A. POEM, IN FOUR BOOKS. To which is added. SAMSON AGONISTES; AND POEMS upon feveral OCCASIONS. With a Tractate of Education. The AUTHOR LONDON: Printed for J. and R. Tonfon and S. Draper, R. Ware, M DCC XLVII. 35 50 73 139 Book IV. Samson Agonifies. Poems on feveral Occafions. LYCIDAS. In this Monody the Author beavails a Learned Friend, unfortunately drown'd in his Passage from Chelter, ex the Irish Seas, 1637. L'Allegro. Il Penferofo. 141 148 253 ARCADES. Part of an Entertainment prefented to the Countess of Derby. A MASK. On the Morning of Chrift's Nativity. The Hymn. 159 165 209 210 On the Death of a fair Infant dying of a Upon the Circumcifion. |