Mexico, I, 12—Advantages of its situation for communications with the rest of the world, I, 79—Proportion of the casts which constitute the population, II, 209; 256–Scientific establishments contained in this city, I, 212—Number of saragates or inhabitants without any domicile, I, 235—Proportion of the sexes in its population, I, 252—This city is no longer situated in the midst of water, II, 9—Dikes by which it communicated with the continent, II, 25—Mexico, as rebuilt by Cortez is smaller than Tenochtitlan, II, 27—Why it is at a distance from the lakes, II, 29—Beauty of the town and its environs, II, 38–Cleanliness which prevails there, II, 44—Aqueducts for the conveyance of fresh water, II, 45—Causeways leading to it, II, 47—Remarkable edifices, II, 49—Antique monuments, II, 52–Description of the palace of Montezuma, II, 70–Ruins of that of

king Axajacatl, II, 72—Bridge called Salta de Alvarado, II, 73–Bridge of the Clerigo, II, 76–Did Cortez do right to rebuild the city in the place where Tenochtitlan was situated P II, 78—Its population, II, 81, 183. IV, 291– Number of the ecclesiastics, I, 230 (*), II, 83—Revenues of the archbishoprick, I, 271 ; II, 84—Its tribunal of inquisition, II, 84—Births and deaths, II, 85—Consumption of its inhabitants, II, 90—compared with that of the inhabitants of Paris, II, 92—Increase of the consumption of wine since 1791, II, 93—Consumption of bread, II, 94–Legumes cultivated in the floating gardens, II, 96—Causes of the inundations to which the city is exposed, II, iii, 121—Inundation of 1446, II, 117; of 1553, II, 120 ; of 1607 ibid.—Great inundation from 1629 to 1634, II, 133—Project of transferring the city elsewhere, II, 137—Operations undertaken to prevent future inundations, II, 152 et seq. See Desague de Huehuetoca— General view of all these operations, II, 159—Why they do not absolutely secure the city from inundation, ibid.— Project of a new canal, II, 162—Another project of a level, II, 167—Advantages which the city would experience in supplies of provisions when the new canal will be completed, II, 175 ; and the interior commerce of New Spain, ibid.—Project for making a canal from Mexico to Chalco, II, 177; and another to the port of Tampico, II, 179–-Elevation of the town above the sea, II, 183—Its manufactures, III, 461 ; IV, 4–Ouantity of gold wrought there within these five years, III, 477, et seq.—Description of the mint of Mexico, III, 479– House of separation, III, 483—Works in bronze and furniture manufactured in Mexico, III, 488—It is the principal emporium of the interior commerce of New Spain, III, 492—Details of the population at the enumeration of 1790: 1st, monks, IV, 29 l ; 2nd, nuns, IV, 292; 3rd, secular persons, IV, 292; 4th, casts, IV, 293; 5th, male students, IV, 294; 6th, female schools, IV, 294; 7th, hospitals, IV, 295: 8th, prisons, IV, 296; 9th, according to their occupations, IV, 297. Meritli—See Teocalli of Tenochtitlan. Mertitlan, lake, I, 73. Meztli Yizaqual, house of the moon, antient pyramid, II, 63. Micaotl, the road of death, the old name of the valley where the pyramids of Teotihuacan are situated, II, 68. Michuacan—See Michoacan. Micuipampa, mines, III, 293. Mier (Don Cosme de y Trespalanos), dean of the high court of justice at Mexico—Plans which he caused to be drawn of the Desague de Huehuetoca, II, 109 (*)— As superintendant general of the Desague de Huehuetoca, he caused two levels to be constructed, II, 156. Miguitlan—See Mitlan. Militia—Their number, IV, 248—Their distribution, IV, 252 —Why they are so numerous, IV, 258. Mimbreños—See Apaches. Minerals—Their nature, III, 151—Their average wealth, III, 159—See Mines. Mineria (Cuerpo de) at Mexico–Advances made by it to proprietors of mines, I, 228. Mines—State of them, III, 104, 454—Mining under the Aztec kings, III, 109—Geographical position of those which are at present wrought, III, 119—General table of all the mines, according to their division into thirty-seven diputaciones, ibid.—Geological view of New Spain; rocks, III, 128—Mineral depositories, veins and beds, III, 134—Union in groups, III, 138—Formation of veins, gold, and silver; nature of the minerals, III, 146Average wealth of the minerals, III, 159—Description of the most metalliferous regions: Guanaxuato, III, 164; Zacatecas, III, 204; Catorce, III, 209; Pachuca and Real del Monte, III, 212; Tasco, III, 224

Art of the Mexican miner; administration of the mines, III, 231—Amalgamation and smelting, III, 251—Influence of the price of mercury on the progress of mining III, 283–Quantity of gold and silver extracted from the mines of Mexico, III, 287—Can the annual produce be augumented? III, 294—Common metals: iron, copper, III, 296; tin, ibid.; lead, III, 298—Metals of limited use, ibid.—Mercury, III, 299–Coal, III, 320–Salt, III, 321—Soda, ibid.—Legislation of the mines; supreme council, III, 324—Impost paid by the proprietors, III, 328 —Future progress, Ill., 232—Comparison of the produce of the mines of Mexico with that of the other Spanish colonies, III, 336–Produce of Peru, III, 337; of Chili, III, 352; of Buenos Ayres, III, 353; of New Grenada, III, 379–Table of the actual produce of the mines of the New Continent, (not including contraband) III, 389–Precious metals exported in contraband from the ports of Vera Cruz and Acapulco, III, 390; from Carthagena and Porto Bello, III, 392; by the river Amazons, ibid.; from Chili, III, 393; from the viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres, ibid; from Brazil, ibid. Table of the actual produce of the mines of the New Continent (including contraband) III, 394–Table of the actual produce of the mines of Europe, Northern Asia, and America, III, 397—Proportion between the gold and silver extracted from Spanish America, III, 399—Researches respecting the quantity of gold and silver which has flowed from one Continent to the other, since 1492, III, 442, 441 et seq. r according to Ustariz, III, 403; according to Moncado, Navarete, and Solorzano, III, 405: ascording to Raynal ibid.; according to Adam Smith, III, 408; according to Robertson, III, 409; according to the author of Recherches sur le commerce, ibid.; according to Necker, III, 410; according to Gerboux, ibid.—Quantity of registered gold and silver extracted from the mines of America, from 1492 to 1803, III, 413–Unregistered gold and silver, III, 417–Total gold and silver, extracted from the mines of America since 1492, III, 418—Proportion in which the different colonies have contributed, III, 420–Proportion between gold and silver, III, 421– Amount of gold and silver found at the conquest, which became the spoil of the conquerors, III, 422–Quantity of specie in circulation in the New World, III, 428– Quantity of gold and silver which passes immediately into Asia and Africa, without touching Europe, III, 430– Total quantity of gold and silver which Europe has received from the New World, since 1492, resulting from the preceding calculations, III, 431—Proportion in which these riches have flowed into Europe at different periods, III, 434—Researches into what has become of these riches, III, 436–-Different ways by which gold and silver flow into Asia : 1st, by the commerce of the Levant, Egypt, and the Red Sea, III, 441 ; 2nd, by the East Indies and China, III, 442; 3rd, by the Russian commerce, III,449—Accumulation of gold and silvcr in Europe, III, 452. Miners, degree to what they have carried the art of mining in Mexico, III, 233—Miners are free in New Spain, I, 124, III, 246. Mint at Mexico, III, 479–Quantity of money annually coined there, III, 481—Annual profit which the king derives from it, IV, 209—Comparison with the mint of Paris, IV, 358 et seq. Missionaries, hostilities which they sometimes commit against the Indios Bravos, I, 237. Mita, (La) a law which compels the Indians to work in the mines, is no longer in force in Mexico, I, 124. Mitla, (Palace of) its ruins, II, * /9/ Mixteca, a mountainous country, II, 237. Mocińo, (M.) see Moziño. Moctezuma, river, I, 72.

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