America Fear No EvilXulon Press, 2008 - 284 էջ This book addresses the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - the "Nation under God" - the foremost nation of this generation. With her destiny securely hid in God - for in "God We Trust" - this nation has been graced by Him to not only shape her future but that of other nations worldwide as well. This divine mandate - to oversee other nations - has most unfortunately brought her into confrontation with the evil forces that rule these nations. The greatest of these forces being FEAR - especially as propagated by terrorists. Terrorism has posed the greatest danger to universal freedom. And once more there is a summons for America to stand up against this dark threat of violence against the future. FEAR is the terrorists' greatest weapon. Therefore, our primary strategy to defeating terrorism is to refuse to fear. As said President F.D. Roosevelt "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." Rev. Mbijiwe Mwenda, a former Kenya Air Force officer, is the Founder and President of Resurrection Glory Ministries International (RGMI) and the Senior Pastor of the Glory Cathedral Church (GCC) based in Nairobi, Kenya. Known best internationally for his life-changing writings, he has authored several books including: Understanding Dreams and Visions; Identifying and Breaking Ungodly Family Altars; Identifying and Breaking Sexual Altars; Breaking the Curse of Poverty; God's Supernatural Power to Make Wealth and Seated With Christ in the Heavenly Places to Rule. He also writes for several Christian Magazines in Kenya including the authoritative Revival Springs magazine. He is married to Annie Zoe, and both live in Nairobi-Kenya, happily serving the Lord. |
From inside the book
Արդյունքներ 32–ի 1-ից 5-ը:
Էջ xx
Ներեցեք, այս էջի պարունակությունն արգելված է:.
Ներեցեք, այս էջի պարունակությունն արգելված է:.
Էջ 61
Ներեցեք, այս էջի պարունակությունն արգելված է:.
Ներեցեք, այս էջի պարունակությունն արգելված է:.
Էջ 74
Ներեցեք, այս էջի պարունակությունն արգելված է:.
Ներեցեք, այս էջի պարունակությունն արգելված է:.
Էջ 78
Ներեցեք, այս էջի պարունակությունն արգելված է:.
Ներեցեք, այս էջի պարունակությունն արգելված է:.
Էջ 116
Ներեցեք, այս էջի պարունակությունն արգելված է:.
Ներեցեք, այս էջի պարունակությունն արգելված է:.
Endorsements | vii |
Dedication | xiii |
War Is Declared On America | 23 |
Fear Is The Terrorists Target | 63 |
Why Do They Hate Us? | 69 |
Are Terrorists a Vehicle Of Gods | 85 |
Where Was God On 911? | 99 |
Uncovering Deception | 121 |
One Nation Under God | 141 |
The President Of The United States | 159 |
A Word For The American Soldiers | 229 |
Pray For America | 237 |
America Wont Give Up | 243 |
Fear No Evil | 263 |
References | 271 |
America This Is Your Moment | 129 |
Common terms and phrases
address on Monday al Qaeda Al-Aqsa Mosque Allah Almighty America arms army attack battle Beirut believe Blessings and Salutations bomb called century cockpit Congress courage crusaders death defeat defend democracy Democratic destiny divine dream duty Embassy enemy evil faith Fatwa fear fellow citizens fight Flight 93 forces freedom God's grace hand heart hijackers Holy Places hostage human Ibn Taymiyyah International Airport Iraq Iraqi Islamic Israel January 20 Jihad Joshua justice Kenya killed king kingdom Kufr land leaders liberty lives LORD March MBIJIWE military Mujahideen Muslims Nation never oath Osama bin Laden Party passengers peace plane pray prayer President prophet Allah's Blessings protect Qaeda radical regime Republican second inaugural address spirit strength terror terrorists thee thou tion Todd Beamer Tom Burnett Ummah United unto victory war on terror weapon words youths
Սիրված հատվածներ
Էջ 268 - He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress : my God; in him will I trust.
Էջ 268 - Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night ; nor for the arrow that flieth by day ; nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness ; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noon-day.