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Osgood. This horse was a fine specimen both of horse and horsemanship, being capitally broken, and kind and obedient to the slightest touch of the rein or halter. Bradbury has a good horse, and ought himself to have a premium, as a horse tamer.

Breeding Mares. There were but two presented. One by Ichabod S. Warren of Denmark. Ten years old; breed, Morgan; weight, 850 pounds; raised by him, in Denmark; and with all the points of a fine breeder and good family horse. To him we award the first premium, for the best breeding mare.

The other entry was by Thomas Farington of Stow. This mare had by her side a fine large four months old colt, which has been awarded the premium for best colt less than six months old. The mare is a good specimen of a good breeder; age, six years; weighs 1,000 pounds; blood not stated; raised in Stow. This gets the second premium for breeding mares.

Cows. The Committee on Cows report:-In order to secure the greatest good in any enterprise, a thorough, practical acquaintance with all its bearings and relations is indispensibly necessary. He who would succeed in mercantile pursuits must not only be possessed of sufficient capital in ready money, but must be qualified to transact his business economically, and invest his money when and where it will yield him the quickest and largest returns. The huntsman who would become an adept in trapping game, must first acquaint himself with the habits of the animal he pursues. He must know what kind of food it chooses, and when it takes it; when it is in the best condition, and where it may naturally be found.

So he who would avail himself of the comforts and luxuries of a good dairy, and lay the foundation of a superior stock, must become a close, practical student of the female, in all her conditions and circumstances; not only after she becomes a cow, but in earliest life. "Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined," is no less true among the brutes, than among the human race, and neither can be neglected with impunity. Nature does all her work finally and well; and always accomplishes whatever is undertaken, unless hindered by outward circumstances, over which she has no control. Man, short-sighted and selfish as he is, arrogates to himself the ability to improve upon nature's operations; and as may naturally

be expected, always fails. Nature teaches us that the mothers of all animals know better than we, the best good of their offspring. It teaches that the calf should be allowed to run with the mother until she weans it herself; and in this way, and no other, can the young attain that growth, size and strength designed by nature. A large proportion of the heifer calves, and many steers, never know the sweet deliciousness of drawing their sustenance from the source nature has provided, but suck the bitter, cold, blue milk from a hog's trough, and take a dessert from each other's ears. What is the result? Small cows are the legitimate fruit of this course; and as like begets like, a small, diminutive, partially developed stock is entailed upon the proprietor of so narrow and circumscribed policy. One suggestion, en passant, may contain something not impracticable, but perhaps beneficial. Let farmers select a cow which brings large, well-formed calves, and allow her to follow the promptings of nature; free intercourse with her young, until they dissolve the relation of mother and child mutually; and then dry up the cow and let nature again exercise her recuperative powers and be suitably prepared to undergo and maintain with profit, the next season of reproduction. In this way a superior breed may be produced, and money made by the operation.

Where are the cows and heifers owned by the members of this Society? Have they not good cows? or are they unwilling to drive them here, lest the quantity of milk will be diminished?

We noticed only three entries of cows; two two years old heifers; five of a year old; and one heifer calf.

Willie J. Bradbury, an enterprising lad of eleven years, through dint of untiring perseverance, exhibited a nice two years old heifer. No application was legally made, but your committee feel disposed to encourage such examples of industry and energy. This lad desires to become a member of this Society, and we would recommend a gratuity.

B. F. Whitcomb of Sweden, presented a nice looking cow, but your committee were unable to decide upon her merits, as she appeared to be dry. It seems that our farmers misconceived the true plan of exhibiting cows. As a general thing such cows are presented as have been dry during the summer, and are fat and smooth; and such have always received the premiums, regardless of intrinsic

merit. Hoping that there may be more competition next year, we respectfully submit the above report.

Statement of M. K. Mabry.

The animal which I offer is ten years old. She is the offspring of a native two years old heifer, by a grade Durham bull. She was raised by me, from her mother, and her food has been of the average quality usually fed to stock, by farmers generally. She sucked six weeks, one-half the milk, and was weaned on grass by the roadside. She was pronounced unfit to winter; but soon discovered uncommon faculties for getting a living, and grew nicely. She brought a calf when three years old and has had one every year since, four of which I now own. Two give milk and bid fair to excel her in milking properties. In the month of June, in seven days, she gave 2643 pounds milk, and made 11 pounds of butter. She is very hardy, gaining flesh upon food with which other cattle will hardly hold their own. She has done better the last season than ever before, and seems to be just in her prime. I think cows may be kept with profit until they are sixteen years old, accidental cases excepted.

Oxen and Beeves. The Committee upon Oxen and Beeves, having attended to their duty, report:

The number and quality of cattle exhibited were commendable, and showed an increased interest in the exhibition, over former years.



We would earnestly recommend to our farmers to drive in their cattle, whole herds, that an interest may be awakened which will result in the greater advancement of our agricultural interests. It should not be the great object of these annual exhibitions, the small amount of premium offerred, but the permanent benefits resulting to the great cause of agriculture.

Bulls. The Committee on Bulls report:-There were eight entries of bulls; and it is a source of sincere gratification to be able to announce to this Society that they were all noble animals, exhibiting many superior points, and shewing great care in rearing, as well as selecting those of good forms, color, breeds and races. Three full blood bulls were entered-one Durham and two Devons. The Devons appeared to be more numerous and preferred by a large majority of exhibitors. We noticed several half blood Devons, all superior animals.

Thomas J. Haley of Stow, exhibited a full blood Devon, which your committee unhesitatingly decide to be one of the finest specimens of neat stock ever exhibited at our shows.

Hosea R. Allen of Hiram, presented a full blood Durham, two years old, which is 6 feet 6 inches in girt, and weighs 1,500 pounds. The fanciers of the Short horns might have regaled themselves with an inspection of his superior qualities.

Benj. F. Whitcomb of Sweden, also presented a full blood Devon, raised by John F. Anderson of South Windham, that amateur of North Devon stock. It is such an animal as he knows how to


We regret that some misunderstanding even now exists among those who compete here for premiums. Some enter on the books, but make no legal application. Some make an application but no entry. Some have made entries and left their stock at home, and no doubt will complain that no notice is taken of them. We hope that this evil may be remedied in future. We award the premiums as follows:

Thos. J Haley of Stow, the premium for best full blood bull.
Elden Barker of Lovell, for best native bull.

Ivory Wentworth of Hiram, do., second premium.

Hosea R. Allen of Hiram, best bull calf.

We would recommend a gratuity to H. R. Allen, for his full blood Durham bull.

Sheep. The committee report:-To William Woodbury of Sweden, the first premium for sheep. This was the only flock of sheep exhibited, but we consider it worthy of the premium.

To M. K. Mabry of Hiram, the first premium for best buck. This buck was of the Leicester breed, we think a profitable one for this climate. He appeared to be hardy, looked thrifty, and was in good flesh, which is rarely the case with a buck of his age. He was compactly built, of good size, weighing about 130 pounds, which is considered good weight for his age, one year, and the keeping he has had.

To William Woodbury of Sweden, the second premium, for his buck. This buck is of the native breed, crossed with South Down.


The Committee on Town Teams report three entries in this department, to wit: one from North Fryeburg, one from Denmark, and a team of three years old steers from Hiram. The ox-teams exhibited were made up of beautiful animals, generally well-matched, and many of gigantic size.

First premium to the team from Denmark, entered by J. W. Davis. Second premium to the team from North Fryeburg, entered by H. D. E. Hutchins.


The Committee on Grain report entries for premium on crops of wheat, by Benjamin F. Whitcomb of Sweden, Mark F. Witham of Denmark, James Walker of Fryeburg, Nelson Gamage of Sweden, and Washington Colcord of Porter. The same system of cultivation was pursued by all. The land, the previous year, was prepared for corn, and a crop raised in the common way, generally by plowing in green manure, and manure in the hill.

Benjamin F. Whitcomb of Sweden, having raised 29 bushels on one acre, we award him the first premium. He describes it as bald wheat, but not having a specimen of the same, we are unable to speak of it as it may deserve,--an omission on his part which should bear unfavorably to his claim; but as it exceeded the others by a number of bushels, we accept it, with a recommendation that hereafter such neglect should be fatal.

The second premium we award to Mark F. Witham of Denmark, who raised 24 bushels on one acre. The specimen exhibited was a beautiful white wheat, apparently of the Scotch Fyfe variety, clean and plump!

The third premium we award to James Walker of Fryeburg, for 23 bushels raised on one acre, of the Scotch Fyfe variety. The specimen exhibited was good.

Nelson Gamage of Sweden, having raised a large crop of 80 bushels on 4 acres of land, we considered as deserving our particular attention, whether the less amount raised per acre on a larger tract of land should not overbalance more wheat raised per acre on less

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