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6th.-Examined the yearling heifer Susan, got by Stately out of Aurora, owned by A. Hillman. Your committee thought she was the best, and award her the first premium.

7th.-Examined the bull calf owned by Almon Brown of Wilton. Said calf was sired by the Duke of Athol out of the Lady Fairfax, and is three months old. Your committee pronounce him a very good calf, and worthy the Society's premium. No other entered.

8th.-Examined the two years old heifer Fairfax, bred by J. Wadsworth, sired by Bay State out of Lady Fairfax. She possessed some very good stock points, and had a very fine calf by her side; owned by A. Brown of Wilton. We award her the first premium.

Mr. Brown also entered a yearling heifer, but did not present a Your committee judged her second best.


Sheep. The committee report:-But few sheep on the ground, but of fair quality. There seems to be a lack of interest in sheep, proportionate to their income and profit.

On fine wool bucks, the first premium was awarded to Joseph Titcomb, the second to Wm. S. Gay, and the third to J. F. Butler. On fine wool ewes, the first premium was awarded to William S. Gay.

On lambs, the first premium to Wm. S. Gay.

On long wool bucks, the first premium was awarded to James Allen, the second to A. Hathaway of Wilton, and the third to Josiah Godding.

(The only statement returned is regarding Mr. Hathaway's buck which was a grade Cotswold.)

On coarse wool sheep, the first premium to Z. H. Greenwood. On lambs, the first premium to Z. H. Greenwood.

Swine. The Committee say:-" Only one entry in this important department was made. This animal was presented by Col. David Ingham of Farmington, and was purchased by him of Mr. Wood, in Chester county, Pennsylvania, called the Chester White, four months old, and weighing nearly two hundred pounds. This breed is reported to excel in docility, and the ease with which they take fat renders them peculiarly profitable, while they can be kept as cheap as any other breed. In symmetry and size they are un

surpassed. Your committee have no hesitation in pronouncing this one of the noblest specimens of the porcine family, and award the Society's first premium to his owner, Col. David Ingham of Farmington. The Society has cause to regret that no more interest is taken in the improvement of swine; and your committee beg to say that no surer test of prosperity of a farmer can be given than in the fat and thriving condition of his porkers, for besides the profitableness of the meat and lard, unlike their biped cousins, though very similar in some other respects, the quadruped gentry support themselves by their daily work."

Poultry. The Committee say:-"There was no large gathering of fowls for our inspection. Two lots of hens were brought to the notice of the committee, viz: Bolton Greys, golden and black and Golden Polanders. For table use and the production of feathers, we prefer the Polanders; but from the laborious disposition of the Bolton's, and their inclination to work for the good of the human race, without tiring or setting. We award the first premium to S. West. The second premium to Z. Greenwood.

There were two kinds of Turkeys. One was snow white, and the other jet black. Both were very beautiful, and of excellent quality. The male white turkey has adopted the fashion of letting a wisk of hair grow on his frontal parts. Whether the turkey follows the fashion of the young gentlemen of the day or the young gentlemen the fashion of the turkey, is not for your committee to decide.

Having long lived in a country where there are strong prejudices against color, and having imbibed some of the same towards turkeys, and believing the white ones to be more intelligent, and without doubt intended to govern, your committee do not hesitate to award the Society's first premium to the white turkeys."


Premiums were awarded on Baldwin, Spitzenberg, Black Oxford, Somerset, Golden Russet, and other apples.

Also upon Concord grapes, quite ripe. Specimens of chestnuts, shown by S. Farmer of Temple.


Indian Corn. First premium to Jonas Goding of Farmington, for 55 bushels on one acre, and 8 bushels of inferior quality. Land in grass for 9 or 10 years past, yielding about half a ton per acre; eighteen loads manure spread on sward and plowed nine inches deep; shovelful of compost to each hill. Premium on half acre to James M. Mosher, for 80 bushels of ears.

Potatoes. First premium to J. B. Morrison of Farmington, for 400 bushels on one acre-Lapland, Peach-blow and State of Maine, on interval land, which had been mown for 25 years past. Four cords strawey manure spread on the furrows.

Premium on half acre, to David Miller of Wilton, for 153 bushels; old bound out grass land; two cords manure spread on furrows, and four cords applied in the hills.

R. S. Currier of Wilton, 126 bushels on half acre.

Barley. Warren Bullen grew 544 bushels of two rowed barley. Land in corn last year.

Turnips. John W. Dyer of New Sharon, 154 bushels on onefourth of an acre; old mowing land; plowed in June; one and a half cords manure from the sheep fold-a little ashes and plaster applied.


This Society held its Annual Exhibition at Strong, on the 28th and 29th of September. The Secretary, J. M. Kempton, Esq., writes me as follows:- "The exhibition of animals was not so large as usual, on account of stormy weather, but would compare favorably as to quality. This Society, heretofore prosperous, has made very marked improvement during the past year. Much interest has been manifested in the improvement of neat stock, sheep and swine. Several pure blooded Durham bulls have been introduced; also some grades of the same, and some of the Herefords. The sheep raised in this section are mostly a cross of the Eastern coarse wooled sheep with the Merino; they are hardy, stand the winter well, and shear good fleeces.

The swine, heretofore mostly Berkshire and Native, are being improved by the White Chester. This last variety is considered on the whole, the best and most profitable known to us.

The horses most esteemed, are a mixture of the Eaton and French bloods. The Morgan and Messenger breeds are also spoken of very highly.

Much interest has been manifested in manufactures, especially the more substantial fabrics of ladies' manufactures, such as flannels, carpetings, &c.

The following, are some of the premiums awarded:



Durham and Hereford bull, first premium to Charles H. Vining of Strong.

Second premium to Orison Dill of Phillips.

One full blooded Durham bull, owned by J. B. Knowlton of Strong, was shown. The statement accompanying, says he was

three years old last spring, imported from New York, one year ago. This bull, Young Symmetry, No. 2453, vol. 3, American Herd Book, was sired by the celebrated imported bull, Fairmount, No. 490, American Herd Book. 1st, Dam, Fanny; 2d, by Dandy, No. 402; 2d, Fanny by Symmetry, 166; 3d, Matilda by Splendid, 161; 4th, Gipsey by Ajax, 2944, E H. B.; 5th, by Red Lady by Washington, 1500, E. H. Book.

First premium on one year old bull was awarded to C. Harvey, Jr., of New Vineyard, for Durham, raised by Mr. Percival of Waterville.

First premium on bull calf to Cyrus H. Brett of Strong.

The owner says in the statement, "that he prefers Durham and Hereford as a cross, because the Durham is too large and bony and the Hereford is much inclined to take fat."

Sheep. The committee on sheep award the first premium on fine wool buck to S. W. Pratt of Phillips.

Second to Charles Vining of Strong.

On coarse wool buck, first premium to J. B. Knowlton of Strong. Second to Orison Dill of Phillips.

On six coarse wool lambs, first premium to J. B. Knowlton of Strong.

Second to John Church of Phillips.

On six coarse wool ewes, first premium to J. B. Knowlton of Strong.

Swine. First premium on boar to J. B. Knowlton of Strong. First premium on breeding sow to J. B. Knowlton of Strong, for Chester swine. The committee say:-"We consider them a very excellent breed and would recommend them to the patronage of the farmers of North Franklin."

one acre.


Wheat. First premium to Thomas Vining, for 25 bushels on Sown June 1st on land in potatoes the year before, and manured in the hill. Fifteen loads manure spread on in '59. Red wheat.

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