On the Univerfity Carrier, who ficken'd in the Time of his Vacancy, being forbid to go to London, by reafon of the Plague. 235 Another on the fame. 236 On the new Forcers of Confcience under the Long Parliament. Ad Pyrrham, Ode V. The fifth Ode of Horace, Lib. 1. English'd. 237 238 Pfalm 86. Pfalm 87. Pfalm 88. A Paraphrafe on Pfalm 114. 281 283 284 287 288 293 Joannis Miltoni Londinenfis Poemata. Quorum pleraque intra Annum Ætatis Vigefi mum confcripfit. Elegia prima ad Carolum Diodatum. 301 Elegia fecunda in Obitum Præconis Academici Cantabrigienfis. 304 Elegia tertia in Obitum Præfulis Wintonien 305 fis. Elegia quarta, ad Thomam Junium, &c. 308 Elegia quinta, in adventum Veris. 312 Elegia fexta, ad Carolum Diodatum, ruri commorantem. Elegia feptima. In Proditionem Bombardicam, 317 320 324 326 ibid. Apologus de Ruftico & Hero. 327 Sylvarum Liber. In Obitum Procancellarii Ad Patrem. Pfalm CXIV. 344 348 Philofopbus ad regem quendam qui eum ignotum & infontem inter reas forte captum infcius damnaverat τω ἐπὶ θανάτῳ πορευόμθμος bac fubitò mifit. In Effigiei ejus Sculptorem. 349 Ad Salfillum Poetam Romanum ægrotantem. Manfus. Epitaphium Damonis. Bibliothecarium. ibid. ibid. 354 355 363 Ad Joannem Roufium, Oxonienfis Academiæ Of Education, to Mr. Samuel Hartlib. 367 PARA PARADISE REGAIN'D. BOOK I. WHO ere while the happy Garden sung, By one Man's Difobedience loft, now fing Recover'd Paradise to all Mankind, By one Man's firm Obedience fully try'd Thou, Spirit, who led'st this glorious Eremite Into the Defart, his victorious Field Against the spiritual Foe, and brought'ft him thence By proof th' undoubted Son of God, inspire, II As thou art wont, my prompted Song, else mute, B 15 Now 21 Now had the great Proclaimer with a voice More awful than the found of Trumpet, cry'd Repentance, and Heaven's Kingdom nigh at hand To all Baptiz'd: to his great Baptism flock'd, With awe the Regions round, and with them came From Nazareth the Son of Jofeph deem'd, To the flood Jordan came, as then obfcure, Unmarkt, unknown; but him the Baptist foon 2.5 Defcry'd, divinely warn'd, and witness bore As to his worthier, and would have refign'd To him his Heavenly Office, nor was long His witness unconfirm'd: on him baptiz'd Heav'n open'd, and in likeness of a Dove The Spirit defcended, while the Father's voice From Heav'n pronounc'd him his beloved Son. That heard the Adverfary, who roving ftill About the World, at that affembly fam'd Would not be last, and with the voice divine Nigh thunder-ftruck, th'exalted Man, to whom Such high atteft was giv'n, a while furvey'd With wonder, then with envy fraught, and rage, Flies to his Place, nor refts, but in mid air To Council fummons all his mighty Peers, Within thick Clouds and dark ten-fold involv'd, A gloomy Confiftory; and them amidst With looks agaft and fad he thus befpake. O ancient Pow'rs of Air and this wide World, 35 For much more willingly I mention Air, 45 How many Ages, as the years of Men, This |