Parish Hymns: A Collection of Hymns for Public, Social, and Private Worship, Selected and OriginalH. Perkins, 1848 - 480 էջ |
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Parish Hymns: A Collection of Hymns for Public, Social, and Private Worship ... Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1844 |
Parish Hymns: A Collection of Hymns for Public, Social, and Private Worship ... Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1850 |
Parish Hymns: A Collection of Hymns for Public, Social, and Private Worship ... Դիտել հնարավոր չէ - 2017 |
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adore almighty angels Behold beneath bless bless'd bliss blood breast breath bright cheerful Christ crown dark dear death divine dwell dying earth endless eternal everlasting everlasting song eyes faith Father fear foes give glorious glory gospel gracious grief guilt happy hast hath hear heart heart of stone heaven heavenly hell holy Holy Spirit hope Hosanna humble Jesus joyful King Lamb Lamb of God Let thy light live Lord love divine mortal mourn night o'er pain pardon peace pray prayer proclaim rapturous songs Redeemer Redeemer's reign rejoice rest rise Sabbath sacred saints salvation Saviour Saviour bleed seraphic shine sing sinners sins skies smile song sorrow soul sovereign Spirit Star of Bethlehem sweet tears thee thine thou art thy feet thy grace thy love thy name thy praise thy throne thy word tongue voice wandering Watts weary weep ye saints
Սիրված հատվածներ
Էջ 197 - My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of thine, While like a penitent I stand, And there confess my sin.
Էջ 316 - My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour Divine. Now hear me while I pray, Take all my guilt away, O let me from this day Be wholly thine.
Էջ 175 - Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take ; The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head.
Էջ 244 - Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise.
Էջ 175 - WHEN all thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise.
Էջ 406 - If aught should tempt my soul to stray From heavenly wisdom's narrow way, To fly the good I would pursue, Or do the sin I would not do, — Still He, who felt temptation's power, Shall guard me in that dangerous hour.
Էջ 390 - Strong in the Lord of Hosts, And in his mighty power : Who in the strength of Jesus trusts Is more than conqueror.
Էջ 226 - How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear ! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear.
Էջ 380 - FROM every stormy wind that blows, From every swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat; 'Tis found beneath the mercy-seat. 2 There is a place, where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads ; A place than all besides more sweet, — It is the blood-bought mercy-seat.
Էջ 345 - GIVE to the winds thy fears; Hope, and be undismayed ; God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears ; God shall lift up thy head.